
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · perkotaan
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16 Chs

(16) The New Mark

It wasn't long, before they all arrived in the hunter's guild in the doctor's corner, where Harley began checking Kaison's blood to see what was going on. Owen was staying close to Adalin refusing to get near him father. It was as if his instincts were rejecting his father and it deeply upsets Owen to the point he's having a hard time not throwing things and breaking them. Adalin is the only thing keeping her calm with just his presence alone.

"How interesting..." Harley was looking into the scope in awe, "You are indeed a hunter. The coloration of the octochain seem to be off though. And considering your background and history with war you should be a marked hunter, yet the octochain seem almost.... A bit to docile to be a marked hunt." Harley explained.

"I don't know what to tell you." Kaison sighed.

"Can you tell what spirit animal he is bound to?" Ryan asked.

"From the looks of octochain it appears to be some sort of bird like animal, but I can't tell which one." Harley sighed.

"Doc... what's wrong with me?" Owen speakers up hugging himself.

"I'm sorry you'll have to explain." Harley looks at him confused.

"Everything inside me... it's like... A dog seeing another dog on their turf and getting ready for a fight. That's how father is making me feel being around him." Owen explains.

"Have you tried the eye staring thing?!? Usually when hunters met each other for the first time they need to kinda assert dominance. So if you have a staring contest. One of you will win and you'll probably feel better afterwards." Ryan explained.

"Okay. I'll try it." Owen nodded and he engaged into an intense staring contest with his father.

His father looks away. It helps little bit, but it's not enough.

"Not quite... It completely work for me." Owen admits.

"I will check to see how your blood is interacting with his for clues on what might be happening... unfortunately we don't have a lot studies or information on marked parents, who have hunter children and how their mark might effect their relationship with their children." Harley sighed as he began testing the two blood's interactions under his scope.

"Normal hunters and marked hunters just don't get a long period. Normal hunters can sense the hunters mark and what they did and it's like... knowing you killed a person and are capable of doing it again. They are simply on guard. Distrusting and ready to fight the marked hunter if they dare do it again. It's a bad thing... but it does make relationships between the two difficult." Ryan sighed.

"I DON'T WANNA FEEL LIKE THIS! He's my dad! He's all I have!" Owen cried.

Adalin hugged Owen assuring him it's going to be okay and cried into her shoulder.

"I guess you could try making a pack with him. That's mostly worked for non marked and marked hunters. Let's see I'm your hunter master right. Cool! Oh wait... Gilbert's my master... so I need Gilly to accept this guy into his pack and than that might calm you down." Ryan explained, "I'll go get him and explain everything to him!" Ryan explains and nodded.

"What if doesn't work?!? What if I'm stuck with this feeling toward my dad! I haven't deal with that! I just can't!" Owen cried.

"If that is the case. My suggestion to you is that you have to leave the pack your in... Hopefully your family bonds with your father will just create a natural pack between you. And I don't see any reason that wouldn't work..." Harley sighed, "Mister Chiendame did you have Owen before or after you took a life?" Harley asked.

"After..." Kaison winced.

"Than... Owen you would be carrying marked hunter genetics inside you probably very docile. That actually might be a problem for you as you've never killed a person. Come to think of it that might explain your paranoia about killing others. This is not going to be any easy situation for any of us. But I assure you both I will find the solution to this problem!" Harley swore.

"Thank you doc." Owen sniffed.

"Until than. I theorize you will have very many unstable emotions surface in your father's presence. I believe his awakening is staring to awaken the marked hunter genetics inside you as well." Harley sighs.

"I'm so sorry Owen! I'm so sorry." Kaison cried.

"Dad... I... I know it's not your fault... I'll be okay... We'll figure this out... right?" Owen looks at him in pain.

"Of course." He held back tears.

"Yes my theory seems to be correct. Owen's octochains are having some of the inactive octochains being forcibly woken up as the others are fighting off the intruders to keep them from active the inactive octochains. As long you you don't touch him and at least stay arms length from him at all times... it won't be to bad for either of you. Imma start trying to find a solution to this problem now." Harley explained as he gets to work trying to manipulate the Ochachains into achieving the desired result he wants them to do.

