

If you are a Lord of Mysteries fan, you will probably love this chapter. However, if you are not, you may be left with mysteries but all your questions will be cleared in the next chapter. All you will finally realize is why the name of this fanfic is- Creeping Hunger.

I recommend reading this chapter with a song you think is badass.


"No more games."

The hardened electro-carbon atom wall swiftly contracted, engulfing Peter entirely. His body was engulfed in scorching flames, and he let out an agonizing scream that echoed through the air.


Pain invaded every single cell of his being, causing tears to well up in his eyes, only to be instantly evaporated by the intense heat, further harming his eyes in the process.

As he slowly began to regenerate, a paradoxical experience engulfed Peter. On one hand, the new flesh brought a sense of renewal, but on the other, it intensified the pain as the healing process collided with the ongoing agony.

Struggling on the ground, Peter mustered all his strength to stand, but before he could regain his composure, Electro teleported right in front of him. With a malevolent intent, Electro unleashed excruciating streaks of electricity directly at Peter's heart, causing him unbearable pain.

The torment he endured while being boiled alive by stomach acid in the Lizard's stomach back in the sewers, while trying to save Gwen, felt insignificant compared to the agony of Electro's electric attack.

Peter's entire body went numb, every cell feeling as if it were being fried and ready to be consumed. The shock to his heart was palpable, causing it to momentarily freeze at times and beat violently at others, sending waves of discomfort through his body.

The relentless assault left him in a state of physical and emotional turmoil with his brain too getting cooked like a raw egg on a steaming pan.

This ordeal showcased the resilience of Spider-Man, as he endured the electricity, emerging with minimal visible damage. In contrast, Lizard Peter struggled to hold his own against Electro's relentless assault.

Or maybe... maybe , Electro was truly going all out and Peter had no plot armor to save him like all the other Peters that are Spider-Man usually have against their villains.

As the relentless flow of electricity continued to pour into Peter, he felt his organs starting to fail under the overwhelming shock.

The strain became too much for his Lizard Transformation, causing it to fade away, leaving him vulnerable and weakened.

Electro, seizing the opportunity, lifted him into the air with his electric powers and injected even more energy, pushing the levels to dangerously high amounts, putting Peter's life in grave peril.

The situation had become critical.

The overwhelming surge of electricity made Peter feel like he was on the verge of self-destruction. His body trembled under the intense strain, and his brain seemed ready to explode, causing his cognitive abilities to plummet drastically.

All that remained was an icy numbness, as if he was disconnected from his own senses.

For a fleeting moment, he questioned if it was all a hallucination, but then he saw another version of himself, wearing a twisted smile, before his eyes closed, succumbing to the unbearable torment.

The situation was dire, and it seemed as though the battle was slipping away from him.


In a surprising turn of events, a massive raven descended from the sky, carrying a tanning bed on its back, coming to protect its master from certain death.

With a powerful peck, the raven startled and distracted Electro, causing him to lose control over Peter.

As a result, Peter was released from the electrifying grip and plummeted to the ground, free from the life-ending threat yet in a critical condition.

Electro's fury intensified, he directed a searing electric blast at the defiant raven. The air crackled with energy as the devastating attack struck the majestic bird, engulfing it in smoke and causing it to plummet to the ground.

The sight was heart-wrenching, as the raven's courageous act to protect its master ended in sacrifice.

Mr. Poopoo, who had stealthily ridden on the raven and slipped unnoticed into Electro's tattered vest while he was distracted, seized the opportune moment to make his move.

There was a cold gleam in his eyes as he looked at the raven that was burning on the ground. It was as if Mr. Poopoo was about to murder billions of people, he delivered a surprise punch from within the vest, catching Electro off guard.


Suddenly Electro found himself being pummeled mercilessly by an unseen force. Rolling on the ground, he groaned in agony, trying to make sense of the sudden assault.

He lifted his head, only to be met with another fierce punch to his face, followed by a series of kicks, slaps, and a tail smashing into his nose, causing his once formidable visage to be disfigured.

*BAM! Bam! Bam! BAM BAM!!! Bam!!*

The barrage of attacks seemed unending, and Electro struggled to defend himself against this mysterious and relentless assailant. His confusion turned to frustration as he failed to identify the source of the unyielding assault.

The tides had turned dramatically, and the once powerful Electro found himself overwhelmed and humiliated by the ferocity of the onslaught.

During the confusion, Mr. Poopoo emerged from the shadows, revealing himself as the cunning mastermind behind the ambush. With a tenacious resolve and surprising combat skills, he had become an unexpected force to be reckoned with, turning the tables against Sparkles.

The little mouse lizard, fueled by determination and an audacious spirit, hurriedly approached Electro, who was now incapacitated and struggling to maintain his senses.

