
Soul Bound Heroes Universe: My Boyfriend and My Dog

A wholesome slice of life story about two highschool boys who met because of a dog and become fast friends. Starring Adalin Pompey, a Germone/Dutchness (German/Dutch) transgender boy, who's had trouble with school and making friends due to his father's job as a sailor having to be moved around a lot in a year to two years times and Owen Cheindome, a cowboy and hunter from the state of Hope living among the people of Masacara trying to be as normal as he can be aside for the fact he's far from that. Sadly for the hunter things can't stay normal forever as his secrete gets out and his life begins to change to adjust for his hunter needs. At least Adalin is with him supporting him through the craziness. Seems nothing is going to separate these two boys from another, but perhaps that's because they both don't realize their biggest enemy might be time itself. Find out what becomes of this wholesomely cute fated pairing as they face the unknown future together bravely!

Tealiah_Eddards · perkotaan
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16 Chs

(12) Discussion

"That's what I know." Adalin finished telling them all she gathered.

"Very good. Seems you're more well informed than most and paying attention to many things. Makes my job easier." Harley hummed as Owen had given up and was just grunting and groaning in discomfort laying across Harley's knees.

"So... about me helping him?" Adalin asked shyly.

"Yes. Well that requires two things. You having sex and to bite his neck when climax is reached for him. Than have him bite you're neck when you've reached your climax. We call this claiming." Harley smiled and Adalin's face went blood red.

"Way to put it bluntly doc." Ryan scoffed, "Anyways claiming will make his heat go away forever. However a soul link binding is made on those, who claim each other. So unfortunately most hunters have to either get their mate on board. Find someone willing to be their mate or well you know. They just do it without anyone claiming them making problems that the guild has to fix and go punish them for." Ryan sighed.

"We have discovered that regular sex also relieves the one in heat for at least the whole day. This also includes masturbation. This of course is temporary and will never permanently end a heat, but are very effective alternative for others." Harley hummed.

"Though you know. Hunters in heat usually get prissy if we tell them go screw yourselves." Ryan chuckled.

"Ah... I can... do that..." Owen replied and tried to touch himself and Harley gently whacked his hands.

"Not in my office." Harley calmly scolded him.

"I see." Adalin's face was still red with heat coming off it as she touched her chest in embarrassment.

"If you do wish to claim each other. We should talk about other issues such as birth control, condoms and the likes." Harley explained.

"Not to brag or anything but we hunters are like twice the size of human men and hunter women. Oh boy howdy," Ryan chuckled, "Let's just say it's a wild time. So add that to us being twice as strong... well... not a lot of condoms can handle our kind without tearing and ripping." Ryan explained.

Adalin was just so embarrassed now that she wanted to hide, but couldn't, "And as you know medication usually needs to be in higher doses to work on us as well... so using medicinal birth control for either gender can be an issue for us hunters." Harley sighed.

"I'm pretty sure the little organisms that mutated us into hunters instead of mages and what not were like. We are going to make this race the lords and ladys of baby making or die trying." Ryan laughed.

"Ah that reminds me! Would you like to see the little octochain that lives in all living creatures and even the plants and air?" Harley asked excitedly.

"Uh... sure?" Adalin nodded.

Harley wheeled over to a counter with a microscope on top of it and points to it as Adalin heads over carefully staying out of reach of Owen. Harley takes a syringe and takes a bit of Owen's blood as he protests and squirts it on a clean

"Octochain works as a beneficial microbes, but is colonists of nanoorganisms that are sentient. Scientists to this day are unsure what to categorize this strange sentient microbe nanoorganism. It's unlike anything they have seen. It has a brain, it has its own DNA that it can change to adapt to it's surroundings. It's got an eye and a mouth and teeth and those are it's little arms." Harley gushed as Adalin looked into the scope.

She saw three different colored groups of spots all with one eye, one mouth with shark like teeth and tentacles all around their tiny circular bodies.

"Right now you are seeing. Air, glass and blood octochains in the scope. The air octochains come and go looking as if they are walking on top of the glass to wave at their brothers sisters, who are trapped in the glass sleeping. To ensure survival the octochains will go into dormant states to conserve energy and food. When awake they travel a lot ever so curious about their surroundings using their tentacles as a way to help communicate, learn and even fight if needed, and they also use it to reproduce." Harley explained.

Adalin watched some of the air octochains phased through the glass and joined their brothers and sisters.

"They have the ability to phase through solids, liquids, gases and the likes as if they are ghosts. Now you'll watch as the very needy and slightly sedated octochains from Owen's blood try to leave the blood and die." Harley explains and Adalin watched the poor stupid octochains phase out of the blood and than instantly die until the others caught on and stopped.

"This is a very interesting phenomenon we have discovered about octochains. They have a very difficult time leaving our bodies after being so in tune with us that leaving our bodies tends to kill them unless they enter another person's body. Perhaps it's to difficult to change so many things quick enough to suit the new environment for them. Though for the air octochains it's much easier to make changes if the accidentally enter something. However if you notice... The glass octochains have refused to move or try exploring the unknown. The octochains that join them just instantly goes into a dormant state and stays there." Harley explained.

