
The World's Perspective...

[3rd P.O.V.]


One gorgeous morning, the planet was welcomed with a different manifestation right at their doorstep. The already hound eats hound world came to be an even additional ferocious and outrageous tribulation, for the populace that is.

An oval designed portal like object emerged throughout the world. The denizens called them gates, doorways that spawn approximately anywhere, from the front gates of universities, academies and colleges to the middle of the thoroughfare, even in someone's bathroom.

They assemble a pathway from the planet, earth, to pocket dimensions called dungeons. Where nightmares with unmatched capabilities, correlating to normal humans, roam without a care in the world with considerably outstanding quantities.

Each pocket dungeon facilitates a boss monster. Brandishing power that far overshadows every other monster that occupied the same dungeon it resided in.

For an abundance of periods, it ruled over the vulnerable monsters, coming to be something akin to a supreme ruler over a civilization of subjects.

Without winning against the boss monster, the gate couldn't close. Ensuing in an outbreak which transpires exactly, seven days after a gate first appears allowing said monsters to infiltrate the human world.

A considerable amount of problems stemmed from such issues when gates first appeared. Particularly due to humanity's defence, technological weapons such as guns and missiles had no effect.

Luckily, the inhabitant of the planet earth was bestowed an extra lifeline, which they employed to the best of their capabilities. Awakened, later called Hunters, generated into existence.

Hunters are humans who acquired magical powers that go further past human understanding, enabling them to win against the monsters that suggested a tremendous threat to the survival of humanity.

Their abilities were studied and attempted to be duplicated to mass-produce combatants. However, the experiments flunked from the very get-go.

Scientists couldn't examine the magical abilities of Hunters due to the considerable difference in their genetic constitutions, one came from the very fabric of creation and the other wasn't.

When the world was exposed to mana, it essentially evolved at a rate that outperformed the technology accessible at this time.

Compelling scientists to utilize magic as motivation to develop new and strengthened technological capabilities for humanity.

They went so far as to assemble equipment which can evaluate the magical energy residing inside of an individual, and place them with a Rank.

Hunters are documented by a global S-E ranking system to show how powerful they are, with E being the weakest and S being the most outstanding in strength, possessing a wide range of abilities. Examples would be Fire Magic and Ice Magic.

It should be remarked, however, that Hunters and humans with powers are not always precisely the exact or similar thing, as humans only become Hunters when they obtain a hunting license and participate in dungeon raids.

As such, there are plenty of humans who awakened with powers who preferred not to come to be Hunters and persevere with normal civilian livelihoods instead.

There are furthermore two general categories of Hunters, combat and non-combat, and six different specific sub-types of Hunters. Fighters, Mages, Assassins, Tankers, Rangers, and Healers.

As hunters proved to be the only ones who could slay monsters and close gates, an international billion-dollar industry ultimately revolved around them as an outcome.

Gates also tend to be bigger when they rank greater, as D-Rank gates are about the scope of huge doors while S-Rank gates are so large that they appear to be like raging hurricanes on their way to swallow coasts.

Such as 'The first S-Rank gate' that humanity had ever encountered. Noted by its name, was the first S-Rank Gate to ever open and one of the most catastrophic dungeon breaks in history.

The gate spawned on the west coast of America, comprising of states Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

As an S-Rank Gate had never been seen before, the American government prepared for the worst and offered a huge reward to any S-Rank hunter who was willing to tackle the gate.

Even though over 100 S-Rank Hunters responded to their call, none of them was inclined toward the disgusting and hateful thought of what came next.

The dungeon boss, a ferocious dragon named Kamish, an enormous red western dragon with grey horns, glowing yellow eyes, a light brown underbelly and a long red whip-like tail, emerged from the gate and laid waste to the entire west coast area.

With its overwhelming and monstrous powers, it massacred tallies of S-Ranks Hunters along with hundreds of thousands of civilians in its trail.

His rampage exclusively halted when the last five surviving S-Ranks teamed up concurrently and successfully killed him, finally putting an end to the mass devastation and casualty he had inflicted upon the United States.

In commendation of their performance in bringing down Kamish, the five surviving S-Rank Hunters, Thomas Andre and Christopher Reed both American Hunters, Lui Zhigang a Chinese National, Siddharth Bachan India's strongest Hunter and Korea's Apollo Ha-Neul. Each was given the authority equal to that of a nation and became known as the National Level Hunters.

Kamish was also given the epithet of humanity's greatest catastrophe and the amount of devastation and death he had caused served as a warning to the rest of the planet as to how deadly an S-Rank Gate could be.

Within ten years, from the very first awakened to the first S-Rank gate. Earth has seen changes that would have been pipe dreams come and go in quick procession.

Seemingly the newly established system works, formulated to have some constraint over Hunters, for the time being humanity seems to behold the better days.

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Korean Hunters Association~

<Present Day>

Standing guard by a doorway, was a young bespectacled man who would be considered handsome by the prevalence of the opposite sex.

He possessed orange hair, a distinctive colour distinguished from the typical earth dweller. Having one incomparable strand of hair poking out.

He had black eyes covered over with a pair of shades. He appeared more relaxed than his conventional attitude during working hours, which sadly is virtually all of the time.

As a high ranking official in the association, specifically the Chief Inspector of the Korean Hunters Association's Surveillance Team, Woo Jin-Chul.

He wore an all-black tuxedo, that encompassed his chiselled and athletic superhuman body, hidden away from prying eyes.

Settled not too far away from him in a glider chair, was who Woo Jin-Chul would deem his boss. Muscular in bodily size, was an aged man with grey hair.

His body was covered in scars, from his head to his toes weren't forgotten by a single gash or stabbing indication.

