
Soul Board: DxD

Got ran over by a truck and got transported into a 'special' DxD world with traces of other anime within it. With the all-powerful Soul Board, how much will our MC's arrival screw up canon when it's all screwed up already? ---------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover pic, or the characters besides the OCs, or the works those characters originate from. Main World - High School DxD Crossover - Fairy Tail, ........ I'll decide if I want more later on. Upload is gonna be sporadic. Discord - https://discord.gg/XJgQVdAQ P A T R E O N - patreon.com/renmoduo

Moduo_Ren · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Aoi Toshikawa

(Aoi's POV)

My name is Aoi, Aoi Toshikawa. I work as a maid for the Stayv house, and just recently became the personal maid of Young Master Roger.

I was excited, to say the least, when I received the news from the Head Butler, after all, my paycheck increased with this new position; and just maybe in the future if I showed Young Master Roger my effort, I would get a pay raise again.

Now, enough about my personal situation.

Let's talk about my experience for the last 2 months of being Young Master Roger's personal maid. It was 'eye-opening', yes, I'll go with that.

I, in my entire life, never imagined I would get to witness what a monster is truly like. I'm talking about Young Master Roger; he is a monster.

What other words would you use to describe someone who could do the seemingly impossible feat of going on and on doing intense physical training for an entire day straight without rest?

On the first day of my new position, I was shocked beyond belief seeing the kind of things he was doing for training when I went to call him for lunchtime. However, that was only one of two reasons, the other one was his body.

Who would've guessed that underneath that tall and charming, seemingly gentle and refined figure of his from the night before, he was packing such well-defined muscles? I certainly didn't.

I could go on all day, using many words from the English dictionary to describe how his muscles looked glistening under the light of the underground training room but that would take too long so I will express it in fewer words.

They were truly the definition of 'eye candy'.

Moving on, from that day forward, I took it upon myself to stay by Young Master Roger's side whenever I had no other duty. It is, after all, a maid's duty to take care of their master. Even though he didn't need anything most of the time while training, I still stayed by the sideline, watching him go about his day.+

It never gets old watching him train, before I knew it, it became one of the things I look forward to the most every day. How I wish to run my fingers across his broad shoulder, I tried to do so once under the pretext of giving him a shoulder massage but he rejected.

Soon, however, this little enjoyment of mine would be cut short. Young Master Roger was asked to reduce the time he spends in the training room by the Master of the house and he complied.

I felt rather conflicted, on one hand, my time watching him train was effectively cut in half, but on the other hand, I was relieved he won't be overworking himself. I believe – deep down – I worried that Young Master Roger would overwork himself and fall sick one day.

The thought of that happening just pains me for some reason, even though I've only been with him for a week, the thought of him suffering aches my heart.

Could this be..? No, let's not think of that and move on.

Starting from that day onward, the Young Master would wake up early in the morning and go outside alone to meditate under a tree before breakfast. He told me that he wanted to be by himself at that time, and although it saddened me to not be around him, I still listened and stayed away.

I do wonder though how he always comes back just as I was about to go get him for breakfast; maybe he was keeping track of time, he seems to be very punctual with time as long as he is not training so I guess that's it.

Following after breakfast, he would follow his old schedule up until it is time for lunch. After that, he would have his sword training with the Head Butler and then end his time in the training room after the sword training.

He would then spend the rest of the day in his room and would sometimes go outside, I had to accompany him of course as his maid. My Master would just wander around the mansion ground almost aimlessly; in the 2 months of me being his maid, I would say we have quite possibly covered the entire thing.

I asked him one time his reason for his random desire to take walks and his answer shut me up from that point onward.

"What if I say I wanted to spend more time alone with you?" He had a warm smile adorning his handsome face at that time. I was silent for the entire walk that time and the walks that we would take afterward too.

I'm sure he was just kidding at that time, though his head pat after he said that felt so comfortable, I wasn't able to fight back. Even now he would occasionally show those sweet innocent forms of affection towards me, but I know that affection was different from the one I secretly wish for.

Those from a master to their servant, nothing more nothing less. Even so, why do I still crave for that affection which is probably so insignificant in his eyes?

Do I wish that all that was not just fake?

"Aoi? What's wrong? You're crying" His gentle voice tickled against my ear as his big hand caressed my face. Only now did I realize that I was crying.

"N-no, nothing is wrong, master" I reluctantly shook away from his hold and cleared away the evidence of my feeling for him.

"No, something is wrong. You're crying" He forcefully made me turn to him and locked me in a kabedon (Wall Slam). I feel my cheeks heating up under his intense gaze so I averted eye contact.

"I-it's nothing, really. Some dust just got in my eyes" I tried lying in order to hide my feeling away. But everything completely shattered away when he forced me to face him before his face grew closer.

It all happened so quickly I didn't even have time to react, I felt a warm soft touch upon my lips then it escalated further when he pried open my mouth and inserted his tongue in.

