
Soaring through Omniverse

This story will be about multiverse travel, where the main character will go to different anime or comics universe to get back all his power.......To know further.. Wait for chapters, I will explain in chapter... !!!Warning!!! In this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. Please don't be offended if your favourite character is being kill or being dark ....for example:- In Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore was a good man and helped Harry ......but in my fanfic, he may be dark and manipulative man.....same can be said for Harry Potter, maybe......Again I M sorry..if your favourite characters are being twisted or opposite of real like hero in original but villian in this story.... There will be many spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes will happen.... Please help me correct it...if you would... I am writing this fanfic because I am bored like hell!..... !Another warning! This will be harem! Will Also contain R18 chapters.... I will copy some chapters from others story. Also MC will travel to another world.. If my story is your not to liking...you can ignore it....or read other story..... Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will. Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. And I will post two or three chapters everyday except Saturday And Sunday..I need to write about future world by adjusting and it will take time ....so no post on weekend... __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Thank You!

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Chapter 4

(Regular POV)

It's been hours since Atulya has awaken his quirk and collapsed in the middle of the dinning room.

After Atulya passed out, Aiko and Jun quickly rushed to the hospital to see if anything serious going on with him. They really hoped this is the part of his quirk awakening. They'd be devastated if Atulya have a weak heart like his mother.

Thankfully that is not the case, it was just his quirk manifesting. His second quirk to be exact.

That what stunned them. Two quirks? One of then is the mutated version of father's and the other being same mysterious energy as his mother.

They know with these two power, their son now has the potential to be someone great..

"Unknown to them, what they thought are already true...Their son was and is still the greatest and strongest being that still exists from the beginning of the time....He just lost all his power...,but now he's slowly gaining the lost powers....And that is not something they would know..hell! not even the their son has any idea of his own power...hehe.."

(Atulya POV)

Opening my eyes, I could tell I am at the hospital. I don't have to look around because my room have standard smell that all hospitals seem to have.

Sitting up on the bed, I begin to stretch my body, only for me noticed something.

I feel amazing!

My body felt so energiez. It's like I have so much power compared to yesterday. I could only make assumptions that it's my chakra finally awakening...But what was that vision I saw...'That looked like I was battling some black like entities, many of them to be exact, but at the end I destroyed and devoured their souls ....That last attack of mine took all of my power to kill and destroy them..but I received a backlash from that attack, suddenly everything went black as I wake up .....Is that true, what I saw? ...And I was looking like a black dragon in that vision..... let's leave those dreams aside for now..God said he will tell everything after the completion of task.....'

Ahh~this is great. Is this what it feel like to have powers? It's definitely something I never thought would happen!..

This is a pretty fantastic experience.

I mean everyone has a dreams of having a superpower one day right?..You must be lying if you haven't....

(If anyone heard him taking like an Otaku, they will commit suicide....by thinking...'Bro you don't have a single clue about your past ....hell! Even the being that sent you here ..said himself that you are strongest being to ever exist....Now here you are saying ...'It is everyone's dream to have super power'....shut up ....you will never understand the feeling of normal plebs.... please shut up.....they will say while crying tear of blood even the some gods will think like this...haha'.)

"Oh, you're awake! We'll inform your parents right away!." Is what a male doctor said before he left a second ago....

I sighed and wondered how long I had been here. They must have been very worried on how I suddenly collapsed. Especially Momo, I am pretty sure I heard someone crying before I blacked out..

I lay down on the bed to wait for the arrival of Momo, Mom and Dad. I didn't have to wait long because minutes later I heard the door open and a small figure ran inside the room.

"Brother" Shouted Momo as she ran towards me. She seems to some tears in her eyes and looked extremely happy to see me.

Holding onto her as she hugged me, I said with a smile, " It's fine Momo, I'm okay.!"

"You gave us a good scare there" Dad said with a laugh as he walked in with Mom and patted my shoulder. He didn't look so worried and I could only guess that the doctor already confirmed that I am completely fine.

"Are sure you're ok, Atulya? You seemed to be in so much pain." Mom, who compared to Dad is still completely worried about me. Even if the doctor had already confirmed that nothing was wrong with me. I guess she just wanted to hear it from myself.

"It's ok Mom, I am completely fine and finally awakens my quirk." I said with warm and slightly excited tone.

(Regular POV)

As the male doctor who was in charge of Atulya came in, he is greeted with a sight of the parents and daughter looking at the boy with awe expression.

He become confused until he saw the boy have activated his quirk. His eyes are red with black dot in the middle and two commas around each eye.

It did confused the doctor on how this child gained this type of quirk when his parents quirk aren't even close to being similar. That until the parents explained that he was adopted which completely shocked him.

To him and everybody else Atulya looked like he could be their biological son. If someone have to say that they are a siblings to a person who never met Atulya and Momo before and didn't know that they are close, they'd definitely believe it.

"Atulya, it seems like you have a rare case been born with two quirks. One of them being your unique eyes and the other is a mysterious energy inside your body that we aren't able to discover." The doctor said to the parents.

"Thank you doctor so he's fine to leave." Asked Mom with concern tone. Even when the doctors and even Atulya himself confirmed that he is completely fine, she wanted to make sure and double check, like any mother would.

"Yup he's all good, but he'll have to name his quirks before he leave and give us a description on what his quirks does and how it works." The doctor said with a smile as he looked at Atulya whose eyes are now back to regular deep blue.

Atulya himself didn't have any difficulty on figuring out names for his two quirks. He did wonder though if it is two separate quirks or one all together, but at the end of the day it didn't matter at all.

"For my eyes, I will name then "Sharingan". From what I've seen it granted me incredible clarity of perception and everything seems to slow down a bit. And for my mysterious energy, I will name it "Chakra" and the only thing I discovers so far is that I feel more energetic and my body feels stronger." Atulya said. Of course he know full extent on what exactly his quirks could do, but isn't't about to blurt out on a full description of his abilities.

He isn't a moron.

Well even if he did, it's not like they could experiment on him or try to lock him somewhere. He has the backing of Yaoyorozu family after all, but he'd still have to be careful.

He'll have to train very hard and be strong enough to the point where no villian...nay...no one in the world would ever think of attacking him and his loved ones.

He's also worried about those vision but he will have to wait to figured it out....

Atulya ignored the weird look he is getting for choosing such weird names. After everything is done he and his family left for home where he will plan his training for coming years.

[ 2 years later ]

He's goona train to get to the level of Madara because it would be pretty dumb to see a kid with that much power...But he'll still be op...

Also he cannot use six paths and 8 inner gets ....only Madara original power ....

And his original power along with his past identify will be revealed after the first world ...

Don't worry you all are in for big surprise... heheh...

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