

          Life is not a bed of roses it has thorns and sometimes roses are shredded off leaving thorns in their place and adding the beauty in its way.

            My life was the same as the life of a flower leaving the part where it has colorful petals.

           I was born in a family of a very lovely couple where everything was good and life had a beautiful meaning. At first, everything was fine.

         We used to hang out and had fun times as normal families do. But by that time everything began to change one by one. My father got engaged with Alpha stuff though he was not the Alpha. My mother became harsher on me and began to ignore and couldn't handle my childhood nature.

            During this time of my life, I met Siri my best friend and only friend. Her family and my family have known each other for years. And they come to our house frequently so I can't say it's like a new thing.

           On my seventh birthday, I was waiting for her in my room so we could hang out and play. I was wearing this pink princess gown that every girl at my age would love to wear yet I hate it the most as the girl seems to be too girly for me. I like dark colors as they are decent and make you look elegant.

          Now I was getting tired of waiting for Siri in my room and I don't wanna go out of my room as my mom and dad are preparing and arranging this freaking dumb part they think I need.

           The thing I need is family time, me and my parents sitting together and talking about ourselves. Not a party where everyone from our pack is present and looking at every move I make or judging me from the way I sit or walk or eat.

           The doorbell ring and I look up to my window only to find a girl in a blue princess dress waving her hand through the window knowing I might be looking down from here.

          As my nanny escort her to my room I was preparing myself to play with her. She is the best and my favorite person in the world. There are two years of age differences between her and me but we are like this. Many people mistake us for twins as we look alike and have so many things in common like our height and the same physical appearance.

          "What took you so long? I was waiting for you." I lept to Siri as soon as she came inside.

            "Well, Mom and Dad had a meeting so I was with them," Siri answered as she looked at me.

            I closed the door as the nanny walked away. We sat on my bed and then began to play our favorite game. We play this boring princess and king wedding game. I know it sucks but I enjoy it.

            I always play the part of King as I like to rule while Siri is the opposite of me she like girly stuff and the households things.

           We were playing when we heard some screaming from the outside but soon it was nothing but silence a long silence. I was about to open the door when Nanny rushes into my room covered in blood.

            Siri and I both were scared, the nanny was shaking and it seemed like hunters are back in town.

            Nanny took us and got us out of the mansion through the secret tunnel that we have in our mansion. I was looking around when I saw everyone was dead. The kids, young and old everyone was dead. My heart was beating fast not knowing where my parents would be. Will they be fine or did just they had faced the same fate as these people?

              I was scared that I'm not going to see them again. We were running when I saw an old man screaming in pain for water. I saw a bottle near and rush to him leaving Nanny and Siri. Nanny tried to stop me but I forced myself and went to help him soon. I figured out that it was the wrong idea.

            One of the rogues saw me and began to follow me. I didn't know what to do so I ran to Nanny which means now they know that we three are left.

            Nanny carried me while she held Siri and began to run fast. We had a place where Siri and I used to hide only our parents and Nanny know about that place. So Nanny took us there and hid us there but she didn't hide as the rogues were still searching for us which means they can find us and also nanny was injured which means they can smell her scented blood.

         So Nanny left us saying she is going to get some help. I held Siri and stayed there hiding when all of sudden we heard Nanny scream and we both knew what that meant that nanny was gone.

           We were still hiding when we heard someone talking. And it seemed like my father was talking. We slightly moved and saw our parents and the Alpha of our pack. Our alpha had his werewolf face and nails which meant he was alarmed and was ready to attack but the only thing that was stopping him from doing so was the leader of the rogues.

          He had held our pregnant Luna.

      "Tell us where the girl is and we will leave." The leader said as his grip got tightened on our Luna's neck.

        "We don't know about her. And even if we know we are never going to tell you where she is. So let go of our Luna if you don't wanna die." My father said as he stepped ahead.

         "Huh... Still have that shitty attitude. Let me tell you, you four fucking morons are left rest of your pack is dead." The leader said.

          "I'm telling you we don't know where the girl is so let go of my mate." Our Alpha growled.

            "Hmm... Pity!! You aren't giving me the girl." The leader of the rogues said as he ripped the heart out of our Luna and threw her on the ground while we all were shocked.



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