He continued to ravage my insides and I let him, I knew this was wrong but I didn't even try to stop him or resist, I just let him have his way with me.

One thing led to another, and I had my first time with my Master in his room. This was when my forbidden relationship with my Master started.

'You're right, Ka-san. Being loved feels so good' With that thought, I lost consciousness while making love with Master.






(MC's POV)

"Okay, that escalated way too quickly" I commented, I could my face twitching in all possible ways.

"Do you think so, Master?" Aoi, the cause of my temporary Tourette syndrome, curiously tilted her head with a worried look while standing just at the side of my desk.

"Where do I even start? First off, most of this chapter reads like a summary of things happening in between the 2-months time skip with some added thoughts from a side character and some hints to potential romance in the future, which in my opinion is decent" I turn to the notebook in my hand and flipped to another page.

"But…then you kinda went ahead and ruined it by completely rushing the relationship. The line this 'Roger' said to his maid would be solid if there were more prior character interactions between the two before this, but there isn't anything besides that time he walked in on her changing" I paused to give her some time before continuing.

"Then afterward, the maid expressing her doubt in his affection was pretty well done, it gives me a little insight into her supposed deep backstory that made her have trust issue and it really sells it when the 'Do I wish that all that was not just fake?' line came out" I then frowned deeply.

"And that ends where all the decent stuff is since after that it suddenly turned into a smut story where, again, the relationship was too forced. Didn't you intend for the MC to save himself for his childhood friend as mentioned in the earlier chapters? Where did that plan go to?" I turned to her with a questioning gaze while putting down the notebook.

"…" She stayed silent, but I can see her hands trembling and she was fighting back her tears from coming out.

"Look, no need to cry. I'm sure you worked hard on that last part but it's simply too rushed and forced; without sufficient screentime for the two to develop an actual relationship, any reader would think the same" She, by now, had tears rolling down her cute cheeks and was sniffling.

"Sigh….But, I can't give you too hard of a time for this; after all, you've only started writing a few months ago. Just change up some things and shelf the last part for some time down the line and it should be good to go" I stood up and patted her head, her long black hair felt soft to the touch, not as soft as my wings but soft nonetheless.

I can't believe this attractive and mature-looking 'woman' – that's crying after a bit of criticism about her writing – is actually my age. You wouldn't have guessed it from looks alone since she looked waaay too developed for a 15-year-old.

Yeah, I had my doubts too at first when Gramps told me she was my age but the 『Soul Board』 does not lie so I just chalked it up to anime world logic.

She was an orphan that Roy found many years ago and he chose to raise her, in fact, he was raising her to become the OG Roger's maid, but you know, things happened and now she's my maid.

In the 2 months she has been as my maid, I've started to see her more as a cute little sister rather than as a servant. I've taken a liking to pampering her in the little free time I have after I started training magic alongside my physical training.

And, like it was mentioned in what she wrote, she just melts under my head pats.

"Heheh~" Aoi has a silly smile on her face right now, seeming to have forgotten about what she was feeling before this. Gosh, she's so adorable, how can something this cute exist!?

Is this what all the doting big brothers in anime felt in the presence of their own adorable little ball of cuteness? Now I'm starting to understand Hachiman a lot more.

And yeah, I am going to just ignore the fact that I basically just read a fanfic of me and Aoi becoming lovers and *cough* making love, that she herself wrote.

I believe it is too early for me to think about that kind of stuff, maybe I'll start thinking about it after becoming a 6-winged angel aka a High Class being.

And, about the matter concerning her feeling, it's still too early to decide. Maybe in the future, she'll grow out of her little crush or maybe she won't, but that's a matter for future me to deal with.

"Now, I think that's enough playing for today. You should head back to your room and make sure to go to bed early tonight, okay Aoi?" I put on a stern yet gentle expression.

"Mou~ I'm not a kid, Master. I know my duty as your maid" She pouted and hit her chest strongly, making them jiggle. Is she doing that on purpose now? Never mind, not important.

"Alright, alright, on your way now" I gave her one final head pat – I learned that she wouldn't leave until I do that – and then off she goes, taking her notebook with her.

Sigh, alright. Let's get on with today's evening magic training. Tomorrow, we'll be traveling to Italy and I have a new kill quest too.


『Fate Plus』 [-]

[Third Fate Quest – Doing A Great Favor]

Description: The world is filled with all kinds of people, good or bad. Some are necessary and some are not. Whether they are good or bad, some people's existence is just not necessary in the grand scheme of things while some are very much the opposite.

Do this world a favor by killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

Objective: [Kill Diodora Astaroth and those who are with him]

Time: 5 days from now

Location: Italy

Hint: Follow the lights of your wings

Rewards: 10 SPs, +1 Holy, and +1 Healing and Support Magic



A/N: Alrighty, I finally got around to writing some more. Been a bit busy with IRL stuff and hadn't been in the mood.