
Soul Eater in DxD

An ordinary guy is offered a deal that simply cannot be refused, and he is reborn in another world. But there was one thing in the deal ... The chance to survive and rise is less than a percent. What will the main character do in such conditions? Of course, he would use the power he received. I do not know English, so I just translate the novel in Google translator. I do not own any of the Anime/Manga that I use. Art taken from google.

KainVampir · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 4 - Looting

- Are you sure? Maybe you'll practice a little more before that, - Tosca asked me with concern.

- This does not make sense, I've been ready for a long time. Don't worry, I won't meet any strong enemies there anyway. They are rather weak human mages. As unfortunate as it is, purebloods without Sacred Gears are weaklings, with a few exceptions," I told her as I put on my shoes.

- Okay, but still, be careful.

After that, I left our house and flew out of town. It is better not to use teleportation close to home. All the same, the chance that I will be tracked, although small, but there is.

Landing in a small wood, I activated the teleporter and disappeared from there.

I appeared already in France, next to the mansion of the Montmorency family. At first I wanted to come there with a kind of message from my father, but then I decided not to complicate my life and just sneak into the mansion.

I went to the back entrance and saw a guard there. The guard himself couldn't see me because of the invisibility spell I cast before coming here. I carefully approached him and, creating a small dagger of darkness, attacked him on the temple. After that, with the help of a special spell, I turned his body into ashes and sent it to the wind.

Then everything went in the same order. I slowly cut out the guards of the entire mansion, getting closer and closer to the master bedroom.

Finally, reaching her, I opened the door a crack and heard groans coming from the room. Hmm, these sounds make it clear what the head of the clan and his wife are doing there. But this is just for me. At such moments, people relax and become just perfect targets for killers.

I carefully entered the room and, with a swing, hit the head of the Montmorency family in the back. But unexpectedly for me, he dodged and I hit the dagger exactly in the heart of his wife.

- Maria! I will kill you creature! - Shouted the head of the clan, apparently activating the alarm. But just how did he notice me?

But the moment I thought about it, strange magic circles appeared around his eyes. Spell or Sacred Gear? Most likely the second. Well, I've always wondered what would happen if I absorbed the soul of the machine's owner.

At that moment, the head of the clan fired about 15 arrows of darkness at me. I didn't try to dodge it and just made a barrier of darkness and a barrier of light layered on top of each other.

When he was surprised that I had defended against his attack, it was my turn to attack. I realized that at the moment it was not very effective to use darkness magic and created a huge number of copies of light around my opponent, into which I had to invest about half of my entire reserve of divine energy.

As expected, he was unable to defend against this attack in any way. All the barriers he put up, my spears broke through. Now the easiest thing left is to devour his soul. And of course, clean the mansion to the end.

Soul absorption is just fast and due to my opponent's low strength, it only took an hour and a half to digest.

Just as I was done with that, the door opened and several people rushed in. I immediately created stakes of darkness under them, which took their lives. Despite the fact that due to the digestion of the soul, the active ability did not work, the passive one did not stop working and slowly made me stronger.

Leaving the bedroom into the corridor, I disguised myself and waited for my next victims. No one can escape from here, even when I was killing the guards, I set explosive traps at all entrances that will instantly kill anyone who decides to escape.

After about twenty minutes, I killed all the guards who ran to the signal. And there were really a lot of them. About a hundred people. There was only a small thing left, which is not difficult to kill.

An hour later, I completely massacred the entire Montmorency family, killing even all the servants and children. I don't need avengers, so I'll be careful not to be merciful.

Here I am, finally, I went into the library of the family, for the sake of which everything was started. Although the real reason was that I just wanted to get stronger, but let's not talk about that.

I simply removed the library itself into a spatial artifact, which I found in the office of the head of the clan. You will need to acquire normal spatial pockets, and not go everywhere with artifacts.

Having quickly collected all the books, I teleported to the same forest from which I had originally teleported and flew home.

Instead of waking the kids at this late hour, I just carefully unloaded the books in the guest room and decided to get some rest.

When I finally digested the head of the Montmorency family and restored all the spent energies, I decided to go further. But then after thinking, I decided to first look at my characteristics.

Name: Daniel Darkness

Races: Fallen Angel (4 wings)

Sacred Gears: Eye of Insight


Mana: 57890/57890/2360 per hour

Prana: 11560/11560/578 per hour

Mental energy: 22680/22680/1134 per hour

Soul Energy: 35680/35680/1784 per hour

Demonic Energy: 0/0/0

Divine Energy: 54560/54560/2570 per hour

Elemental Energy: 0/0/0


Body: 289

Intelligence: 567

Soul: 892

Yeah, the gain from exterminating a weak kind of magicians is simply huge. And yes, there is something new. Now I will also show all the Sacred Gears that I have. But what does this mechanism do? The moment I thought about it, information immediately popped into my mind.

