
c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n



Draco ended up sleeping on the couch. He didn't mind, it was comfortable despite its maroon colour.

He woke up before Hermione so he figured he would make them both some tea. His plans were cut short , however, when he heard a faint pop behind him.

"Oh Hermione! I'm so sorry for the way i act- what the bloody hell do you think you're doing here, Malfoy?" Ron questioned.

Draco turned around and raised an eyebrow but he didn't do anything. He simply sipped his tea. "I'm making me and Granger some tea. What about you, weasel?" Draco asked calmly.

"I came to apologise to Hermione for being a prick but i can't do that now since you've kidnapped her!" Ron retorted.

"Kidnapped? Honestly Ronald, i'm right here." Hermione sighed, walking into the kitchen. "Morning." Draco nodded at her. She smiled at him as he handed her her mug of tea.

Ron was left speechless as another pop sounded behind the three. "Ron you bastard! I told you not to apparate here." Harry groaned. Hermione glanced at Draco who was smirking at the situation that was unravelling.

"Oh, morning Malfoy." Harry said. He looked puzzled but he clearly wasn't as bothered about it as Ron. Draco also nodded at Harry but after that, the four were met with a tense silence.

"Well? What's Malfoy doing here?" Ron asked. He had calmed down but he still didn't look accepting. "His flat next door was infested by bugs. I told him he could stay at mine until they were gone." Hermione said.

"Malfoy lives next door?" "Yes weasel, keep up." he sighed. Ron sent him a glare but Draco ignored it.

"I'm so sorry Hermione. I told Ron not to come but he didn't listen." Harry said.

Hermione smiled at him and shrugged, "It's fine."

Harry gave Hermione and Draco a flat smile as he grabbed Ron's arm and apparated before he could protest. "Goodness," Draco chuckled, "that was certainly something."

"I'll deal with him later, it's fine." she replied."I take it that they don't know that we're soulmates?" Draco asked.Hermione nodded and gave him an apologetic smile.

The boy simply shrugged, "I don't mind. Just wait until he's accepted the fact that i'm living here."

She nodded and the two stood in the kitchen, drinking their tea.


"Do you wanna go and do something fun?" Draco asked a few hours later. Hermione raised her eyebrow, "Fun for you or fun for me?"

"Fun for Draco." he smirked. Hermione laughed at his use of third person and shook her head. "Fine."

"What are we going to do?" she asked. "Blaise and Pansy are in Zabini Manor. Mrs Zabini is off in Italy so they're by themselves." Draco replied.

Hermione crossed her arms. "And?""Oh Granger. We're going to go fuck with them!" he said.

Hermione's eyes widened and Draco laughed, "No, not literally. I meant we're going to go mess with them."

The girl sighed and shook her head, "Take me before i change my mind."

Draco smirked and took Hermione's hand and before she could protest, he apparated them both in front of a grand dark wood door.

Draco got his wand out and cast some spells on the locks. Hermione assumed he was undoing the protection charms but she couldn't be sure.

"After you," he smirked after he successfully unlocked the door.

Hermione shook her head but she knew she was smiling. The two stepped through the door and were met with a loud .


"Sweet Merlin." Hermione said as soon as she and Draco apparated into her apartment.

"Well? Wasn't that fun?" Draco laughed. He ran a hand through his hair and kicked his shoes off. "I feel like Voldemort, but worse." she moaned."Oh please, don't be so dramatic." Draco grinned.

She groaned into her hands as she fell onto the couch.

"Tell me one thing," Hermione said, "so that I feel less like a deranged criminal."

Draco came around the couch and stand down next to her."You're not a deranged criminal," he paused, "Does that help?""Surprisingly, no," she said, though she knew she was smiling.

"Tell me something about you. I think it'll make me feel better." "Nothing about me is going to make you feel better," he promised her with a smirk, but sighed when she glared at him. "Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Anything." Hermione smiled.Draco grunted but stared at the ceiling in thought nevertheless. "Alright," he paused, "My name is Draco Lucius Malfoy, my birthday is in a few days and i am full of regrets."

Draco suddenly became very quiet and the rush from the prank on Blaise and Pansy was slowly dying. He felt like reality was about to hit him like a brick.

"Your birthday is in a few days?" Hermione asked, trying to change the subject. Draco nodded, "5th June."

"Do you have any plans?""No.""You do now!"

Draco raised an eyebrow at Hermione but the girl simply grinned. "There's this great muggle restaurant my parents used to take me to and..." but she didn't finish her sentence.

Even the mention of her parents was still too much for her. "We don't have to go if you don't want to, of course." she coughed, covering up her abrupt stop. "No, I want to." Draco said.

The smile on her face was enough to make him sure of his decision.


this is so short omg i'm sorry

i have another chapter pretty much ready to go up and i have ideas for the one after that

forgive me for this crappy writing but i hope you enjoyed the harry + ron beef

i promise this fic won't be one of those cliché 'jealous ex doesn't accept the new man in her life' sort of stories

goodness, i'm buzzing lmao

i hope you have/had a great day