
Sociopathic Ninja

He doesn't conform to the norms set by the society. He is blunt, does whatever he wants, and cares little about his surroundings. He values little of emotions. He uses people instead of befriending them. People call him by many names. The last addition to those names is misogynist. With so many people against him just because he perceives the world as it is, how will he live in the world where being realistic is a must and feelings matter the least? Will he feel his previous world better or will he feel at home? Whichever it is, he has to spill a lot of blood.

Frona_Gorgophone · Komik
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79 Chs

The Busty Gamble Addict (End)

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


Yugakure was known as the village that had forgotten wars due to its decision to stop sending their Shinobi to do missions that Shinobi did. It kept its Ninjas within the country, only assigning them to make sure the tourists visiting the country were safe. They were the equivalent of cops. They weren't involved with any matters outside the country.

This decision was looked down upon by the majority of the Shinobi populace. Some of them even called it Nurumayugakure (Hidden Village of Warm Water) because of its pacifism. No one acknowledged Shinobi from Yugakure. For the Shinobi world, Yugakure's age Shinobi had ended the day it made its decision.

Looking at my surroundings, I could understand why Yugakure could ignore the ridicule the Shinobi world sent its way. The village was surrounded by so many hot springs that I could see steam everywhere. Everyone in this world was quite obsessed with hot springs, so Yugakure naturally became one of the most attractive places to visit.

"Brat, undo the seal!"

Jiraiya's whine caused me to turn my head away from the window. I looked at him neutrally and he looked at me in frustration. To put a leash on Jiraiya so that he wouldn't peep at Tsunade and ignite her ire, I sealed his Chakra with my Chakra Disruption Seal. Jiraiya had thought it would be a quick job to remove, which was why he was whining at the moment.

"What did you even write on the tag to make it stick as if it was one printed on my clothes?" he grumbled. "Listen, stop playing a stupid game. We will be doomed if an enemy sees me and decides to test his luck. News flash: he will be a lucky motherfucker given my state."

"Have you given up to decipher the seal and neutralize it?" I asked, mildly amused.

"I know what you write, but I don't know what you do. It's like you are writing a code using a code and I got no time to decipher it!"

"Be patient, Jiraiya. The seal will deactivate after thirty minutes."

Jiraiya was at a loss for words. He pointed his finger at me with a gaping mouth but eventually gave up. He stabbed the steak on his plate sulkily. I knew how uncomfortable it was to lose the ability to use your Chakra. For someone as battle-hardened as he was, he was dealing with it quite well. Maybe, it was for that reason that he could do well.

After some time, Jiraiya's eyes lit up. The seal had deactivated itself as it had run out of time. Jiraiya gingerly stood up. He looked at me with a smug grin, showing an obvious intention to take revenge. He opened his mouth, but he kept whatever he wanted to say to himself because of what I said.

"Tsunade has come out of the bath. Now is the time to approach her."

"Tsk. Let's go," he grumbled.

Paying for our meals, we got out of the restaurant and went to meet Tsunade. The woman and her apprentice moved quickly. They were already far from the spot where my clone had found them less than a minute before. Of course, it was not hard to catch up to them. From their gait, as hurried as they were, they didn't know we were coming.

"Princess," Jiraiya called out, causing Tsunade to stop in her tracks. When she turned around to see him with a stiff face, he continued, "Care to grab a drink?"

Tsunade narrowed his eyes. "Jiraiya. What are you doing here?"

"Is it not allowed for an old friend to treat you to a drink?"

"I have known you long enough to know that you won't meet me willy-nilly," Tsunade huffed, crossing her arms, making her already noticeable breasts more noticeable.

"Well, I am just trying to test my luck. I might score a date with you; who knows?" Jiraiya shrugged with a smirk.

Tsunade frowned as she mulled over the offer. She was about to say something when her eyes landed on me. She widened her eyes slightly. It was both disappointing and hilarious. Although I was suppressing my Chakra to hide my presence, I was standing right beside Jiraiya. I didn't expect her to notice me late. After all, she was one of the Legendary Sannin.

"Who is that kid?" she asked in wonder.

"Ah, right. This is Minato's brat," Jiraiya introduced, putting his hand on my head.

"Hands off, pervert! I don't want to get infected with your disease," I said in distaste, slapping his hand off my head.

"Hey, I don't have any disease! Also, who are you calling a pervert!?"

Ignoring him, I stepped forward and extended my hand to Tsunade.

"Uzumaki Naruto. Chūnin. Height: 163 centimeters tall. Age: 6 months to 14."

"Ah, nice to meet you, Naruto-kun." Tsunade grasped my hand and shook it. "Your looks remind me of Minato, but your behavior reminds me of the exuberant Kushina. You are, indeed, their child."

