
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Filem
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: Battle of New York (2)

New York City, Manhattan...


A red-headed woman exclaimed, her voice resonating through the chaotic scene as she engaged in a fierce battle against dozens of armored humanoid beings, wielding a futuristic spear with remarkable skill.


Beside the woman was a man armed with a bow and quiver seamlessly shooting down humanoid creatures one after another.

His agility and precision were on full display as he skillfully maneuvered around, effortlessly dodging a barrage of lasers. 

As the intense battle raged on, a formidable adversary leaped from a sleek, futuristic flying chariot above, hurtling towards the archer with deadly determination. The creature aimed its spear with menacing intent, casting a shadow of imminent peril over the skilled hero.

- Kriiee!!

In the crucial moment when the creature poised to strike, an arrow, seemingly materializing from nowhere, came hurtling through the air. Swift and precise, it pierced the creature's head, disrupting its impending attack on the archer. 

The force of the arrow not only neutralized the threat but also deflected the spear, saving the archer from a potentially fatal strike.


The archer shifted his gaze downward, surveying the defeated creature and the discarded spear. Turning around, he directed his attention towards a man in the distance. 

Clad in a dark greenish suit, complete with a hood and mask, the man held a menacing bow in his hand. A silent exchange of nods ensued between the two, a tacit acknowledgment of teamwork amid the chaotic battle.

In a swift and seamless sequence, a shield suddenly soared past the archer, knocking down multiple creatures with uncanny precision. 

It ricocheted from one adversary to another as if guided by a sentient force before returning to a man in a tight blue suit. With impeccable timing, he effortlessly caught the shield in his hand, showcasing a remarkable display of coordination and skill.


Thanking the Captain with a nod, the archer swiftly drew and released the strings of his bow as the arrow sailed past Captain America's right, expertly intercepting a humanoid creature aiming to attack the captain from behind.

Rumble! Rumble!

Abruptly, the sky darkened as swirling clouds gathered, heralding a sudden change in the weather. In a dramatic turn of events, a bolt of thunder descended, striking a group of humanoid creatures and reducing them to ashes in a blazing spectacle. 

As if the display of thunder wasn't sufficient, a loud, piercing cry reverberated through the air. Its echoes proved powerful enough to topple a squadron of flying futuristic chariots from the sky.

Following those potent assaults, a muscular blonde man descended from the sky, landing on the ground with a resounding impact. In his hands, he wielded a hammer crackling with lightning, exuding an aura of formidable power. 

On the opposite side of the street, a blonde woman emerged from a dissipating cloud of dust. She sported a black choker necklace adorned with a locket, exuding an air of mystery as she joined the unfolding scene.

Observing the arrival of the two newcomers, Captain America greeted them with a nod.

He then proceeded to walk towards the man wielding the hammer but not before seamlessly incapacitating an enemy with his shield along the way. 

"What's the story upstairs, Thor?"

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable"

Thor, the god of thunder, frowned as memories resurfaced. He recalled with frustration how his formidable lightning and mighty hammer proved ineffective against the energy shield enveloping the Tesseract.

"Thor's right, we need to deal with these guys first"

A brilliant crimson suit of armor soared above them, trailed closely by a squadron of flying chariots in hot pursuit. Simultaneously, a man's voice resonated through their earpieces, delivering confirmation and commands to the assembled superheroes. 

"How do we do this?"

"As a team"

Captain America spoke authoritatively, his eyes fixed on the suit of armor weaving through the air, effortlessly blasting enemies left and right. 

However, Thor found himself at odds with the words uttered by the Captain, sensing an issue that needed addressing.

"I have unfinished business with Loki"

"Yeah? Well, get in line"

Thor and the archer exchanged a wary side-eye, sensing tension in the air. Anticipating a potential escalation, the blonde woman tactfully stepped in between them. 

"Enough, boys. We still have a city to save, remember?"

Upon hearing her words, both Thor and the archer gradually calmed down. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, they chose to set aside their personal grievances, redirecting their focus towards the imminent threat posed by the alien army instead.

Seeing the team regaining order, Captain America nodded with satisfaction and stepped forward, getting the attention of the assembled superheroes.

"Listen, Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need"


"Without him, these things could run wild"

As Captain America addressed the team, the steady hum of a motorcycle engine disrupted the conversation. Turning around, the superheroes laid eyes on a familiar haggard man dismounting from the motorcycle.


Bruce Banner surveyed the devastated city, his expression contorting into a grimace as he took in the dire state of affairs. The destruction surrounding him painted a bleak picture, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

"So, this all seems horrible"

"I've seen worse"

The red-headed woman approached Banner, casually shrugging at his expression and words. Her nonchalant response added a touch of indifference, leaving Banner with a twinge of guilt for his somber observation of the dire circumstances.

Despite the grim atmosphere, Banner harbored a secret sense of relief upon confirming her safety. 

Deep down, he couldn't deny the subtle joy he felt, knowing that she was unharmed. Admitting to himself, he acknowledged a crush that had silently taken root within him.


"No, we could use a little worse"

Amidst the unspoken exchange between Banner and the red-headed woman, Captain America engaged in communication through his earpiece. 