The Eye of Insight is a sacred mechanism that allows you to see any illusions weaker than divine ones, and when the mechanism is activated, it increases reaction and memory by 15 times. The coefficient of reaction and memory increase can increase with the increase in the power of the owner of the eye of insight.

Interesting information, and most importantly useful. This eye will be very useful to me, especially its anti-illusion effect.

But now it's time to finish with the rest and go to the next family. I think it's better to attack him before they know about the fate of the Montmorency family. The Bourbon family has always been too cautious, and upon receipt of this information, they could change their place of residence.

Getting into the mansion of the Bourbon family was much more difficult. Their entire guard consisted of triplets that covered each other, greatly complicating covert killings. I had to put a dome cover every time I attacked them.

But after 20 minutes, I still managed to get to the office of the head of the family, only there they were already waiting for me.

"Greetings, mysterious killer," an old man, sitting on an armchair next to the table, said to me.

I didn't answer him and just stared at him silently. Better slow down a bit. I'm sure there are traps here. So perhaps from his words I can understand something.

- You're not very talkative. It's okay, you'll tell me everything soon. And who are you, and who sent you, and how did you get inside, - the head of the family said with obvious gloating. Apparently he was very confident in himself.

I, realizing that he would tell me nothing useful, decided to act. Quickly creating a dark bomb, I fired it at the old man, who was still sitting quietly at the table.

But unexpectedly for me, a black translucent barrier appeared in front of him, which easily absorbed my attack. Apparently, it protects against the magic of darkness very well.

And while the old man began to say something again, I was already concentrating the divine power in the spear. With the eye of insight, I was able to speed up my reaction time and even increase my mana control a bit. Apparently this is one of its undocumented features.

Finally, after concentrating about half of my divine power reserve in the spear, I threw the spear into the barrier with all my might.

The old man at the sight of the magic of light opened his eyes in surprise and was clearly about to use some kind of magic. But he reacted too late, and the spear, with difficulty, but still destroying the barrier, cut off his hand.

Without hesitation, I quickly ran towards him, saturating my body with prana. The old man quickly muttered something and created another barrier in front of him, already clearly less strong. And while I was trying to break through him with the help of blows enhanced by divine energy, he began to say something to me.

- Stop, stop, stop. You cannot kill me. I serve Katerya Leviathan, she is the head of the Leviathan house and a powerful demon. She retaliate…kha…haaaa… you shake…kha…leesh…

I interrupted his speech with a fist imbued with divine energy that stuck right into his lungs and quickly consumed his soul. But his information was quite interesting. Hmmm, what if I'm being followed. Let's give the enemy a little lead.

- You were killed by Gilles de Rais, a descendant of one of the most powerful magicians in history, rubbish. Your pathetic mistress can't do anything to me at all! - I said to the corpse, on which a tracker might have been installed. In any case, if anything, then Leviathan will not look for me, but for the descendant of Gilles de Re. Although I am also his descendant, no one except my sister knows this.

Then I decided not to linger too much, fearing the visit of the lady, but quickly went into the library and transferred all the books from there. But before leaving, I still decided to complicate the survival of the rest of the members of the House of Bourbon. I remembered one very difficult spell that I tried to learn the other day. After quickly doing all the calculations, I directed my hand with the magic circle already burning on it to the mansion and released a dark mist from there. Three-quarters of the reserve of magic instantly disappeared, and I decided to quickly teleport.

Having made a little less teleportation to obscure the tracks than before, I still ended up near the house. Just like in previous times, having flown home, I settled in my room and began to wait for the final digestion of the soul of the magician. During this I decided to sort out my new acquisitions a bit. There were not only books, but also money, along with weak artifacts. And by the time I finished, the digestion was over too. This time it was longer than the last, so the old man was clearly stronger than the head of the Montmorency family. Deciding not to linger, I immediately looked at my new stats.

Name: Daniel Darkness

Races: Fallen Angel (4 wings)

Sacred Gears: Eye of Insight


Mana: 91050/91050/4760 per hour

Prana: 12600/12600/630 per hour

Mental energy: 32760/32760/1638 per hour

Soul Energy: 43880/43880/2194 per hour

Demonic Energy: 0/0/0

Divine Energy: 31260/54560/2570 per hour

Elemental Energy: 0/0/0


Body: 315

Intelligence: 819

Soul: 1097

The characteristics have improved quite well, but only my characteristics are growing, but there is no knowledge. In order to make better use of the knowledge of the magicians I have absorbed, I should study more books on dark magic.

Well, from this day on, I will begin the real study of magic.