"So trippy." Adalin whispered in gross fascination.

"Now watch as the air octochain enters the blood." Harley explained.

The air octochain curiously touched the blood getting sucked into it immediately freezing up looking as if it's been paralyzed. The other octochain go over to it slowly and hold on to it's new friend transferring energy to it. Eventually the air octochain turns into one of the blood octochain and slowly begins to move around. The other octochain release it and wiggle their arms slowly happily doing a three sixty side spin very slowly.

"How does the white blood cells and the immune cells not attack them?" Adalin asked.

"Long evolution from our ancestors coming here and having died to nearly dying after first getting exposed to these little guys. Our immune systems and blood cells now see them and register them as other immune cells and blood cells or whatever else cells our body is used too. Simply put our body has adapted to allow these microbes new and old to exist in our bodies. Funny enough the octochain is very aggressive to anything trying to hurt and harm it's host and will help our immune systems hunt it down and kill it or just kill it themselves. They tend to eat other bacteria and virus and the likes. They'll even eat dead octochains and octochains with negative traits for the host sometimes." Harley explained.

Adalin removed herself from the scope to look at the doctor, "So it's cuz of those things mages, hunters and other species exist?" She asked.

"That is what scientists believe. Yes. As for me. I'm just a doctor and hunter helping the scientists and doctors of all species work to making more progress towards better medical care for all." Harley explained.

"I see. They are lucky to have you than." Adalin nodded.

"I can be your doctor as well. Despite you being human your binding to Owen allows hunter doctor's like me the legal the right to extend our practices to you if you wish, but I will warn you. A lot of us a more like mad scientist than actual doctors. I mean I have the masters degree in genetics, a PDH in Virology and Gene Therapy Track, specialized in Hematologically, and than also became an DO in Osteopathy with some side the chiropractor training. It was a very confusing and difficult path for me when I decided I wanted to become a doctor that helped hunters... While humans did their best to study other species and deal with their needs they simply knew very little about the true inner workings of the other species and had to make educated guess and have what they know about human medicine questioned and completely rejected at times." Harley sighed as he wheeled away from the counter to sigh.

"Is it really that bad?" Adalin looked confused.

"I mean yeah. You should of been around in the alpha master younger days. When humans learned what a marked hunter was capable of... They tried muscling and putting hunters on chains like dogs and sedating them with the shit you give to elephants out the fear they'd suddenly snap and murder their faces for no reason." Harley sighed.

"Not going to lie. I'd kill them too if they tried to sedate me with that shit..." Owen growled.

"Of course. That can still do extreme damage to us even if our bodies treat medicine differently. We can still have extreme side effects from the medication made worse with higher doses. I have to watch these two every time. And the sad part is hunters are probably going to evolve to have sedatives not work on them and there's not a dam thing we can do about it until we can figure out the proper medication they need that their bodies and genes will react in a way that assists the body and the sentient little octochains will understand it's not going to kill them and is helping their host. You should watch them when when medication is involved. Sedatives just kinda slow them down and make them think slower. So they take longer to react to thinks. It's kinda interesting to watch honesty. It's like their drunk or high. I'd say high." Harley explained.

"Is that way they were so slow?" Adalin asked.

"That's correct. For us hunters it lasts a good three hours for sedatives. Than it usually starts get less and less the more they get used to being exposed to the sedative and the dosage," Harley sighed, "Oh and get this! I'm actually legally required by the human government to sedate a hunter if I see them about to attack another species that's not a hunter. However, elvish law says that hunters are not to be stopped from following their natural instincts even if it results in someone's death. As elves are very pro law of nature folk. They believe hunters are part of nature like animals following out their animalistic instincts and helping maintaining balance in the animal kingdom. Than vampires are split. They either ban and exile hunters from even existing in their territory or see them as little fledglings that don't drink blood. You know fangless vamps." Harley sighed.

"And dragons see everyone as their kids. Their very insane children." Owen chuckled.

"Yeah than the dragons went insane themselves and saw everything as food and threat to their lives... or was just murdered by their own children, who desired their powers or wanted to sell the dragons for money any way possible... or they died killing each other protecting their children, who decided to go to war with each other using their dragon guardian to protect them... or they just died robots.... And one to extreme cold... the other lifted up an entire continent into the sky helping it to become a flying nation with it's magic and because it went too high into the air it froze to death as well. I think they made it's body into a statue... like Freskia did." Harley recalled.

"Those poor dragons." Adalin cried in horror.

"Anyways. The fact remains there isn't nearly enough hunters, who also study to become doctors or scientists to assist the humans and the other species into figuring out each species perfect medical treatments and discoveries." Harley sighed, "The bit we can do is just try something. The human government actually doesn't really care about too much about the lives of hunters unless they are serving the government for war. They'd love to ignore us, but we'd never let them do that. I think we knew a long time ago after the dragons went savage... that if we didn't form a society for ourselves a mist the other species. They might try to purge us like they tried to purge the mystics, who were turned into mystics by the same water that corrupted the dragons. So... dragons hunters with heavy hearts... Hunted down and killed the corrupt dragons to not only ease all species about our natures and roles... but to give the rest of us a chance to build something that we could use to protect ourselves from the others if they choose to turn on us and our species... whether it be diplomatic or through our sheer strength and abilities." Harley sighed.

