
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Filem
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: Preparation

"Cough! Cough!"

A young man with prominent eyebags, clad in a lab coat and wearing a medical mask suddenly began to cough loudly, and a ripple of uneasiness spread among the onlookers. 

With hands hastily covering their noses and mouths, they instinctively backed away from him, wary of the potential transmission of illness as the sound of his coughs echoed through the building.

And unbeknownst to the onlookers, the young man's coughs were not merely a symptom of illness but a calculated act as beneath the face mask was a triumphant smirk adorned on his lips.

Indeed, the young man was none other than Barry Parker, who cleverly concealed his identity by assuming the guise of a sickly researcher within Oscorp Industries.

His strategic decision to adopt this guise stemmed from his determination to safeguard the secrecy and integrity of this mission to infiltrate undetected. 

By assuming the guise of a researcher, he aimed to preempt any potential interference or interruption, ensuring an uninterrupted passage toward his objective.

'It's going well, so far...'

A fleeting smile graced Barry's lips before a solemn countenance overtook his features, his gaze sharpening with focus as he directed his full attention toward the task ahead.

In truth, Barry had frequented Oscorp Industries on several occasions already with each time assuming a new disguise to evade detection and blend seamlessly into the bustling environment.

Initially, Barry ventured into Oscorp without any guise, relying solely on his wit and stealth. 

On his subsequent visit, he assumed the role of a curious tourist, his demeanor marked by feigned interest and awe. 

Undeterred by convention, his third excursion saw him don the guise of a woman, seamlessly adopting feminine mannerisms and attire to blend inconspicuously into the crowd. 

Then on the fourth visit, he embraced the guise of a bespectacled nerd with his appearance altered with glasses and an earnest demeanor.

And Barry persisted in this multifaceted approach to infiltration to investigate and scout the premises without arousing suspicion.

Each disguise served as a strategic tool, enabling him to navigate the intricate corridors of Oscorp undetected, gathering crucial intelligence and scrutinizing the surroundings with a sense of undisturbed focus.

After all, he recognized the necessity of discretion, understanding that recurrent visits without purposeful engagement would inevitably arouse suspicion among the observant workers of Oscorp.

And this mission all started, tracing back to just last month when Barry, amidst a romantic rendezvous, stumbled upon an interesting exhibit.

Following a series of probing inquiries directed at the museum manager, Barry unearthed a pivotal piece of information...

The exhibit was a donation from Oscorp Industries and armed with this revelation, he resolved to delve deeper into the workings of the company. Thus commenced his investigation of Oscorp Industries.

However, what truly surprised Barry after delving deeper into his investigations was the revelation surrounding the enigmatic key's significance he had and its connection to Oscorps. 

The enigmatic key was, in fact, an access pass granted exclusively to level-3 researchers within Oscorp, giving privileged individuals their own personal laboratory spaces for conducting independent projects.

And that key was to grant entry to a specific laboratory room located within the depths of the third underground level which he thinks was Nora's lab in the past.

That was Barry's destination and objective, to get into the laboratory nestled in the heart of the facility, a clandestine sanctuary reserved for the elite level-3 researchers only.

As for how Barry knew...

It was on the code and number etched onto the key itself [B3 - R104], providing an unmistakable clue. 

The "B" designation unequivocally denoted the basement level, while the number "3" pinpointed the exact floor. As for "R104," it left no room for doubt; it signified the specific room within the labyrinthine depths of the facility.

Moreover, Barry had been discreetly listening to the murmurs circulating within Oscorps Industries, piecing together fragments of information regarding the underground levels.

While Barry was aware of the existence of deeper levels from the chatters, his focus remained singularly fixated on reaching the third underground level as the depths beyond it held no relevance to his objective.

But this revelation only prompted Barry to contemplate his ties to Oscorp Industries, particularly his mother's former employment within the company, raising intriguing questions about her past involvement and potential connections.

Why was Nora so secretive about her job and why had his father, Henry not tell him about it?


Barry, his hand grazing his chin in pensive reflection, shook his head gently, opting to table his ponderings for the moment. With a determined resolve, he placed his thoughts aside for now and redirected his attention to the pressing matters at hand.

As Barry deliberated on the intricacies of his strategy, a glaring obstacle emerged.

The indispensable requirement of a level-3 ID serves as access to the elevator and descending to the underground level.

Without this crucial credential, the key he possessed would be rendered utterly futile, presenting a challenge to his plans.

Luckily, Barry knew of a certain researcher who had one...


5th Upper Floor, Oscorp Industries...

"Yes, sir"

A man clad in a crisp lab coat nodded with fervor, his expression grave as he held his phone to his ear, engrossed in conversation with an unseen interlocutor.

