
getting out of the hero's way

Waking up the next day, Eric decided he would go out to fight in the city, originally he wanted to train and develop his powers before going into action, but he gave up on the idea.

He wants to avoid being alone with his Aunt May, he knows he won't be able to control himself being alone with her, so he'll only stay home if his brother is

He thought he just had a fetish for his aunt, but now he knows he was wrong, he loves his aunt like a man loves his wife

He regrets letting this feeling grow so much, but now he can't help it, all he can do is try to avoid a family disaster.


school bathroom

"ahhhh deeper" a girl moaned

Eric was losing his virginity, to control his sexual desire, he seduced a girl who liked him, she is chubby but with beautiful breasts

Eric squeezed those huge tits while he stuck his penis in the girl's delicious pussy, he didn't even remember her name, he just wanted to relieve himself

Finally after 20 minutes, Eric ejaculated, he used a condom so no risk of children

After the act, Eric left, he didn't want to get emotionally attached to this girl, she was obviously not a virgin and was even very experienced, not a role model for a girlfriend

Eric felt better, his mind was in control, luckily having sex obviously improves the situation, he spent the rest of the school day with his 2 friends and then returned home


Eric was wearing his new, really badass black and red uniform.

Web launcher on 2 arms and I don't feel a lot of web reserve

"Brother, I'll take the north part of town, take the south" Peter

"ok, let's hit some thugs" Eric, so the 2 brothers split up and went to the city to beat up criminals


Eric was flying between the buildings with his web, the feeling of freedom he was having was something tremendously good, his balance was perfect

"help, thief, help" a scream was heard in the alley

Eric swung himself up to the spot of the call for help.

In a dark alley, 2 men armed with knives surrounded a well dressed gentleman, obviously an unlucky one who was being robbed

"stop screaming old man, I'm going to cut everything" the thief said, but the thief's hand was shaking, he didn't have the courage to kill

Eric noticed this so he decided to take it easy, obviously they weren't high level criminals, Eric used his speed and agility and appeared behind the thieves

with 2 kicks, both thieves flew and hit the wall, they looked fainted

"who who are you" you say

"night spider" Eric said in a male voice, he started to make his name


For the next two hours, Eric traveled around the city beating up criminals

As he was about to return, he heard a woman screaming for help.

Eric traveled there, arriving at an old house, Eric used his senses and saw something terrible.

He was late, the poor woman was already being sexually abused, tears fell from her face nonstop as the man penetrated her body

Eric felt hatred, he didn't realize it, but his lust wasn't the only thing increasing in the mutation, almost all of his feelings increased, and anger is no exception.

Eric broke the wall of the house with his body and advanced towards the criminal.

His eyes were blinded with hate, he didn't control his power, the kick violently hit the abuser's body, the man flew off the woman

He slammed violently against the wall, the side of his body where he had been kicked was crumpled, the damage he received practically killed him on the spot.

Eric came to his senses with the woman crying, he finally realized he had murdered a person

He began to run out of air, and panicked, he left the scene quickly and fled, the woman who was being abused took the cell phone from the thief's body and asked the police for help.

The poor woman still had her body violated, but she didn't look in fear in the direction where Eric fled, she was grateful to the man who killed the monster that abused her.

"thank you..." the woman whispered

Unfortunately Eric didn't listen to the woman, he ran away in fear.


Eric was throwing up in a lake, he couldn't believe he killed a person

He never killed anyone in his two lives, and even though he thought an abused woman deserves death, he never wanted to be the executioner who gives the sentence.

"I....I'm not a hero" Eric cried

all his dreams and ambition, everything he fantasized about collapsed, his mind was in chaos

"but it wasn't my fault, he was the one who abused the girl, he only got what he deserved" eric

"No, but I must not, I must beat and let the police arrest, it is not for me to judge life and death" Eric

"but but.... I was still late, not even the abuse I could avoid" Eric

Eric sat on the edge of the lake, he started to focus his mind, he knew he couldn't keep such an internal conflict

Eric in his last life was not a moralist and would never defend the life of abusers, however taking someone's life fucks up any normal person's mind.

"I need to control my feelings, I won't regret what I did, I will continue fighting crime, but I want to avoid killing, not out of false morality, but for my own sanity" Eric, finally made up his mind

Eric put on his mask, and returned home, that day he not only lost his virginity, but also a large part of his innocence.

On that day his path from hero started to deviate to anti hero


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