
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Derivasi dari karya
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103 Chs

Silver Head Maid and Tang Yuehua

"...Umm, my Prince where are we going?" Na'er asked with a curious tone.

She is still trying to understand how she ended up with this amazing Prince who is worshipped by everyone like this!

Will all this attention he is getting and busy schedule to cultivate he still spends time with her like this!

He made sure she has everything needed! From clothes to food to other stuff!

"To awaken your Martial Spirit. After that, we will go to Moon Pavillion where a nice lady will teach you all sorts of things." 

"Um, okay. If this is what you want!" She happily said that. 

Xue Long took the silver head girl to the Spirit Hall branch in the capital.

Sure enough, they were greeted by the owner of the place.

"My prince. Is there something I can help you with?" The bishop asks respectfully. It's no surprise that Spirit Hall already knows that the Prince has two purple rings.

Utterly shocking… even for them…

"Yes. This is Na'er, I rescued her from the Star Lou Forest. I can sense that she has a strong Martial Spirit. Possibly dragon related. I want you to awaken it, if possible."

The man had giddy look for a second when he heard that! If the prince has this much confidence and brough this girl personally this means it's big!

By this point, everyone in the empire knows that Xue Long is obsessed with martial arts and fighting. Yet, he brought her himself!

This means this girl is truly special!

"Very well! Let's get to this! Please follow me!"

Sure enough, the pair followed the bishop to deeper into the hall. The silver head with awe looked at how beautiful this place looked. 

~~~~~~After Awakening Ceremony~~~~~~

The bishop looked at this with wide mouth when he saw the spear the six-year-old girl was holding.

This was a top-tier tool! Extremely beautiful! It looked like it was made from silver and luxurious gems!

"Na'er what is the name of your Martial Spirit?" Xue Long asked nicely.

"Um, It's Silver Dragon Spear!" She quickly answered back as she looked at her tool with awe. It was beautiful to her as well.

"I see."

"My Prince! It appears your Martial Spirit is attracting other Dragon-type Martial Spirits!" Spirit Hall bishop said with realisation.

'Oh, you have no idea, old man. I have a beautiful woman trying to kill me. Not the marriage way sadly.' Xue Long thought to himself

"Well, it is a King Martial Spirit." He mentioned quite casually as he looked at Na'er.

"Sweetheart, do you want to learn how to wield it properly?" 

"Eh!? Y-Yes!" She said that with blush. The way he called her like that came out of nowhere!

Honestly, she doesn't understand why he is calling her with such an affectionate tone!

While Bishop knows very well, or he thinks in his natural greed-tinted view. He thinks that he is this nice because the girl has incredible talent.

While he isn't wrong. One of the reasons is that he is building permanent bridges with Silver Dragon King and simply because the girl is cute. Not to mention its Martial Arts and Martial Arts training. And that is his life!

"Good. I will teach you how to use this spear. But for now, we need to meet this nice lady who will teach other important stuff."

"M-My Prince! We still need to check her Rank!"

"Oh? Right. I can sense that it's full innate but we can check with the orb." Xue Long said that quite casually he has full trust that Na'er is at that level!

After all, she is part of his counterpart!

"Full Innate rank!?"

The Bishop squeaked while saying that! The full innate talents are extremely rare! Not as rare as Xue Long's absurd rank, but people with full Innate rank will reach Titled Duolou as long as the Martial Spirit is decent enough.

"Indeed. Now Na'er put your hand on that orb and channel a little bit of your spirit energy." 

The silver head slowly nodded and walked over to the crystal which was put on the pedestal. 

She put her only free hand on it as she was holding her spear with her other hand.

Moments later she channelled her energy into it.

The crystal started to glow brightly.

"...Full Innate Rank…" the bishop said with slightly wonderment and disbelief.

This was much more controlled, unlike last time when the bishop had to change the orb as Xue Long energy crushed it.

"Indeed. Na'er wonderfully did. Now let's go we have to visit another plate." 


The silver head happily nodded as she can see more places.

~~~~~~Moon Pavillion~~~~~~

"Umm…what is this place?" 

"It's a place where you will be learning etiquette, dancing, writing and other things." 

As he explained to her the girl still tried to process what this means.

While they were walking with relaxed steps the guards and other people noticed the blonde prince. It's hard not to notice him, people know him just by looking and nobles long ago make paintings of him.

So his arrival was an utterly big thing for these people! After all, he rarely if not all leaves the gardens where he is training himself.

That's why when they saw him arrive here they all scrambled to organise as if headless chickens running around and looking for the head rooster.

Eventually, a woman in her early twenties walked over and with an elegant bow introduced herself.

It may look strange how a child around this age makes adults behave like this, however it's not a secret that the entire Heavenly Luo Empire knows that their fourth Prince is a freak of nature.

