

Dear Readers, 

How are you all? I hope you all fine and safe. 

With this, we have come to the end of season one of the SPRING LOVERS. 

It was very fun spending time with you all. I never thought that this book would receive so much love and adorations from you all readers. I am really thankful to all the readers who gave us and this book a chance. All the way from starting to the end, I am really obliged to all the readers. 

Looks likes for some days, I have to take a break from writing. Because of my studies and exams, I would have to be away from all of you for a while. 

But don't worry, we will meet soon, with a new beginning and a new path for all our characters. 

From every ending comes a new beginning. Every end is a new beginning. With a new beginning comes new hopes and aims, keeping this in mind, we will be taking farewell from all the readers for some time. But don't be disheartened, because we will be returning soon, with a new season. 

We hope that in this time of our absence, all the readers can continue supporting us. 

You must be curious about what exactly happened? 

To find out the answers to your questions, stay tuned for the next season….


Yes, the SPRING LOVERS will restart from October 1st, so make sure that you have your questions in your mind, till then. 

Till then you can interact with me in my discord server.

Link : https://discord.gg/tF6yvTn

Thank you, 

Love to all my readers!


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