It appears as if he's trying different medications, chemicals and other times to see if the added substance will help achieve the result he wants.

Owen, Adalin and Kaison wait patiently for Gilbert and Ryan to enter the room. Ryan happily waves at them all as he enters with Gilbert.

"Alright I caught him up on the situation. Now let's see if him making a pack with your dad makes you feel stable again!" Ryan gushed.

Gilbert walked over to Kaison and looks him in the eyes. They stare at each other, but Kaison looks away.

"Submit to me. I will promise to teach you everything I know about being a hunter and training you personally." Gilbert explained.

"I submit." Kaison nodded.

Gilbert nodded, "It's done." He explains.

"Just like that? It's that easy? You don't have to like beat me up or something?" Kaison asked.

"Not unless you want to be stubborn about it." Gilbert sighed.

"No no! I'm good. I'm good." Kaison sighed.

"Than it's just that simple." Gilbert sighed.

"How do you know feel Owen?" Harley asked him.

Owen seemed to relax, "That finally did the trick!" He felt so happy that he ran over and hugged his dad, who hugged him back.

"As I said. The power of the pack is strong." Harley chuckled.

"It's also deadly. Your literally accepting various personalities and their issues into a pack that can fall apart completely due to the instability of another... it takes a strong alpha to make sure the pack doesn't fall apart as the pack works out those kinda of issues." Gilbert sighed.

"What happens to a pack that falls apart!" Kaison worriedly.

"Depends on the situation and how bad it gets." Gilbert explained.

"I've heard tales of alphas committing suicide when their pack falls apart. I've heard pack members have killed each other over their instabilities or themselves. And so much more. However it is possible for a pack to have a secondary pack that slowly over times safely removed itself from the main pack without causing instability or issues and they both become their own thing. A lot packs are very comfortable with that kind of thing. It's called the extend pack family effect. Or so I've happily thought to name it." Harley hummed.

"It's only reason I'm able to have my own pack and be another pack at the same time." Gilbert admits.

"Yes... but uh your situation is a bit different. Usually the extent pack effect is one pack that breaks off into two... however our boss... has decided to try the reverse essentially... where you take two packs and then into one... it's not something that's been done before. So we have no way of knowing how successful or extended pack family effect will be." Harley sighed deeply.

"If I fail to properly combine my pack with Dryver... A pack will break out and it won't be pretty. I rather run away with my pack, before allowing that to happen." Gilbert admits.

"So far... Things have been going alright. I think it's been going well only because with Dryver being as absent and not present as much as he has been. I think it's giving each of us time to adjust ourselves to Gilbert and his pack as if we were just new members of his pack. And you would think with all the new recruits in his guild that it would cause issues... However it's almost as if he's somehow picking the perfect members to continue strengthening the bonds of the pack and helping them deal with their issues. Perhaps that's just the difference between an alpha and a stigma alpha." Harley suggested.

"I think you just give me too much credit." Gilbert sighed, "I think I've just been lucky." He admits.

"A man of science not a man of faith. You'll have to forgive me. As I will be more prone to accepting dcientific theory than the whims of luck..." Harley sighed.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know." Gilbert sighed.

Adalin couldn't help, but smile at them. They seemed to be getting along now and understanding each other. It made her feel really happy.

Owen was just snuggling his daddy happily as Kaison smiled and held his son happily, "I won't pretend I even have the slightest clue what you're all talking about... but I'm grateful for you're help. Thank you. It's not been easy for me and Owen... and Now it feels... like I don't have to bare this burden of being the best father I can be alone. I can tell now. My son is meant to be here with you all. With these people... I can't explain it... it's just this gut feeling... this is where we're supposed to be." Kaison explained softly.

"Hmm. Don't worry. I'll do my best. After all... You're the first true falcon hunter I'm getting the honor of leading. Dryver says Falcon is leading me too. So I think you're going to be okay with me as your alpha. I'm not uh... accustomed to the role, but I'm learning and that's all that matters. I won't let you all down." Gilbert swears.