"I guess so."

My casual disregard for my parents caught Tsunade off guard. She blinked her eyes but didn't say anything about it. It was a good choice. She had baggage that she chose to keep to herself. She should keep her nose to herself if she didn't want to share that baggage.

"Tsunade-san, if I may…?"

Tsunade looked at me in confusion at my vague question. She opened her mouth to ask, but I already put two fingers on her temple before she could say anything.


I sent a burst of Chakra to my fingers, blowing some strands of Tsunade's hair. The woman didn't look amused by what I did. Ignoring Jiraiya's gaze on my back, I retracted my fingers and took a step back. Looking at Tsunade up and down, I smiled lightly and nodded my head in appreciation.

"For all those rumors I heard about your beauty, I can confidently say only one of them is false. Senju Tsunade doesn't use Genjutsu to enhance her beauty. She is an unnaturally beautiful woman whose beauty can not be measured by normal standards."

Tsunade blinked before letting out a disbelieving laugh. Shizune sent me an awkward smile, probably not expecting such words to come out of my mouth. I internally smiled at their reaction. I already knew Tsunade didn't use Genjutsu the moment I saw her. My stunt was to increase my favorability toward Tsunade and Shizune, to a certain degree.

"I didn't remember Minato being this slick," Tsunade remarked with a small smile on her face.

"Well, unlike Minato, Naruto accepted my teaching," Jiraiya boasted.

"The only thing you have taught me is that I have to stay away from you, Jiraiya," I retorted with a frown.

"Hey, why are you always offensive to me? You got a problem with me or something?"

I turned to Jiraiya and looked at him silently. He squirmed when he noticed that I wasn't joking around. I was joking around, but he didn't need to know that. Manipulating people's emotions was my hobby.

"I do, but you are not ready to talk about that."

Even though I was being cryptic, Jiraiya knew what I was talking about. A wince flashed across his face. He was about to open his mouth when I waved my hand dismissively. We had something more important to do. He got my cue and quickly recovered.

"So, Princess, are you up for a drink or two?" he asked with a smirk.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and me alternatingly before saying, "Sure. Why not."

A few minutes later, we found ourselves in an izakaya. Jiraiya paid for a private booth and bought a lot of snacks to accompany the sake. Shizune and I ordered sparkling juice, not drinking the sake even though we could. I didn't drink sake because of how redundant it was. Ninjas wouldn't get drunk as long as they still had Chakra to purge the alcohol. Sake didn't taste better than any beverage, so drinking it was just torturing yourself.

I observed the conversation Jiraiya had with Tsunade. As unreliable as he looked, Jiraiya was slimy. He could easily steer the conversation in the direction he wanted without Tsunade even realizing it. He easily changed Tsunade's opinions on a certain matter and she didn't even bother to think twice. Jiraiya was a good negotiator.

Before long, Tsunade's cheeks reddened. Shizune put her hand on Tsunade's back worriedly meanwhile Jiraiya smiled cunningly.

"So… Princess, what do you think about coming back to Konoha with us?"

"You know I can't, Jiraiya," Tsunade said faintly, sobering up a little. "There is too much pain in that place. It reminds me of everything and everyone I lost."

"You know that you can't forever be like this. You won't heal if you keep running away."

Tsunade scoffed. "Hmph! As if you understand what I feel. It's easy for you to say that because you don't have anyone who died because of that place." She glared at her hands. "These hands are forever tarnished by the blood of my loved ones. They would have been here if it wasn't for that place!"

As the mood was ruined by Tsunade's outburst, everyone turned silent. A bitter smile immediately crossed Jiraiya's face. Shizune glared at him in disapproval. I looked at the scene in amusement and chuckled. I was not emotionally capable enough to understand Tsunade's hardships.

"It has been years and you are still stuck in the past. How redundant of you."

Tsunade looked up and glared at me. "What did you say, brat!?"

"You are not the only one pained by death, Tsunade. Many people lost their children, husbands, wives, and friends in the war. You are not special. Their hands are also tarnished by the death of their loved ones, but unlike you, they don't run away," I sneered. "Everyone suffers from pain and you don't deserve to act like you are pained the most."

"What do you know about pain, you little squirt?" she spat.

"You have been into the darkness, Tsunade, but I was born in it. I don't understand pain, because I have never been happy. I was born with nothing and my existence has been scorned as long as I remember. But you don't see me running away from reality, do you?"

Tsunade ran out of the bar.


Honorary Mention:

Daoist Mufasa

Deividas Seputis

Faisal Salih

Florin Durbaca


Jamaul Pryor

Luck George

Zion X