
Something Strange is Waiting For Me

"Don't play when the sun starts to set, you'll get lost! Especially if you get into Alas*!" Not to scare children to go home before dusk, but it is indeed a taboo for all residents of Pedhukul Hamlet, regardless of age. No one knows if the myth is true or not, but people abide by it. Danastri, the daughter of the village head who was nicknamed as Kembang Desa**, who was very sick suddenly ran into the pedestal at night and disappeared. Of course, this sent the whole village into a frenzy. People made every effort to search for the girl, but always ended in failure. Those who went searching at sunset disappeared without a trace. Fear instantly enveloped Pedhukul Hamlet. The last thing they could do was to ask for help from Chandra, the only young man who did not disappear despite walking alone at night. However, they do not know that Chandra himself is very afraid and reluctant to go to the pedestal when the sun has set. A fantasy/horror novel with an old Nusantara settings! *Alas: forest **Kembang Desa (Village's Flower): the most beautiful girl in village

Fukuyama_12 · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Shadow 2 Village's Flower

"Chandra, if you don't look ahead, you'll fall, you know!"

Thanks to that advice, I came to my senses and looked ahead again, towards the uneven path that was full of pebbles and boulders that could trip me at any time. I smiled at Arsa who advised me.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me," I said while ruffling Arsa's reddish hair. He clucked and brushed my hand away roughly, making me grimace. But even so, how rough can a six-year-old be? Of course, the grimace was just a joke and it only made me more interested in teasing Arsa.

Maybe this is what it's like to have a brother. Living alone with my mother sometimes makes me wonder what it's like to have a sibling.

"Is something bothering you? I've noticed you've been daydreaming a lot lately," Mahesa asked. His hands were busy carving bamboo to make a flute, Arsa kept whining for one.

I shook my head even though Mahesa wasn't looking at me. "Not really. Oh, yes! Your relationship with Danastri is getting better, huh? Even though I thought you guys were not approved by Hamlet Chief."

Mahesa smiled bitterly and it was like I could hear the bad news from him. Mahesa took a deep breath and I guessed, "Still not approved, huh?" Mahesa nodded. It's an open secret that Danastri and Mahesa's relationship is not approved.

No one could argue or support them, they just listened and spread gossip. Everyone knows that Hamlet Chief is stubborn and ambitious about his goals. No one could change his mind even if it was his own daughter.

"The Hamlet Chief wants Danastri to marry someone better than me. I don't have anything and can't be compared to the other children of Hamlet Chief," Mahesa said, which made me feel sorry for him. "Danastri also told me that someone will come again in the near future."

"But Danastri will also reject the person again like the previous people, right?"

Mahesa shrugged. "Maybe. I don't distrust Danastri, but someday she will definitely get tired of refusing. Moreover, Hamlet Chief also has a head as hard as stone just like his daughter. It's just a matter of time until we see who gets crushed first."

"That's a strange simile."

Mahesa chuckled. "I don't blame the Hamlet Chief either, but every parent wants the best for their child. The candidates who came have abundant wealth and power, in contrast to me who only herds other people's cows."

"It's hard too, yes. I can only wish you both good things." Mahesa smiled and thanked me for my prayer.

I don't know what made Danastri so in love with Mahesa that she rejected all the rich men who came her way. Her beauty was no secret to the people here, I'm sure Hamlet Chief must have talked about Danastri to other Hamlet Chiefs and government officials he knew. Many men have come to propose to her since she was 14 years old, but Danastri is not tired of rejecting them all.

Recently, I finally found out that Danastri had actually liked Mahesa for a long time. As his best friend, I know Mahesa has the same feeling. Since the two of them were openly close and Hamlet Chief firmly rejected Mahesa, the hottest gossip was about the two of them.

Some didn't care. Some were supportive because everyone has their own happiness. I also realized that both Mahesa and Danastri looked happier when they were together. There were also those who mocked. They said Danastri was too perfect for Mahesa who was ordinary and tended to have nothing.

Mahesa is my best friend, while Danastri is someone I've known since childhood even though we're not that close. Of course, I only hope for the best for both of them.


I waved goodbye to Mahesa and Arsa who had arrived in front of their stilt house, then decided to walk back towards my residence. As usual, the streets were deserted as dusk fell and I would be the last one to wander through the village as people went inside their homes, shutting their doors and windows tightly. No one would come out even if a voice called out to them. 

But this afternoon was a little different. I felt someone walking right behind me. I turned my head to check, perhaps it was a lost child or someone who needed a friend to take home.

I smiled and relief washed over me when I saw who was standing behind me. "Good afternoon. You're the one in front of the Hamlet Chief's house, right? Are you on your way home too?"

The young man was silent and just looked at me without blinking. Didn't he realize that I felt uncomfortable with his gaze? He observed as if there was something strange on my face, but he didn't say so at all.

"Not yet."

I smiled because he finally didn't ignore my question. I replied, "Why is that? It's going to be sunset soon. If your home is in another hamlet, you shouldn't go home now and just stay here."


"Because it's dark, of course. I'm afraid of wild animals." I replied with a chuckle, joking a little so as not to bring a creepy sensation. He might not dare to come here again because of the strange taboos in the village.

Unfortunately, I was the only one laughing alone with the wind. The young man was silent and unsmiling. His eyes were staring far into the surroundings as if he was judging and observing. I scratched my hair awkwardly and tried hard to find a topic of conversation.

However, there was no topic that I could use. Because the orange and purple colors mixed together on the ceiling caught my attention. I quickly said, "Sorry, dusk has come. I have to go home soon. I really advise you to stay overnight. I'm afraid of unwanted things happening."

The young stranger looked at me without blinking, again. I gulped and couldn't look him in the eye comfortably. "If you're confused, you can just stay at my house."

It was a stupid invitation. It could be dangerous to bring a stranger into the house. I hadn't even asked Mother's permission yet. Since there was no way I could take back what I said, I let it go.

"If you want, Master can come with me." I gestured for him to follow me and turned back to the road. I stepped faster, not even running because the orange color in the sky was starting to disappear. Anyway, we had to get there before it got really dark. Something strange might happen to this stranger.

I could breathe a sigh of relief when my house came into view. However, my joy disappeared when I realized the stranger behind me wasn't there. I blinked a few times. It was a bit creepy too as strange thoughts entered my mind.

I shook my head a few times to distract myself.

"Chandra? Why aren't you coming in?"

I gasped and turned to a woman with side-parted hair standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. No smile greeted me, but a frown. I smiled broadly at Mother who was looking forward to the arrival of her naughty son.

"Nothing, Mother!" I ran into the yard, even our pet chicken had entered its cage. My feet climbed the steps to the stilt house. 

Mother closed the door as soon as I entered. She didn't need to bother doing that. I could have done it myself. So, I decided to close the window. I saw that the sun had set on the western horizon. 

Night had come. There was no sunlight. The only light came from the cracks in the houses. No one bothered to light torches for street lighting. The roads were no longer visible and only pitch darkness enveloped them unless torches or lanterns were used. Unfortunately, no one wanted to do such a stupid thing.

Thank you for reading this far! See you in the next shadow!

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