Ignoring the lingering danger, the mouse focused on the arc reactor embedded in Electro's waist, realizing its significance as the source of his formidable power.

With cautious yet resolute movements, the mouse lizard attempted to dislodge the arc reactor. Its small paws grasped at the edges, pulling with all its might.

The task proved to be far more challenging than expected, and the mouse had to muster every ounce of strength to start pulling the critical device out.

Mr. Poopoo endured the overwhelming surge of electricity coursing through his body. Each cell and inch of his skin experienced the relentless onslaught of the electric needles, causing an agonizing cycle of burning and regeneration.

Yet, despite the excruciating pain, he stood unwavering and ultimately pulled the arc reactor.

As soon as he removed the arc reactor, a sudden surge of electric energy unleashed an explosive blast, propelling him and the device across the ground.

Mr. Poopoo coughed up blood, his body bearing the brunt of the impact, left battered and scorched. Despite his remarkable regenerative abilities, he found himself in an extremely dire situation, teetering on the brink of consciousness as darkness engulfed him.

The battle had taken a heavy toll on his small form, it was time for him to rest. The brave little thing had made history.

Electro gradually regained his composure, a look of intense hatred reflected in his eyes as he looked at the unconscious but regenerating rat.

He reached out and retrieved the arc reactor that had fallen, only to discover that it was half broken and non-functional. Fueled by frustration and desperation, he attempted to revive it by forcing electricity inside and giving it a few firm bangs, using the traditional method of fixing television and their remotes.

To his surprise, the arc reactor suddenly flickered to life, dimmer than before but it was momentarily working. The turn of events rekindled Electro's hope, and a malevolent grin crept across his face.

However this time Electro decided not to attach the arc reactor back to his chest but instead opted to harness its power differently. With a sinister thought, he began absorbing as much electricity as he could from the device before it could potentially stop working again.

As the energy surged through him, his once weakened form was revitalized, and a fearsome aura of raw power surrounded him. With every passing moment, Electro grew more formidable, becoming a living conduit of electrifying might.

A pure golden white light radiated with dazzling brilliance. In a surreal display, Electro's once formidable form began to crumble, his flesh and organic matter unable to withstand the immense energy coursing through him.

Fueled by hatred and desperation, Electro pointed his finger at Mr. Poopoo, intending to unleash a devastating electric strike.

However, before he could release the lethal blast, an ominous darkness loomed, engulfing the area in an eerie shadow. In an instant, Electro's electrical circuits short-circuited, causing him to convulse uncontrollably.

As if responding to the foreboding darkness, the broken arc reactor unexpectedly erupted in a powerful blast.

The once mesmerizing display of contrasting golden light and the shadows it created vanished, leaving behind an unsettling emptiness and the encroaching darkness seemed to swallow everything in its path, hungrily.

It was as if the light had been forsaken, leaving the world shrouded in an eerie obscurity. No stars, no moon, no sun, no clouds. Only darkness.

Amidst the engulfing darkness, Electro found himself in a state of bewilderment and disbelief. His once organic body had been completely transformed, leaving him as a blue figure, the solitary source of light in the void. His confusion was palpable as he muttered in disbelief.

"What the fuck?

At that very moment, Electro was startled by illusionary ravings emanating from the spot where Peter had previously collapsed, teetering on the brink of death.

"Hornacis... Flergea... Hornacis.... Flergea... Hornacis... Flergea... Hornacis... Flergea..."

The eerie voices pierced his consciousness, filling him with unbearable agony. Yet, despite the torment, not a single sound escaped his mouth; it was as if his soul itself was screaming in torment.

The haunting whispers seemed to penetrate deep into Electro's being, tormenting him on a level beyond the physical.

At that moment, Electro fell into a trance, and before his eyes, two to three alter egos materialized. Each of them bore a unique demeanor, displaying tdual emotions with an unsettling air of jealousy.

The first alter ego emerged as a normal-looking electrician with an ugly, twisted smile, embodying a sinister aspect of Electro's psyche.

The second alter ego took the form of a blue-skinned Electro, exuding an arrogant and dark expression, reflecting a different facet of his personality.

Lastly, a black-skinned Electro with golden electricity crackling around him appeared, representing yet another aspect of the multifaceted villain.

The scene became a surreal display of internal conflict, as the alter egos vied for control. Their battles mirrored the tumultuous turmoil within Electro's mind, exposing the depths of his psyche in an unnerving manner.

Amidst the battle for dominance, the original ego attempted to flee, running desperately until reaching a dead end. There, standing before him, was the sole surviving alter ego - the electrician with a twisted smile. The survivor bore a bloodthirsty smile, communicating a haunting message without uttering a single word.

"Haven't you enjoyed enough, Max? Why don't you let me take over?"


A/N: Send me power stones. Also y'all, I ain't letting Aunt May die but at the same time im making sure Tom Parker gets character development.

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