
Something Strange is Waiting For Me

"Don't play when the sun starts to set, you'll get lost! Especially if you get into Alas*!" Not to scare children to go home before dusk, but it is indeed a taboo for all residents of Pedhukul Hamlet, regardless of age. No one knows if the myth is true or not, but people abide by it. Danastri, the daughter of the village head who was nicknamed as Kembang Desa**, who was very sick suddenly ran into the pedestal at night and disappeared. Of course, this sent the whole village into a frenzy. People made every effort to search for the girl, but always ended in failure. Those who went searching at sunset disappeared without a trace. Fear instantly enveloped Pedhukul Hamlet. The last thing they could do was to ask for help from Chandra, the only young man who did not disappear despite walking alone at night. However, they do not know that Chandra himself is very afraid and reluctant to go to the pedestal when the sun has set. A fantasy/horror novel with an old Nusantara settings! *Alas: forest **Kembang Desa (Village's Flower): the most beautiful girl in village

Fukuyama_12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Before shadow

"Help! Help me!"

The young man stared intently at what was before him. He did not make a single sound, just breathed in a blanket of silence. He also did not move and just stood there.

"Why didn't you help me at all?"

Chandra was silent. He just looked away and took a deep breath. Here, it was just the two of them, but Chandra seemed to be seeing a ghost in a crowded place and decided to ignore it.

The figure approached Chandra shakily, then grabbed the end of the golden yellow woven cloth he had wrapped around his waist. Sobbing cries filled with pain and anguish played in Chandra's ears, replacing the painful buzzing that had filled her ears earlier.

"Why are you silent?!"

Instead of answering, Chandra grew silent. However, perhaps because he was tired of being in this place or something, Chandra opened his mouth.

"It's not that I don't want to, but isn't this all you want?"

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