"I understand... yes, sir."

Exhausted, the man rubbed his temples in frustration as he concluded his call and settled down his phone with a heavy sigh. With a disdainful sneer, he spat into the air, a visceral manifestation of his disdain for the circumstances at hand.

Rolling his eyes in exasperation, he sank into his chair, a surge of indignation coursing through him in response to the disrespect he had encountered.

Despite his status as a level-3 researcher, renowned for his expertise and accomplishments, he found himself subjected to relentless nagging and scolding, his contributions dismissed in the face of unmet expectations imposed upon him.

"Me? A genius is being reduced to this..."

With clenched fists and gritted teeth, he seethed with a mix of anger and humiliation, the sting of disrespect fueling a simmering rage within him as he yearned for the acknowledgment and respect he felt he deserved.

He, Edward Clarriss, a stalwart of the company for years, had diligently climbed the corporate ladder to earn his long-awaited promotion. 

However, instead of the recognition and appreciation he anticipated, his newfound position only seemed to attract more relentless nagging, and the burden of additional tasks piled unceremoniously onto his desk, a stark contrast to the accolades he had hoped to receive.

He had once harbored grand visions of spearheading groundbreaking projects and basking in the glow of fame and recognition. 

But alas, the harsh reality proved to be a bitter pill to swallow, dashing his dreams against the rocks of disillusionment.

And lately, he had been startled to learn from fellow level-3 researchers that there existed not one, but two additional levels situated above their own prestigious tier.

Adding to Edward's dismay, his inquiries into the criteria for ascending to higher levels within the company revealed a truth that to attain such recognition required meeting a specific prerequisite. 

It was connections...

Upon realizing this reality, Edward was consumed by a sense of injustice. 

As a highly skilled and capable individual, the notion of having to resort to pandering and flattery to appease the whims of perceived elitists struck a deep chord of resentment within him.

The very thought of compromising his principles for the sake of advancement irked him to the core.

What was all the point of his hard work and effort if some kid could easily surpass his authority just because he had some friends from the top?


Despite harboring a burning desire to exact revenge on the company that had disillusioned him, Edward was painfully aware of his own limitations. 

The specter of potential repercussions loomed large, leaving him feeling utterly powerless in the face of such a formidable entity.

Knock! Knock!

The abrupt knock on his office door jolted Edward into a state of professional composure.

With a swift adjustment of his posture, he straightened his back, steeling himself for the interaction as he called out to the individual awaiting entry on the other side.

"Come in"

Upon receiving permission, the door creaked open slowly, revealing a researcher clad in a face mask. 

The pallor of sickness tinged their complexion, casting a shadow of concern over their countenance as they made their way inside the office.

Edward's expression soured instantly upon laying eyes on the visibly unwell individual who had entered his office. 

His dissatisfaction was palpable, etched into the furrow of his brow and the steely glare directed towards the young man.

"What is it?"

"Cough... sir, you're being called by the Project Head"


Edward clicked his tongue in a gesture of annoyance as the weariness of being incessantly summoned just to endure reprimands and complaints weighed heavily upon him.

Without delay, Edward rose from his chair as he strode purposefully toward the door, and with resolve in his stride, he prepared to confront his boss.

And just as Edward was poised to stride past the young man, a violent fit of coughing suddenly seized the individual, causing the young man to lurch forward unsteadily. 


In a sudden collision, their bodies collided, jolting Edward off balance and sending them both tumbling down.


With a grunt of pain and frustration, Edward found himself sprawled on the ground alongside the young man. 

Gritting his teeth, he rubbed his back gingerly before pushing himself upright and glared at the young man with a mixture of disgust and resentment.

"What the hell are you doing?!"


"Shut up and get the hell out of my office!"

"Y-Yes, sir"

The young man swiftly regained his footing, a look of contrition crossing his features as he bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle before Edward, and with a hurried apology on his lips, he bolted out of the office.

"Tch, idiot"

Edward brushed off imaginary debris from his clothes with distaste, a shiver of disgust coursing through him at the memory of the encounter. 

Hastily retrieving a disinfectant spray, he doused himself liberally, the pungent scent filling the air as he sought to rid himself of any potential contamination from the young man's cough.

As Edward busied himself with the meticulous task of sanitizing his attire, he remained blissfully unaware of the subtle exchange that had taken place. 

Unbeknownst to him, the ID nestled in his lab coat's pocket had been stealthily swapped with a counterfeit counterpart. 

And oblivious to the switch, Edward exited his office, none the wiser to the impending consequences of the clandestine substitution.

Sorry for the late upload... almost forgot about it.

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