"Lev of Ruskia is the very last dragon hunter that lives today. He's the youngest of the alpha masters. The other dragon hunters either died with the dragons they killed, joined Master X and got royally slaughtered by the guild for treason, or they retired from hunting all together asking witches to seal awake their hunter abilities to be just human." Ryan sighed.

"There hasn't been any new dragon hunters since Lev and honestly a lot of people were surprised. Though Ruskia has rumors that one dragon survived the slaughter is out there in the world doing who knows what. And that dragon is the very last corrupt dragon probably sealed away, but also finding a way to use it's power to influence the world." Harley explained.

"Lev has been looking for it, but with no luck. Honestly I think it's just kinda funny. A hunter without the creature they was born to be bound to existing in the world as them. It be like Owen existing without dogs not existing..." Ryan sighed.

Owen tried to imagine it, "How would I know what to do?!? What my calling was? I mean... I don't know my purpose... but...." Owen was kinda speaking slowly.

"I bet it feel like something is missing that you don't know what is... That you need to feel complete and whole..." Adalin winced.

"Exactly you get it." Harley nodded.

"How does he... just deal with that?" Adalin asked frowning.

"Well he's bond to a red dragon so he's stupidly determined and stubborn. I've had to go over seas to treat him a few times while alpha master Zmei has to watch over him. Must be nice having an alpha master as your alpha. I'm so jealous. It's probably the only reason he's stayed so sane." Harley admits.

"That's so crazy. You've all had to deal with so much... I can't even begin to wrap my head around all that you've had to suffer and deal with." Adalin explained shaking her head.

Harley rolls himself to the chaise lounge and gently picks up Owen and lays him on the furniture as Owen can no longer move.

"Eh. That's just history for you my dear. We live, we learn, we adapt, we overcome, and we create solutions to our problems. Now than. I want to talk to you. Because you're not just Owen's mate, but you also might be transgender or considering it. If you allow it. I can help you give you some professional medical advice, but there's only so much I can do without your permission to be your primary physician." Harley hummed wheeling himself over to a little writers desk that he puts his feet on top of and picks some files out of a drawer.

"Uh... I don't know... I think I should you know stay with a human doctor no offense... but I am human..." Adalin winced as Harley wheeled himself into the center of his corner.

"With how grossly unprepared they were for our species and others. How can you be truly sure that they are even properly prepared for your unique situation or will even be open minded enough to accept your situation?" Harley explained calmly.

"Oh brother." Ryan groaned, "He's gone into business mode now." He groaned.

"That maybe true... but you are also grossly unprepared aren't you?" Adalin countered.

"Not at all. Actually I've had a few cases of transgender hunters and accidental gender swapped omegas, who got themselves pregnant and was freaking out. And I had to explain to them that since we hunters made an oath with the dragon's to protect other species our genes are very similar to their in various ways. Such as the ability to gender bend when the right conditions are met." Harley explained.

"You guys can genderbend?!?" Adalin stared at them in shock.

"Only the omegas. No one else had the ability to do it. And it's kinda weird, because omega, alpha, zeta, gamma, delta, beta and all that is just rank that anyone can obtain at any point based on our current personality, our mindsets, and our social status." Ryan explained.

"Don't forget stigmas too." Harley corrected him.

"Oh yeah. Them too." Ryan nodded.

"Really?!? How does that work?" Adalin was shocked.

"We're still trying to figure it out ourselves. From what I've observed... Omegas are born with their rank, because their genes are nearly identical to dragons genes. It's as if we hunters are perhaps some human dragon hybrid. Ironically almost all dragon hunters have always been born as alphas. Their genes shockingly almost are identical to the vampires, who became vampires by feasting from the blood and flesh of other dragons. Than delta's genes nearly match the genes of humans, who soul bound with dragons becoming dragon knights or Dragoons as their mount would be the dragon itself. They were also called dragon riders, or dragon summoners and I think at one point dragon mystics." Harley explained.

"Doc has really helped us understand our species history and our evolutionary line along with others. Did you know that for instance of you looked at my genes you'd find both dragon, and the firebirds genes in me?" Ryan yawned.

"The old council as we hunters have come to calm them. The ones that hunters bond to first becoming hunters in the first place. Dragon, The Mystic Stag, Firebird also know as the Phoenix, the fairies, the griffins, and finally the lone falcon." Harley hummed as Owen passed out falling asleep.

"So cool." Adalin gushed.

"Doc. While I appreciate your historical lesson here. We are here for a purpose please focus." Ryan groaned.

"Ah yes. Than I will cut to the chase. Do you tend to have sex with your mate? If so I need to give you birth control and condoms... unless you are thinking about having a child at your age? I don't recommend it. But you are an adult so I'll at least help you through it as much as you allow me to." Harley sighed looking at his paperwork boredly waiting on Adalin to make her decision.