
Soaring as a Monster Bird in my Next Life!

Aven, a High Magus of the Iron Cent Empire finds himself on the business end of a weapon forbidden by the gods and the will of the world itself. Once he comes to, Aven realizes that he has been reincarnated as a bird type monster... He lost the vast majority of his stats but... He retained all of his skills and titles, even gaining a few new ones. How will Aven proceed in his future, fight against the Empire? Live out in peace?

Dark_Shurikens · Fantasi
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54 Chs

The Calm

The Guard captain sighed inwardly. If only we could have gone about this differently. His face went from a smiling laugh to a straight face as he looked down, at his trembling hand. These weapons… Will they actually… 

"Hey! Captain, what's got you so worried?" Another guard asked, curiously. Also taking notice of the trembling hands. 

"We're about to contend with 5 legendary class aerial monsters. Why wouldn't I be scared?" The Captain shot back a sweaty, glazed over look. He was terrified. 

"That's why we have these things, right here." The other guard chuckled. "With these lead firing machines, we can make the sky painfully deadly. Just as much as the ground." He added with a laugh. 

"You sure about that? The small bird monster earlier, took out a whole two companies worth of guards. And all the guards managed to do is kill the nearby citizens. It was just a Tori Naru too. It isn't even a Greater Tori yet. Let alone a Falcon, or the Elemental Falcons. Such terrifying potential…" The Captain said, trembling. 

"Will you stop worrying so much? That bird is most certainly dead. And if it isn't, those were merely poorly outfitted guards. Look here, just along this wall alone, we have hundreds of high powered firearms. And dozens of canons. The towers also have our trump cards. A weapon with 1 and half meters firing range. And the shells explode in the air, filling it with a ton of shrapnel." Another guard said, in a commanding voice. On his lapel was a Major's symbol. He smoked the last of his pipe and tapped it out, on the outside facing wall. 

"But sir, these were never tested. And the only live fire example resulted in a total defeat." The Captain said, unable to accept this fate. 

The Major walked closer and leaned in to whisper. "Listen, it doesn't matter anymore. We don't have a choice at this point. Monsters are coming to attack the city. All we can do is use what we have to deal with the threat. I am terrified, but fortunately only the unfaithful of my family will die today." He explained, making it very clear. Prepare for death, for it is coming. 

"I… I see. It's at times like this…" The Captain started to whisper back. 

"Shut up, I wish the magus were here too. But what point is there in wishing for that? We purged them with the thought that they were too dangerous and unfair. Any that survived would never join hands with us ever again. Also, this situation wouldn't have happened. The City's most powerful mage would have declared control and killed the ruling family before it got out of hand." The Major grumbled, in a whispered tone into the captain's ear to shut him up. "Good, now play along." He added. The Major pulled away and started to address his guardsmen. "MEN! TODAY, WE FIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF FIGHTING. IF WE WIN WE LIVE. IF WE LOSE, WELL YOU GET THE IDEA. SO FIGHT BEYOND YOUR LIMITS THE ENEMY IS TOUGH BUT WE HAVE STEEL ON OUR SIDE! LET US STRIKE FEAR INTO THE HEARTS OF THE ENEMY!" The Major declared in a voice so loud it managed to cover quite the large area. Nearly a full quarter of the length between towers. 

"YEAH!" The Guards all cried out their war cries. Resounding through the area. Reverberating in the souls of the guardsmen. 

~ The Skies A Few Minutes Away ~

"What's that sound?" Flairiana asks, confused. "It sounds like the cries of a snake dying under our claws. But I'm not sure." She continued, proposing what it might be. 

"Elder Sister, is it that tiny dull sound?" Vitaliana asked, cocking her head slightly 

"Yeah, I hear it too… It sounds pathetic." Fulgiana giggle chirped. 

"In that case… I think I know what it is." Vitaliana sighed. "It… Before battle humans do this thing to pump them up, it's called a war cry." She explained. "I think it's supposed to boost morale and fighting spirit among allies while striking fear into the enemies hearts." She elaborated further. 

"Huh? Humans really are stupid then. That would only work on other humans… And maybe demons. But against us? They're the only ones that will be crying." Fernia smugly laughed. 

"True, if they are already starting out like this… It won't take much effort to remove them from this world… Permanently" Acialia said, licking her beak. "Sisters, activate all the resistances to make these pitiful weapons useless. Also… Considering Grandmother is here and has given us her blessing… Lets not let their souls pass on this time. We shall consume them and offer their energy to mother as a sacrifice to help her evolve properly." She continued. 

"As all good daughters of mother should do. Though… If we do that, Vitaliana will have to avoid fighting if we want all of the souls." Aieria giggled happily. 

"Hmm, in that case, I'll start by teleporting the faithful out of the city. But I will fight if need be." Vitaliana said, offering a solution. 

"That's for the best. But if you do engage in combat. Bring the fight as close to one of us as you can. Alright little sister. We aren't about to lose you, especially not because of just a few pitiful weak souls." Acialia said. "If you have to kill some of these evil humans, then do so. A few missing from the city isn't going to be a huge difference." She added. 

"Understood! Now then, I have an order for you as well. Don't die on me big sisters. I still want to have fun with my family after this." Vitaliana chirped. 

"Pfft, alright. For our little sister. Let's all come back covered with human blood. That way we can all have a nice bath. How's that sound?" Aieria giggled, looking back at Vitaliana. 

"Sound's good." Vitaliana chirped. 

"Alright Sisters, it's time. From here on. We kill the humans and vampires in this city. Spare none save for the faithful humans that have taken shelter. All others, regardless of age or gender… Must die." Acialia said, with a murderous aura taking hold. One that was soon emitted by all 6 of the sisters. A bloody revenge would be wrought this day.