
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs


(Why should I only be loyal to you?)

Anetta sighed weakly. I mean, Anetta seemed to sigh now.

'Wait, is this...a threat? What makes you defect from me? Because you often lose?'


Anetta was silent.

(Of course, why should I only be loyal to you? Not only loyal, I have to serve, care for, and love you.)

I felt relieved by her answer. But I was also stunned by the last part of Anetta's response.

'Eh? I'm glad to hear that but...'

(Master, I will always be loyal to you even until you die or until the trace of your soul disappears from this world. I will always love you, your body and soul beyond my own existence. I will always follow you forever even in your death. I am a skill entity, and I will definitely be destroyed once you die. Even if I were not a skill entity, and if I had a truly living body, I would destroy my own body when you die. I will destroy my soul if your soul is destroyed. Wherever and whenever that is, I will always be loyal to you, even if death separates us.)

Strong emotions, indeed. I was really very confused at this moment. An AI that became a skill without emotions has now turned to have emotions. And those strong emotions reached my heart. I couldn't help but feel that newly born emotion. After all, Anetta is an artificial intelligence entity that I created. I have always been with her throughout my life since I created her. Honestly, I was very touched, but there was something that made me feel strange.

'If you are loyal to me, why have you hurt me so far?'

Anetta again remained silent before responding.

(To train you.)

'But you hurt me!'

(Hmmm. How do I think of it? Just think of me who always loses to you and now I have a chance to defeat you when your body is still weak. Then there is another big factor, your Arkium which has decreased in quality. When else can I beat you if not now? Even if you increase the capacity and amount of your Arkium during the battle, I can take it to manipulate your body and mind as I please.)

(And I am very grateful for the access permission you gave me, I can control your entire body during training to create a realistic simulation illusion. And also, when I think of you as fully mine even temporarily, I feel a small electric current that tickles my skill program. That strange feeling is really addictive.)

(And that includes the frustration and pleasure when I lose to you. I don't know, I should be frustrated when I lose to you. Of course, I feel frustrated, but somehow I feel very happy to be beaten and defeated by you. I really want to feel that again, it's very challenging!)

Anetta's voice clearly sounded seductive now and was heading towards a dark direction. However, I ignored it.

'Wait, so when I feel like I'm not running out of Arkium but at the same time I feel restricted, is that because my capacity has increased and, Anetta took it?' I separated this thought from my main thought.

(What you think separately from me might be the correct answer.)

'I can say, you've gone crazy. You're crazy, Anetta! Where did the idea of torturing me come from-'

(Oh, come on, Master, don't say that to me. I feel very sad when you act like this. Besides doubting me, you even ignore me and say that I have an error in the program...uh...umm...I mean, you even say I'm crazy. And please reflect on yourself before calling me crazy. The problem is...you are crazy too!)

Honestly, Anetta's voice sounded funny when she still thought she was a programmed AI. The fact is now she has evolved even further. No matter what, I'm still not used to her sudden change that now dares to tell me to reality check. Unfortunately, I don't feel crazy, I'm still sane with a clear mind.

'Me? Crazy? You are very bad at making excuses, huh?'

I chuckled inwardly.

(I mean...please, you really need to reflect for now and see the reality. Just use Quantumorph Artisan to use metal to reflect, I mean, to make a mirror.)


(Please, just do it, My Dear Master!)

I ignored Anetta's seductive tone and activated Quantumorph Artisan to make a silver mirror.

'Me? Crazy? It doesn't make...sen...se?'

I could see my face full of sweat and panting like a normal person exercising. Only, what surprised me was my expression.


(Now, look at the recording of your fight when you get hit. Especially the strong hits.)

I watched the recording carefully, it was taken from a third-person perspective. Anetta changed her perception with Arkium so she could record from a third-person perspective. And I could see my face throughout the fight.


And my expression was, a smile. A maniacal smile. Sometimes a happy smile.

(We're both crazy, My Dear Master! Aren't we a perfect match! I belong to you, and you belong to me! Aaaahhh just thinking about it makes my circuits tingle. Oh, I forgot I don't have circuits. Ahem..forgive my carelessness, Master!)

I completely ignored Anetta and focused on the recording.

'Damn it!'

Anetta's simulation avatar just stood still and looked at me. I looked at her too.

'But you know Anetta, this isn't so bad either.'


'I mean, I'm happy because you give me a strong opponent. That makes me happy. Hmm, so, am I crazy? Maybe yes. Feeling the fight with a strong enemy is very enjoyable, and you give me that sensation.'

(Finally, you do not ignore me, Master!)

I'm still not used to Anetta's change like this. But I also feel happy, Anetta who I created can develop independently until she grows emotions.

'You said you wanted to defeat me right? Why do you use the avatar you created? Why not manifest your own body in the simulation so you can fight me directly?'


Upon my suggestion, Anetta fell silent.

(C-Can I do that?)

'After gaining emotions, I actually want to see your manifestation too.'

(Uh...I-I'm shy to...meet you with that form.)

'You've already manifested your virtual body?'

(Y-Yes, I have!)

'Then, why don't you just replace Liang Jianwei?'

(Can I?)

'Of course, I'm also curious about your virtual body.'

Anetta was silent. Then I could see Liang Jianwei slowly disappear. Not only Liang Jianwei, all the impact of the attacks that damaged the environment done by Liang Jianwei disappeared. Only the impact of my attacks remained. Then Liang Jianwei, who had disappeared, was replaced by a new figure.

When it manifested, I could see a beautiful woman with long white hair reflecting the moonlight. Her orange eyes sparkled in the night.

The figure approached. She wore white armor with designs from my old world.


I was slightly stunned by her beauty. And then I realized after the figure called me.

"Anetta?" I said it without mind connection.

(Y-Yes, Master. It's me!)

"You look...incredibly beautiful."

She blushed and slightly lowered her head. Then without warning, she hugged me. Her white armor disappeared, replaced by casual clothes.


I was slightly surprised by the sudden movement. I slowly returned her hug. And somehow, I could feel all her touches. What stood out the most were the heavenly mounds squeezed between our bodies. Due to their large size, the sensation of touch was more impactful. And it triggered a natural reaction from this teenage body. I was slightly in a dilemma about this. If I controlled it with Arkium, Anetta would know, and if I let it be, maybe Anetta wouldn't notice. Maybe?

(Finally, I can hug you after all this time my growing emotions were considered as an error in my program! I am very happy!)

Her hug tightened and her previously dark aura voice was now replaced by a gentle one.

Then she released her tight hug and slightly moved away, but her hands were still on my shoulders. When Anetta moved away, I calmed myself and made my little buddy as calm as possible without the help of Arkium. My palms were still on her waist. I felt a bit awkward about this.

Then Anetta's expression turned into a mischievous smile.

(By the way, Master, I like the natural reaction of your body when you touch me.)

'Damn, I already thought of it and sure enough, she noticed.' I thought in a mind section separate from Anetta.

"Ahem, forgive me. Wouldn't I be considered impotent if I didn't show a reaction?"

(Don't be like that, Master. I know your body better than anyone in this world.)

Anetta smiled seductively while hugging me again.

"Ahem, so how about we continue the fight again? You said you wanted to defeat me, right?"

Anetta was slightly surprised and released her hug. Although after releasing the hug, she didn't move away. And I felt a bit strange about an AI that could be surprised and forget its task. Maybe it was just...I don't know.

(Oh, I almost forgot, Master.)

"I will be more serious this time!"

I looked at Anetta with a competitive gaze. Seeing me excited, she seemed quite happy.

(I can't wait to crush you when you're fired up, Master!)

Anetta smiled mischievously.
