
Character Profile: Kokoro Kotobuki

Name: Kokoro Kotobuki

Age: 15

Sizes: Bust: 93 cm, Waist: 59 cm and Hips: 84 cm.

Personality: Kokoro is a hothead as Natsu likes to put it. She is extremely violent as well sensitive (especially about her body). She's someone who always solves her problem with punching rather than talk it out. If someone talks bad about her body that is the only time where she'll cry and not hit. Kokoro can be extremely hypocritical at times but just really wants the best for Natsu.

Kokoro can often be clumsy. She doesn't like to think she is though. She's far from shy though and is pretty outspoken. She also shows signs of a "Tsundere."

Face Claim: Sohara Mitsuki


• Black Belt in Karate

• Her special move is called, "Kokoro Attack!"

• Her ultimate move is, "Kokoro Attack x2"

• She is skilled in cooking


- Her name, "Kokoro" means heart.

• Natsu once said to her, "it's ironic how your name means heart because you're pretty heartless!" To which Kokoro used, "Kokoro Attack x2!" on him.

- She comes from a rich family

- She secretly likes shounen anime

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