

Love has a name can you guess what's his name? Belissima is a simple girl in love with fantasy based romance novels,what happens when a delicate naive flower like her ends up in the hands of a cunning and evil mafia boss. Love has a name and to me it's fantasy, something many writers create just to make their readers happy. Love has a name but it's something that has never existed so should it really have a name. What if it really does exist? What if I think it doesn't exist because I've just never experienced it before? ~GG~ Trigger warnings: •Mentions of rape •Panick attacks •Blood •Violence •Abuse •Incest A/N: I wrote this while doing an assignment for my teacher and I was like "wow!this should be a novel"This book is going to be a hell of a ride so stay tuned and enjoy. Btw I'm not a professional writer so sorry for the rookie mistakes,I'll get better as the story goes along ^_^ Also I am putting hard work into this book so please don't copy it, enjoy!!!

Unknown_Authur · Fantasi
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11 Chs


A/N:This is just a chapter detailing what happened before and during the time Belissima got rescued from Ace's P.O.V.....Enjoyyyyyy!

TW: Mentions of incest and rape

Ace's P.O.V

I've been searching for Belissima since she went missing. I walked out of my room, quickly going to my office to continue searching for her. I ran my hand through my disheveled hair, pondering on on clues I had found and how to use them to find Belissima. Suddenly I felt a person bump into me with a thud.

"Oops,sorry Ace, didn't mean to bump into you," she said. Oh my fucking days,I had no time for Katelina and her nonsense.

I looked up at her and saw she was wearing a robe,not again! She then dropped her phone and bent down seductively to get it. Her fat ass touched my crotch in the process and immediately I felt mad. She turned around and opened her robe slowly, revealing a dark red set of lingerie. Immediately I felt like puking. My favorite colour has been permanently ruined. With a disgusted look,I grabbed her by the neck and she smirked. I threw her across the marbled floor. She rolled around in pain and held her abdomen.

"Don't you dare try that shit again you hear me?I hate you so much that I can't even stand the sight of you anymore,"I said in a fit of anger.

I bent down near her and angrily whispered,

"You are only alive and living in my house because I lost a bet to my sister get that?Don't try to push it,"

"But what about all those times you made love to me,all those times you'd whisper lov....." She said,tears falling from her eyes

"That meant nothing!It was lust.....Get this through your thick head, mafia bosses don't fall in love, and never will!"

I walked away before I could kill her. I entered my cold office and slammed the door. I turned around and suddenly someone knocked on my door.

I told them to come in and behind the door emerged my right hand man, Fabrizio. He ran his hands through his platinum blond hair and looked at me with his gold eyes.

"We found her bro,she's in France"

"Do you know who took her?"

"Yes, Louis Levant"


"Let's see"he said scrolling through his phone.

"Oh here,

Louis Levant

•55 years old

•Son to Graçia and Nathàn Levant,who are siblings btw

•Married Cher Levant,his sister and shot her

•Had a daughter named Belissima Levant who changed her last name to Revera later in honour of her late care taker in the orphanage she escaped to from her father's house at the age of seven

That's all we found"

"Thanks, and ask your mom for permission to leave before we go on this mission this time,she almost killed me last time because of the one we had in Barca,"

"Fine," he sighed.

After he left I couldn't help but wonder how incest is just fucking messed up and psycho. I kill people for a living,sure,but I wouldn't fuck my sister and then want my daughter it's just eew!

Fabrizio's P.O.V

Once I get back from this mission,imma kill Ace. Why in the world does he want me to ask mom to go on a mission, knowing she'll say no. Unbelievable! The shitty thing is he didn't ask in the"joking" tone he uses normally,he used the"big bro, mafia boss" tone ugh!!

I stood in front of my mom's door, gathering all the courage I had,I knocked lightly.

"Come in!"I heard her gentle voice say from behind the door.

This woman makes me wonder is she is actually in her late forties. She has beautiful fiery red eyes,that she doesn't hide unlike the rest of us, long platinum blond hair and the coldest yet warmest aura in this house.

"What's up little man?" She asks in a serious yet gentle tone.

"Mom don't call me that I'm 23 now"I say pouting.

She just laughs and dismissed my beautiful, fragile feelings.

"I'm here to ask permission to go to France on a mission with Ace, please let me go with him," I say the most sincere voice I could muster.

"Okay,go and tell Ace he owes me three thousand dollars in cash,you never let me down lil man"

"Okay mama, thanks"

I walked out of the room, pondering on what my mom said. Then it hit me! Back the fuck up did her and Ace really just bet on me! Fucking bastard's gonna pay for this,mark my words!

"Stupid, piece of Sugar Honey Iced Tea" I say as I realize I'm talking out loud and my niece is coming towards me. She starts jumping up and down as her brown curly hair moves around. I pick her up, lightly dusting her white dress and look into her blood red eyes.

"Do you want to make quick cash,"I asked smirking.

Ace's P.O.V

We quickly got onto my private jet and flew to France. It took three whole hours to reach the city of Paris. That's three whole fucking hours of Belissima being tortured by that bastard. As soon as we landed we got into our black S.U.V's and drove to the location.

Fabrizio took half of the men with him and decided to come using a longer route,I came using the shorter one. We arrived at a small shack made of concrete and no windows. It looked abandoned and there wasn't a single sound coming from the inside. We entered the shack,the entrance of the shack immediately led to a staircase. We quietly descended and found a hallway full of guards. My men and I made sure our guns had their silencers on and quickly but quietly took out all the guards. We kicked the wooden door down and immediately Fabrizio and I looked shocked,we both looked at each other for a moment to confirm what we were seeing.

Belissima was lying on the bed chained up,half naked and terrified while the man on top of her was about to rape her. Women got raped regularly in the mafia but this, this was utterly on another level. This was on another level of messed up! What type of father would want to fuck their own daughter.

"Who are you,"he asked in an angry and cold tone.

"I'm Ace Romano,but you can call me the devil's son" I said

I quickly took him off Belissima, throwing him to the floor, while taking my hoodie and throwing it over Belissima to cover her up. She looked horrified to see me,but at that moment I didn't care. I ordered Fabrizio to unchain her and take her to the jet and wait there. My men then handcuffed Louis and took him to the car. I'd deal with him once I got back to Italy. I walked out of that shack, throwing explosives everywhere I could. As soon as I was at a safe distance,I activated the explosives and walked to the car.

"That velvet suit and the fire behind you made me actually think you're the Devil's protege you know," Fabrizio said jokingly.

I smirked at his comment and focused my eyes on Belissima,she was asleep. She was at peace for at least a little bit. I just wished she didn't fear me.

A/N: Belissima is saveeeeed! Do you think Ace is really the devil's son? Why? Comment your answers