
Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]

Author: Mr_Chocolate
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.1M Views
  • 14 Chs
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What is Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]

Read ‘Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]’ Online for Free, written by the author Mr_Chocolate, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, REINCARNATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A man named Luke Storm is called the Greatest Sorcerer, Genius, Saint, Devil, and a person nearing becoming a god.All pe...


A man named Luke Storm is called the Greatest Sorcerer, Genius, Saint, Devil, and a person nearing becoming a god. All people are focused on him, but despite all the fame he has received, deep in his heart, something is missing. After a month, year, and decade, Luke searched for what was missing, but he couldn’t find it till his last breath. And Luke opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar environment. And a new adventure awaits him. ––––––––––––––– Hello everyone! I hope you will enjoy my fanfic story. Also, I do not claim any character as my own, except for my original character. ––––––––––––––– Also, guys, to anyone here's my Patreon account. To anyone willing to support me, you can look at this account for advanced chapters. patreon.com/Mr_Chocolate

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澄夏 · General
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It might be a good idea, but i can't be really sure , cause the grammar is really bad... like really bad. I couldn't make it past the first chapter.


Great story. Love the reincarnated sorcerer theme because one if my favorite manwha is I am the sorcerer king. I like the OC characters because it gives the story its uniqueness unlike other stories where we get the same old girls from orher stories dating the mc. Thank you author!!!


Reveal spoiler


Hello everyone i am the author of this story. And for sure i will give the best review 😉. I hope you will like this book, also i am not good at English so if you ever read some problem you can comment then i will edit it ☺️.


it's fun. even though it is sometimes repeated, just like part of the original! I still liked it.


If the iterations and personalities of the characters improve, you may read it again. The dialogues feel empty and seem to copy and paste. All that's left is for the MC to say "I know your future" and ruin the whole story with clichés.


It's amazing. ....it's been a while since I actually saw a Dimensional chat story with powerful and mature characters. .........pls don't drop


world background is decent character design is average at best story development is also decent writing quality is bad the writing it self is understandable but it is not something that i want to read regularly even if the story is amazing if the writing quality is bad its gonna turn a lot of people away. although i encourage the author to write more and maybe try some free spell checking software its gonna help with the writing quality. thanks for writing the book and i wish the author good luck on their next endeavor


I read your story, It's good but, you need to enhance your English skill, it's readable and the story is good so far, I hope you don't drop this[img=update]


I want to read it and I tried reading it but a pity why good story has to have an harem in it. I feel devastated but my dislike for harem can't be overcome on how good of such writing quality


Reveal spoiler


I want more 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬, Please continue updating👍🏻




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