Comparable to Woo Jin-Chul, due to his rank which was scaled on an even higher grade than the Chief Inspector, he sported a three-piece suit.

He was recognized throughout the globe as 'The Sky Above The Skies,' More precisely The Korean Hunters Association Chairman, Go Gunhee and one of Korea's S-Rank Hunters.

His greenish-grey eyes were glancing across a folder in his hand, scrutinizing the documents. Shuffling from one page to another, he read through the folder thoroughly with minimal effort.

His eyes left the pages held in the grasp of his calloused palm, glimpsing across the office, with a disappointed look. However, indistinguishable beneath those eyes was an unimaginable volume of acknowledgement and assurance.

On a brown leather couch, a slender and muscular man sat with little to no sustenance about his surroundings or the impression he portrays.

He had black and untamed shaggy hair, making him seem like a vagabond of types. With round black eyes, that held unknown awareness, unneeded at this juncture in time.

Donning a red jumpsuit that was zipped up to his neck, with a hoodie stitched to the back for extra coverage of his structured physique.

On his two feet were wooden sandals, also known as Geta sandals, traditional footwear mainly worn in the Asian country of Japan.

A small table stood firmly next to the leather couch, a French Press was positioned, with freshly concocted coffee inside of it, composed to be served at any given point


The shaggy-haired man, had a ceramic cup in his hand, drinking down the coffee he had in his hand elegantly, in contrast to his out of place and eccentric impression.

Taking one last gulp, he placed the cup onto the small circular wooden coffee table, gazing at the displeased chairman.


Noticing the looked he was given, he sighed deeply. "You don't have to worry, Go Gunhee. I'm not leaving Korea, it's my homeland after all."

His name was brought up in virtually every and any conversation that dealt with the topic of Hunters and Gates.

"I'm not worried about you leaving. I'm just a bit disappointed you'll be leaving this organization, Apollo."

Voicing his opinion, Go Gunhee responded to Korea's one and only National Level Hunter, Apollo Ha-Neul.

One of the strongest Hunters to ever exist, and could certainly be placed at the very pinnacle of the world power system.

However, even with those accomplishments, his lack of public appearance and the mystery behind his abnormal powers and destructive abilities never seen before, he's considered to be the weakest.

Apollo barely participated in raids after his alliance assault against Kamish eight years ago. Directly after, he went off the grid for more than seven years.

Unlike the other National level Hunters such as Andre Thomas who created a guild and appeared in public rarely, he didn't at all, not even in the slightest was he willing to disclose himself or his personal life.

The only memorable thing people in the world knew him for was his life and death battle that saved a preponderance of lives due to his selfless actions.

His only sociable litigation was ascertaining a guild with the main purpose to acquire and cultivate a substantial quantity of Hunters that procured any classifications of healing magic.

Their main purpose was to be distributed for a fixed price, according to rank that is. To any raid teams that need a healer in their party, a specially trained one at that.

Reducing the mortality rates to a minimum, which became a norm within every raid team in the peninsula.

Nodding at Go Gunhee's words, he placed the empty ceramic and patterned cup onto the rounded coffee table applying the slightest force he could.

"I'm technically not leaving the association, you know that right. I'm a Guild Master so I'm under your influence either way. There is no need to overreact, especially for an old and decrepit man like you."

At the end of his statement, he took a jab at the elder man's age. Though, Go Gunhee only grinned at the joke thrown directly towards his old and fatigued body.


Another intense sigh vacated his nostrils, propelling his chair backwards, taking his legs out from under the wooden office desk. He stood up with minor complications.

"Even so, I would like for you to do me one last favour, similar to a tribute to our long-lasting friendship, one that would never extinguish, even through the passage of time."

The chairman made his way over to Korea's strongest Hunter, a man who could be placed as his very own country, utilizing the might of a nation itself.

He seemed to have little to no difficulty communicating with someone of such high standards. They even seem to be old colleagues of sorts.

*Step, step*

With each passing step, he came closer and closer to Apollo's position. Folder in hand, and a pen in the other, with no interest in stopping.


His hand holding the folder was placed forward, clicking the button located at the top of the pen, he positioned that hand forward as well. "Sign it, and you're a free man Apollo."

Their gazes met each other, one glowed a bright yellow that shimmered through the room, and the other, Apollo, had a light bloody red that would have made any normal human urinate in their pants.


The indirect rumbling began to affect the room seeming like a small earthquake, which wasn't irregular in the Asian country.

Small smiles commenced forming on both of their faces. "It seems you haven't lost your ferocity, Gunhee?!"

Apollo's arms were folded at this point, proactively speaking to the chairman in a jolly posture, chiding him on to release more of his suppressed power.

Unknown to both of them, or they were just feigning ignorance, Woo Jin-Chul was struggling to keep himself upright.

Regardless, his shades were shattered, the sheer pressure the two were released was enough to indirectly destroy a pair of shades specifically made to take attacks from A-Rank Hunters.


Without warning, the room was engulfed with an eerie silence. The two powerhouses just stood there looking into the eyes of each other, one filled with discontent and the other with indifference.

Raising his calloused and battered hand, Korea's strongest Hunter took the folder that was specifically opened to exhibit a singular page, etched into it with ink.

To be continued~

AN: If there are any and I mean ANY, mistakes do inform me, please. I have both OCD and ADHD, making it difficult to leave faults or errors in my writing.

One of the reasons I started over this Fan-Fic, was due to an error I made on a singular chapter. Added the fact I can't concentrate for long intervals simply makes it an even more strenuous ordeal. That's all I have to share, goodbye and hope the world gives birth to an outstanding day.