
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

The Beginning (3)

(MC's POV)

After killing the 'man' called Cortio, I quickly went back into stealth mode and started moving to the short guy named Glacc's side.

I have to say though, these guys are pretty strong, and I'm not being sarcastic here. Just because I caught them off guard, pummeled them with metal balls before finishing one of them off, don't count them out as weak cannon fodders.

Their Soul Board says it all.


『Soul Board』

Cortio – Demon (2 Seals)

Age: 147 Rank: 159

Soul Points: 10


[Natural Recovery] 3/20

[Stamina] 7/50


- Magic Resistance 3/10

- Toxic Immunity 4/10

- Disease Immunity 4/10


- Sight 2/10

- Smell 2/10

- Hearing 2/10

- Taste 2/10

- Touch 2/10

『Magical Power』

[Mana] 17/50

[Elemental Affinity]

- Shadow 4/10


- Magic Principle 3/10

- Magic Creation 3/10

- Curse Manipulation 4/10

- Curse of Corruption (Mental Corruption & Physical Corruption) 4/10

『Physical Strength』

[Strength] 10/50

[Weapon Mastery]

- Fist 3/10


[Power Burst] 3/20

[Balance] 5/20

[Flexibility] 5/20


- Mana Obfuscation 2/10

- Imperceptibility 3/10


[Dexterity] 7/20


[Mental Strength] 7/20


- Evil 6/20 (Aura of Fear 2/10)

[Charisma] 2/10

[Appeal] 2/10


[Instinct] 3/20

[Insight] 1/20

[Memory] 5/20


- Math 1/10

- Science 1/10

- Language 2/10

- Culture 2/10

- History 1/10


- Life Detection 1/10

- Mana Detection 2/10




『Soul Board』

Glacc – Demon (2 Seals)

Age: 146 Rank: 183

Soul Points: 10


[Natural Recovery] 3/20

[Stamina] 9/50


- Magic Resistance 4/10

- Toxic Immunity 3/10

- Disease Immunity 3/10


- Sight 2/10

- Smell 2/10

- Hearing 2/10

- Taste 2/10

- Touch 2/10

『Magical Power』

[Mana] 17/50

[Elemental Affinity]

- Ice 4/10

- Shadow 4/10


- Magic Principle 3/10

- Magic Creation 3/10

- Curse Manipulation 4/10

- Curse of Frost 4/10

『Physical Strength』

[Strength] 10/50

[Weapon Mastery]

- Spear 3/10

- Armor 3/10

- Fist 3/10


[Power Burst] 3/20

[Balance] 5/20

[Flexibility] 5/20


- Life Obfuscation 1/10

- Mana Obfuscation 1/10

- Imperceptibility 3/10


[Dexterity] 7/20


[Mental Strength] 5/20


- Evil 7/20 (Aura of Fear 2/10)

[Charisma] 3/10

[Appeal] 2/10


[Instinct] 3/20

[Insight] 4/20

[Memory] 5/20


- Math 3/10

- Science 4/10

- Language 3/10

- Culture 2/10

- History 1/10


- Life Detection 3/10

- Mana Detection 3/10

- Detection Expansion 1/5


The first thing that caught my eyes was their race, Demon (2 Seals).

There was no such race mentioned in the anime so either this is a new race and this world is an AU or they made an appearance later in the LN. I'm not gonna fuss much about their race though since it's not too important at the moment.

The Seals might be an indication of their power class like how angels/fallen angels with 1 pair of wings are considered Low-Class, 2 pairs of wings are considered Mid-Class, so on and so forth.

And just looking at their stats, I'll take a wild guess that 2 Seals mean they are Mid-Class.

Comparing their stats to mine, I'm pretty evenly matched with them in physical aspects but they far outclass me in magic, this isn't even taking into account that I don't know how to use my magical abilities.

The only advantage I have are my high stats in [Throwing], [Power Burst], [Stealth], and [Detection]; plus, my gear.

I'm currently donning all black clothes, a pair of black combat boots, and gloves I found in my closet. I strapped the Drakon Wakizashi on the back of my waist, the Almighty Revolver (Loaded) on my left, and finally draped the Dark Knight Cloak over my head and body.

You may be wondering where my knives and balls are. I thought they would just get in the way if I brought them on my person so I just left them all in my 『Item Box』 and pull some out whenever I want to use them.

