
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

SeigHeart · Lainnya
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80 Chs


  Without knowing the formula of Ma Fei San, the anesthetic provided by Chengying to the hospital could only be the ether produced by the laboratory method. Ordinary spirit masters would definitely not be able to use it, but it would be another matter for his own apprentice.

      After sending Dugu Bo to the hospital, Chengying also began to take out paper and pen to explain physics to Tang Chen.

      "First of all, you have to distinguish a problem, that is, whether the movement of an object needs force to maintain..." Cheng Ying started from the academic pit left by Aristotle, and the first conclusion he reached was the movement of the object. It was quite counter-intuitive if it didn't require force to maintain, but Tang Chen couldn't refute it.

      The difference between mass and weight, the difference between speed and acceleration, the difference between different masses of iron balls from the same height, which one takes less time... The

      explanation accompanied the experiment, and Tang Chen was stunned. The more I brought this theory into it, the more I felt it made sense. Thinking of what people took for granted for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, it turned out to be wrong. I couldn't help but marvel at the knowledge of my teacher again.

      Chengying talked for a whole afternoon, and it was dry and dry, but it only made Tang Chen barely understand the meaning of quality. Even so, Tang Chen still had an expression of unsatisfactory expression.

      "Teacher, what you taught me is the unalterable truth in the world, but what you have told me is to change this era and achieve that kind of farmer has his own land, the owner has his house, the old has support, and the young have something. What is the connection between the teaching paradise?"

      Chengying smiled and said: "These are the cornerstones of the new era. Before the teacher allows it, don't take everything you see and hear today. Tell the others." After

      that, Chengying took Tang Chen to the backyard. Every afternoon, the Bingdi would take a little time to play shooting games at the shooting range. As soon as Tang Chen was pulled over by him, he saw a waistless short sleeve and The Ice Emperor in short shorts, holding two silver metal objects he didn't recognize in both hands, volleyed in the yard.

      Immediately he heard bang bang bang~ twelve consecutive noises, something similar to the firecrackers that had been sent out recently from Tiandou City.

      At the same time, in the backyard, the twelve targets surrounding the ice emperor were pierced one after another, and each target was a hole in the tenth ring.

      Immediately after the Bingdi landed, the two revolvers in his hand spun around handsomely and put them into the holster around his waist.

      "How? How? Was the surround shooting I just used to be particularly handsome!" Just as soon as I inserted the pistol into the holster, the ice emperor changed from the handsome western cowgirl back to that little loli form.

      "Yeah! That's so handsome. If you don't light up all the bullets I practice shooting, you will be even more handsome!" Cheng Ying picked up the Ice Emperor and placed her on the windowsill.

      Bingdi's two little feet were innocently swayed, and his big eyes were watery and staring at Chengying, as if saying: "Is the bullet important or is it important for me to be happy?"

      Cheng Ying shook his head helplessly, and took out one from his waist. Take out the revolver and demonstrate to Tang Chen: "I told you before that two points determine a straight line, so when aiming, you must make the target and the front sight three points and one line."

      Said Chengying used fairly standard hands. With the gun, he aimed at a distant target, and then pulled the trigger.