"Ah! A Falcon hunter!?! Truly?!? That explains a few things. Falcon has risen from his imprisonment to rise above and answer the call of destiny!" Harley explained.

"I thought you were a man of science..." Kaison asked.

"Ahem... well... I guess that was a bit of miscommunication on my part. As a hunter even I can't deny the existence and mysterious other worldly powers bestowed upon us my our spiritual guides bond to us by the whims of the ochochain! So... In that aspect yes... I have much faith." Harley blushed.

Adalin giggled, "I see. I've got a lot to learn to huh?" Kaison sighed.

"We have time to learn it all. No need to rush. Let yourself get used to your new awakened abilities and senses first as you experience the world from a hunter's perspective." Gilbert explained.

"Okay." Kaison smiled.

"Soo... now that is taken care of... you wanna confess something involving my daddy?!?" Adalin sighed and asked.

"Do I have to?" Kaison asked blushing, "I was drunk. What me to say? I haven't been with anyone since my wife died giving birth to Owen." He sighed.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Adalin pets Izzy, who's just been happily sitting listening to them all.

"Nah... it's alright. I'm pretty much over it. After all she gave me the greatest gift on this planet. My little boy. Even though she's gone... it's like a piece of her is still here with us living in my boy." Kaison explained.

Owen starts bawling his eyes out, "I'm sorry daddy! I'm so sorry!"

"Now you don't be like that. You didn't kill her. It... just things... happen... and it's no one's fault... that was... all it was..." Kaison hugged Owen tightly comforting him.

"Okay." Owen felt so relieved to hear that.

"It's just... I don't know what to think of you start dating my dad... I mean... I'm literally dating your son... it's kinda weird no?" Adalin asked.

"I mean no?" Kaison shrugged, "I'm not sure. Honestly. It confuses me as much as you okay. But... I don't think anything is going to come of it. Asshole left me with the big scary dog while he ran off sailing the seas... feels like a kinda weird distant and lonely relationship if you ask me." Kaison sighed, "I ain't looking for any kind of relationship any time soon." He refused.

"Gotcha." Adalin nodded.

"Hmm… since everyone is so lively… why you take them to met your pack Gilbert and do some fun physically train?" Harley suggested.

"You just want me to get them out of your lab now so you can continue your research in peace." Gilbert sighed.

"Haha. You got me." Harley smirked.

"Alright. Fine. Come on my little swarm? Geez it's a freaking of swarm now… ugh…" Gilbert shakes is head, "Just follow me okay?" He groaned.

Everyone leaves to follow Gilbert leaving Harley alone to continue his research, "What did you mean by swarm just curious." Kaison asked.

"Sometimes there's like cute I guess pack pet names… like if your alpha is a bunny than regardless of what animal you are. You are their bunyions… If your alpha is a dog than the pack are called puppies. And list goes on." Gilbert explained.

"So we are swarm? Because?" Owen asked.

"I'm a bat. I guess swarm also works for the bird hunters. I'd think they are more likely to choose flock though." He admits.

"I see. How uh… endearing I guess." Kaison winced.

"Ya it's stupid… But my pack seems to like their pet name and I just like seeing them smile." Gilbert admits softly smiling.

"You all sound very close. That must be nice." Kaison smiled.

"We are. Don't worry in time you'll fit in too. Heck they'll have you feeling like part of the family in no time." Gilbert explained smiling.

"I… I'd like that." Kaison smiled.

Adalin squished Owen in a hug as just watching these two talk just gives her such good vibes. It was they were on some next level synchronized understanding. They are definitely kindred spirits!

Owen seems happy as well glad his father is coming out of his shell and making friends.

"So you were talking about how packs help each other with instability…. Is that usually why packs being in the first place?" Adalin asked.

"Hmmm. Yeah more or less. Having a pack is kinda like your soul bond with Owen expect our is more platonic… it's like… I can feel my packs hearts and I feel myself resonating and responding to them and they resonate and respond to me. As if our energies and entire being is reaching out for another and trying to balance the other to create perfect harmony in all involved." Gilbert explained.