"Prince Xue Long it's an honour to meet you." The elegant woman greeted the prince.

"Miss Yuehua it is nice to meet you in person." Xue Long did a simple nod, which doesn't truly fit for a prince of an Empire. Where Na'er did a bow. Only her's was quite amateur, she was someone who never did any sort of bows before.

"Likewise. Though I would like to know what someone of your interests is doing here." The lady asked him curiously. She can't see why someone like Fourth Prince would come to her pavilion. His character doesn't fit for someone who would want to learn etiquette.

"Well, it's not for me. It's for my cute girl over here. She will be my maid." Xue Long said that while putting his hand on the Na'er head. He patted her hair for a bit which made her blush a little bit.

"...My prince… you know that I am teaching nobles etiquette, not…future servants. No matter how cute they are." She said that while looking at the cute silver-haired girl with big purple eyes. This girl was simply… beautiful!

"I know. You are best at what you do. This is why I am here. I here to offer a deal. I will help with your Martial Spirit problem, and in turn, you will teach Na'er here how to be super maid for me."

As the prince said that the pair looked at him with some shock. For Na'er it was that he will do something for her like this! While the woman in question was utterly shocked. But then it quickly turned into the sceptical look.

"I know that look. Let me explain about my Martial Spirit." As he said that towering Golden Dragon King manifested behind him. It was at least 5 times Prince's size. 

What was quite amusing and fascinating is that the dragon was copying the way Xue Long was standing with crossed arms.

The western dragon was doing a completely identical thing!

"You most likely have heard how I was unruly and very aggressive in my early years."

Tang Yuehua slowly nodded at him. She heard stories about how the fourth Prince would destroy his room when he was extremely small. Furniture including. He would rip it piece by piece until nothing was left of his room.


At that time people believed that he was born with a mutated Heavenly Swan martial spirit. And they were not wrong. He was born with something completely different!

"This was because of him. The greater the power of martial spirit the greater the package it brings.

Golden Dragon King is the incarnation of the pure dragon. There is no purer dragon than this martial spirit. This means its emotions are at its most purest primal form. Pride, blood lust and all those.

Simply put it's a miracle that I survived this long with such spirit. Otherwise, it would have consumed me instead of me consuming it."

"...what do you mean by 'consuming' it?"

As she asked him he showed her his control over his Martial Spirit.

"My control over my Martial Spirit is nearly perfect. Once I reached this point I simply 'know' how to cultivate it."

Her eyes widened when she heard it!

"This means it's like subconsciously you know what you need to do to next change. It's like you feel your limbs and know their state. This is very similar to that."

Tang Yuehua nodded at him, she understood his explanation. The woman looked at the ring on her finger.

Can she reach such a level like Xue Long?

"Before you accept. If my teaching fails I can promise you a favour."

For a second her eyes widened, before shaking her head from amusement.

"M-My prince! T-There—" Na'er tried to intervene.


Xue Long stopped Na'er from talking by putting his finger on her lips.

"Don't say anything. When she is done you will super maid. There is no discussion on that." 

The Tang woman snorted from amusement. She has heard about this prince's obsession with fancy-looking servant girls. 

She doesn't wonder how it will change when he will hit puberty.

If it's not going to change then he will come more often to her pavilion and ask her to train more pretty and cute girls…

Now that she realised… there is no way she can escape from this dragon.

As she thought about this her eyes ended up on the golden beast standing behind Xue Long. 

It looked tyrannical with those red eyes and huge horns. This thing truly is King of all beasts. 


"Fine. I accept. I will teach your girl how to be a 'super maid' I assume you want her to know how to dance, walk properly, playing musical instruments?"

"All of it, please."

Once again she shook her head with amusement. She didn't expect him to say 'please' he truly wants that girl to become 'super maid'?

"Very well. However, I expect you to teach me how to achieve this level of control. Do you truly believe I can break through that bottleneck?"

"Very. Not only that, I will teach how to reach enlightenment." He said that with a mysterious tone.

At that moment the Tang lady felt she is about to touch the world she never thought she will be part of.


Sure enough. The deal was sealed. And Na'er will be learning under Tang Yuehua, while the refined lady in question will be learning under Xue Long alongside his cute silver head future maid.

While the training will start the next day, the Fourth Prince returned to his training. 

Because of his draconic physique training muscles regularly is no longer possible. Instead, he trained his balance, manoeuvrability, and control of his body.

He might have a literal Dragon God for Martial Spirit, but it's not the god of reflexes or movement. This is why he is doing push-ups while standing and walking on his hands.

Once that session was over he felt it was time for that meditation session which he has not tried yet.

The Meditation of Heaven and Earth 

As he took the stance he quite easily entered into one with land state.

And then he activated the meditation…

What he felt after activating it has blown his mind!


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.