On that thought, I pulled 4 balls out, 2 in each hand, and threw them with all the force I could muster, ignoring the stinging pain on my finger; all 4 flew at great speed and curved through the air before closing in on this Glacc guy in black demonic ice armor from 4 different direction.

When I first threw the balls, he didn't notice them at all, but after a second, the sharp whistling sound echoed out as they started to approach him.

He seemed to widen his eyes slightly at the sudden appearance of these attacks, but he still managed to maneuver nimbly and dodged 2 of the attacks while creating 2 black ice spears in both hands and blocking the last 2.

The moment the balls made contact with the spears, they exploded with a black aura that clashed with the black aura within the black ice spears; the clash shattered the black ice spears along with the balls and the demon recoiled back from the force.

I didn't idle around while this was all happening, I slowly closed in on the demon and the moment he recoiled back, I put 3 times my strength into my legs and dashed towards him from behind.

Taking out the Drakon Wakizashi, I slashed at his nape but my sword was met with another black spear trying to block it.

My sword flared with a black aura the moment it collided with the spear, its black aura momentarily clashed with the black aura from the spear before it seemed to devour the spear's aura and shattered it.

I didn't stop my attack as my sword slashed at his ice armor, the same thing happened with the armor, it shattered and my sword's black aura grew a bit more.

Before I could slash him again with my sword, I felt danger so I jumped back with all my strength.

I quickly got back into stealth mode the moment I landed and retreated even further as I still felt danger.

Before my eyes, with the demon as the center, the ground around him froze and spread out in a 10m radius of him before sharp ice spikes surged upwards.

The ice spikes grew in size, forming a hollow dome and blocking out his figure from all directions. I was a little confused why he chose to block himself in before my detection picked up the clashing of aura within his body.

The death energy left within the balls I shot him with is clashing with the death energy in his channels again, in fact, I can see that a few of his nodes are damaged.

I can sense him trying to expel the death energy from his body just like before and he's trying to stall for time. Are the damaged nodes in his channels affecting his mind or something?

Has he not figured out what my sword can do to his ice? Instead of attacking me with his ice, he chose to block me out.

Well, I'm not gonna complain about this.

I walked up to the ice dome and stabbed the wakizashi into the ice dome. Nothing happened for a second before I see the black aura in the ice start to rush towards the blade of my sword.

As the wakizashi absorbed the black aura and converted it to pure mana before storing it, cracks started to form on the surface of the ice dome near the blade. However, I also see a surge of black aura rushing from the center of the dome to fill and repair the cracks before getting absorbed into the sword again.

Oh, so he made it so the ice dome would repair itself with his death energy. He thinks my sword is only able to destroy magical constructs so he planned to stall me with building spam.

Well, he probably didn't sense my wakizashi absorbing the energy for his friend, his spear, and his armor because my Group Obfuscation is cloaked around it so I can get why he thought that, but he's still gonna pay for this misunderstanding dearly.

The Drakon Wakizashi continued sucking the death energy from the demon and is growing stronger little by little. This seems to also be interrupting him trying to expel the external death energy, causing him to scream out in pain as the damages on his already damaged nodes kept worsening by the second.

Seeming to realize the mistake he has made, he cuts the connection to the ice dome and started to construct his armor again.

I didn't want to let him succeed so I pulled out one ball and shot it with full force at him. It forcibly shattered a cracked part of the ice dome and flew straight at his chest, breaking through the partially formed ice armor and making another hole in his chest.

His agonized scream echoed within the dome of ice as he clutched his chest, trying to block the bleeding with ice and continuing to form more of the ice armor.

I quickly dropped the Drakon Wakizashi into the 『Item Box』 to free up a hand before pulling out 4 balls and throwing them all, aiming for his head. Then I took out 4 more and shot these ones at his head in a straight line for good measures.

The black glove on my hand was ripped and I could see a bit of blood leaking from one of my fingers while a few others were heavily bruised.

Alrighty, I'm never doing that again. Damn! That hurts!

I grimaced from pain but I still kept my eyes on the demon. He wasn't able to move as freely because of the ice spikes he created so he was like a sitting duck as he was forced to block them.

In the end, my attacks proved too fast and too powerful for his ice spear and hands to block. Thus, his head now has 2 extra holes as his body fell to the ice floor and dispersed into black icy mist.


A/N: Agh! Going back to school sucks a**. So many things to do and it's only the first 2 days.