"That is the most beautiful thing I've heard!" Adalin admits.

"Heh. It's not easy. It's like I'm on tightrope that's a seesaw doing my best to juggle multiple things at once so we all don't plunge into the dark abyss of no return." He sighed.

"That's terrifying." You admit.

"I guess that why we alphas exist. Only we rise up to the challenges of doing the balancing act. Whether or not we succeed… I guess that's up to experience, the bonds made, and determination of the one holding everything together." Gilbert sighed.

"I don't think I ever want your job." Kaison admits.

"Ha! Jokes on you! I don't even want my job, but ain't no one else going to take care of you. So I guess I'll have to just accept it." Gilbert laughed.

"Well… if it's any consolation. I'm glad your taking of us." Kaison smiled.

"Yeah… me too." Gilbert sighed and admits, "My pack and everyone I've met… they've grown on me. I wouldn't trade them for anyone else in the world." He admits as everyone arrived in the courtyard.

The twins are practicing stabbing a mannequin, while Vivi is focusing on doing a one handed handstand.

"I'm back!" Gilbert announces and they all stop what they are doing to tackle him in a hug.

"Gilly!" Vincent snuggled him.

"Welcome back." Vestali smiled.

"I missed you." Vivi kissed him and he kissed him back.

"I brought a new member. Meet Kaison and Adalin they will both be joining our ranks." Gilbert pulled away to gesture at Adalin and Kaison.

"It's good to see you all again!" Adalin smiled.

"It's good to see you!" Vincent chirped.

"Uh… hello…" Kaison replied shyly.

The twins rush over to look at him, "This one is a hunter! I see his mark! It's white!!! Look look on his wrist! I think it's a Falcon how cool!" They explained as Kaison seems not sure what to do.

"Calm down Geez." Gilbert sighed, "He's a Falcon hunter… and yeah he's marked but like it's whatever." Gilbert explains.

"He looks old enough be my daddy! You are my daddy now!" Vincent declared.

"That's my daddy though!" Owen cried.

"Than you will my other brother from another mother!" Vincent chimed.

"I… uh… sure I guess?" Owen sighed not sure what to think.

"Daddy Kaison!!!! Tell us story! Surely you have many stories to tell! Like you've lived long enough to see some cool shit right?!?" Vestali chimed.

"Uh… well… I guess…" Kaison explained.

"Tell us a story!!!! Please please! Daddy Kaison!" Vincent begged.

"Come on guys. I think your being a bit too much for to handle…" Gilbert sighed.

"We can't help it. We didn't have a family of our own. And now we are getting someone old enough to be your dad!" Vestali explained.

"We have daddy issues okay?!? Just one good daddy!" Vincent explains.

Gilbert looks unhinged by that remark it looks like he wants to cry if someone punched him in the gut and he just realized some horrible truth. Vivi looks thoughtful as if realizing how true that remark was. Adalin winced as she realized that she probably does have a some issues with her father. Vestali even looked at his twin in shock and awe.

"Well… fck… Way to really hit the ball there Vincent… geez… I didn't even realize that pattern in the pack until you said it." Gilbert cried.

"Ah! Sorry!" Vincent apologized.

"I… don't think I'd be a good father to any of you all. I'm barely a good father to my own son." Kaison apologized.

"Nah it's cool. It's cool. I just wasn't expecting Vincent to say that and realizing how very true it was for the pack." Gilbert looks like he might cry now.

"I'm really sorry! Alpha! I take it back! I'm so sorry!" Vincent starts crying.

"I'm okay… just give me a minute." Gilbert takes a minute to compose himself, "Ah geez… Ah… god what do I even say after that?" Gilbert gasped.

"Uh… I'm here to listen if you all want to talk about it maybe?" Kaison offered kindly.

"Yeah… okay. Fair enough. Let's talk about it." Gilbert finally calmed down and the pack seem stable now.