He relayed information about Banner's presence to someone on the other end, ensuring that the man remained informed and coordinated amid the unfolding events.

"Stark? We got him"

"Then tell him to suit up"


"I'm bringing the party to you"

Confusion briefly clouded the minds of the others upon hearing Stark's words. The realization just dawned on them when they witnessed him taking charge and luring a massive leviathan in their direction.

"I... I don't see how that's a party"

As the leviathan drew nearer, the team collectively tensed up, each member readying their weapons in anticipation of the impending battle. A palpable sense of determination filled the air as they braced themselves for the imminent clash with the formidable creature.

"Dr.Banner now might be a really good time for you to get angry"

"That's my secret, Captain..."


"I'm always angry"

Within a matter of seconds, Banner's physique underwent a remarkable transformation. His body enlarged and hardened, the gradual shift accompanied by the emergence of a vibrant green hue. The fabric of his shirt succumbed to the strain of his expanding form, tearing to shreds as he assumed the formidable stature of the Hulk.

As the leviathan loomed directly in front of them, Banner, now transformed into the Hulk, swung his massive fist with incredible force. 


The impact was instantaneous, causing the leviathan to burst as if it were nothing more than a fragile entity before the overwhelming might of the Hulk.


With the Leviathan obliterated by Hulk's punch, the colossal creature was flipped over in response to the powerful impact. However, the tail end of its body threatened to descend perilously onto the remaining members of the team.

Witnessing the impending danger, the blonde woman took a step forward. The locket on her choker necklace emitted a faint glow, and with a sudden, piercing cry, she unleashed a sonic wave that reverberated through the air. 

The powerful cry effectively pushed away the descending leviathan's body, preventing it from crushing the team and averting a potential disaster.

Just when the team believed they might get a moment to catch their breath, a surge of a thousand more enemies poured out of the wormhole. Among them, a few familiar leviathan monsters, resembling the one they had just faced, added a daunting challenge to an already intense battlefield.

Despite the horror unfolding before them, the team refused to retreat. 

Instead, they faced the overwhelming wave of adversaries head-on, their expressions etched with determination. The superheroes stood united in the face of the relentless onslaught, ready to confront the formidable challenge that lay ahead.

"Call it, Cap"

Stark cast a brief glance at Captain America as he descended upon the streets, unleashing a barrage of missiles upon the horde of monstrous creatures.

"Alright, listen up"


"Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment"

Captain America directed his gaze toward the gaping wormhole in the sky and assessed the chaotic scene with the multitude of creatures roaming the streets. 

Inside his head, he meticulously formulated a plan, contemplating the best course of action to address the dire situation unfolding around them.

"Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays"


"Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash"

Upon hearing Captain America's orders, both Clint Barton and Tony Stark nodded in agreement, expressing unwavering trust in the leadership of the Captain. 

Following Captain America's pointing gesture towards the roof, Barton lifted his gaze and fixed his eyes on the indicated location. After a moment of consideration, he turned to Stark and called out to him.

"Wanna give me a lift?"

"Right... better clench up, Legolas"

Stark swiftly took flight and landed behind Barton. In a seamless motion, he grabbed the back of Barton's collar and soared into the air with him, ascending above the chaotic battlefield.

Upon reaching a suitable vantage point, Stark soon dropped Barton onto the designated rooftop.

Captain America observed the actions of Barton and Stark for a few moments before redirecting his attention back to the rest of the team.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning... light the bastards up"


"Laurel, be our disaster control. Limit as many accidents as possible. Any rubbles or remains you see falling, obliterate them"

Thor initiated a swift twirl of his hammer, Mjolnir, before launching it into the sky. Still holding onto the enchanted weapon, he allowed himself to be effortlessly dragged along with its trajectory.

In contrast, Laurel promptly fulfilled her duty, swiftly navigating the streets with purpose. Engaging in damage control, she worked diligently to address the immediate threats and minimize the impact on the surroundings.

Seeing the departure of Thor and Laurel, Captain America redirected his gaze toward the remaining members of the team.

"Oliver and Natasha, you're with me. We stay here on the ground. Keep the fighting here"

Both Oliver and Natasha nodded, having no problems with his words as their expertise lies more in street fighting and close combat.

Finally, Captain America shifted his gaze toward the last remaining team member.

"And Hulk..."



In response to Captain America's words, Hulk's colossal grin spread across his face. With an immediate burst of enthusiasm, he leaped high into action as he mercilessly smashed down on the unsuspecting enemies.

While Hulk's actions proved effective in dismantling the enemy forces, Laurel couldn't help but feel a slight headache as the destruction followed in his wake. 

The aftermath of Hulk's fight left behind a trail of rubble and debris, underscoring the sheer force and chaos unleashed by the behemoth amidst the battle. 

Despite the challenges posed by Hulk's destructive tendencies, Laurel remained focused on her role in mitigating the impact and maintaining control over the chaotic situation.

Unbeknownst to the superhero team who was engrossed in the intense battle, a certain reporter named John skillfully captured every moment on camera, broadcasting the live footage to the world. 

Meanwhile, a certain kid watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of awe and excitement, captivated by the extraordinary display of heroism and the clash against extraterrestrial forces.

Say hello to my lil friend... Bang! Bang! Bang!

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