
Chapter 5

Timothy POV:

Three days. For three bloody days, we have been traveling. Don't get me wrong I love to travel however, it's a completely different situation when you're with The Typhoon. One of the fastest knights in today's knights. No one knows where he comes from or who his master is (or was). I almost didn't recognize him in civilian clothing nor was I expecting him to allow me to travel with him after...everything that happened. I don't remember anything that night; I don't even remember him saving me. No one wouldn't tell me what happen, not even my hero would tell me.

I look up to see my idol ahead of me with his other new companion: a black Ball-tailed Cougar. It has kept its distance from me for the last several days. I can't imagine why. They strolled on ahead in a good mood as I strayed behind sinking in deeper in guilt. Riley, as the knight called himself, is the same age as me but his body is small, like a girl's, but is built for speed. His short silver hair turned white in the sunlight as a light breeze whisp through it. His eyes were as equally memorizing for they were a bright ruby red. His pale skin, silver hair, and ruby eyes made him appear foreign and exotic. If Sir Riley were a girl, I would have fallen head over heels for him. But if it wasn't for that faint scar going across his face, he would look completely flawless unless he has more scars under his armor. I wonder how he got that scar?

"-im? Tim?" Sir Riley's voice interrupted my thoughts as we came to a halt."

"Um sorry, were you saying something?"

"Yeah, We made it." He flashes me a pearl-white smile. Heat started to build up in my face as I shook it away. I catch up to them, keeping my distance from the small cub as my eyes laid upon our destination. Porthcawl and Dornwich. Two towns are separated by a river and are run by two brothers, two very competitive brothers. I've been here several times with my father and friends for business and pleasure. They are both small towns far from the ocean, aren't really known for anything except for the almost daily shows of the brothers fighting each other. It's really something and entertaining to watch. But ...

"Why are we here?" I couldn't help but ask.

"For supplies." He answered as if I should've known this.

"Haha, of course, silly me. How could I forget?" the both of them look me over in confusion before continuing towards Porthcawl. I'm such an idiot. Was he talking to me this whole time or something. Maybe he mention it last night or something. Maybe he didn't mention it all and is getting back on me for scaring him when he was changing. Countless thoughts went through my head as we approach the town. It was rather busier than usual as the townspeople were moving about carrying around fresh food or toys, among other things.

"I'm not sure." I hear Sir Riley whisper.

"What was that?" I ask him. I notice the small startled jump he made as I spoke.

"Um, I was wondering what is happening? It wasn't like this the first time I went through." He itches at the scar on his face, drawing his eyes to something else. A habit I'm just starting to notice when he gets nervous. The small black cub jumps into his arms as we started to become crowded with girls.

"I knew that was you."

"Hi, again sweetheart."

"Look how cute this cat is." One by one, girls began to bombard us till we were separated. No matter how hard I try, I couldn't get back in. I went over to the nearest object I could stand on and look for Sir Riley and the cub. Like a red rose in winter, He stood out from the rest of the crowd, making it easy for me to spot him. The cub had curled up into a tight ball as Sir Riley shielded it from the girls as best he could, not able to protect himself from their grasp.

"I need to get him out of there but how?" I look around till my mischievous eyes spotted the perfect item: The Firework Stand. Unfortunately, I was banned from using any fireworks in this town from a tiny mistake I made last year so attaining anything from there or anywhere else would be difficult. I moved closer to the cart, eyeing all their contents as a brilliant idea pop into my head. With quick and precise movements, I glided over to the cart, my eyes set on the target. Luckily the lady attending the cart left to join the group so I swiftly grabbed the item with ease and make my way back to the growing crowd. Using my lighter, I lit each string, tossing them one by one under the girls' feet into the crowd. before the first set went off, I toss in a special treat. Smoke engulfed the crowd as the lovely crackling popping sounds of the firecrackers went off followed by the sounds of girls shrieking. I let out a menacing laugh as a slender callous hand grabs my wrist pulling me away from the scene at full speed. We kept running for a few blocks till we ran into a run-down inn.

"Thanks." Sir Riley thanked me. I simply nodded, still trying to catch my breath. How the hell can he run that fast and not even be tied. I'm over sweating like a pig while he hasn't even broken a sweat. He can't be human. As I recovered, Sir Riley got us rooms which lead us upstairs. He got us separate rooms that were next to each other.

"Let's freshen up a bit then met downstairs to go get dinner. ok," He spoke up as continue to hold on to the cub.

"Sure, is the cub going too?' I ask.

"This cub has a name you know. Her name is Nenet and she is staying here for her own safety." He quickly enters the room before I could say anything. I enter the room next to theirs as guilt enters my head again. For the past few days, I have been trying to remember that night but all I get is a terrible headache. I've to ask Sir Riley many times to tell me what happen but he was reluctant to say anything except for how it was for the best that I didn't know. I hate this.


Sir Riley was already waiting for me downstairs as I made my way down. He was wearing a loose green tunic with a black long-sleeved shirt underneath and brown trousers. His soft silver hair was covered by a brown beret. He was itching the scar again as I cleared my throat to signal my approach.

"Ready." He chirped.

"Will the cub, excuse me, will Nenet be ok."

"One, well save and second, I think so. She was pretty tired from traveling so she is sacked out on the bed." He flashed out his crooked smile as we left. We made our way to the river till we enter a small tavern that was packed to the walls with people.

"I think I know what's going on." I piped up.

"You do?"

"Yeah watch this." I approach the nearest group of old men happily drinking away. "Parden the interruption," A few of them stop drinking. Their eyes glazed from the alcohol. "But we just got here and would you mind telling me who won?" They stared for a minute before raising their glasses in the air, shouting: "KINDELU!!" Others followed in the chanting as I went back to a confused Riley.

"Whos Kindelu?"

"Kindelu is the mayor of this town, his brother is Tinrrad. This is what happens when one of them wins. The whole town celebrates the win for the whole night then they go back to normal the next day." I explain to him as he stared at everyone in awe. "Since we are here and drinks are usually half-priced let's have some fun." Awe turned into cautious as Riley turned to me unsure of what to say.

"I'm not much of a drinker. I just want to eat and get back to Nenet." He began to itch the scar again but grab his hand to stop it.

"Come on, Nenet will be fine, she's passed out remember. We'll be back before she wakes up but for now, let's get some drinks. It'll be fun!" I'm not one for peer pressure but despite Sir Riley's easy personality, he is rather a tense person. This should help him relax for a bit and if he can't hold his liquor maybe I can get some information out of him. He looks out to the crowd then back to me as a not-so-assuring smile appeared on his face.

"Ok, sure."

"Great let's go. Bartender!! Two mazers filled with your finest beer if you please." I pulled Riley up to the bar table as the bartender brought out two large wooden mazers filled with to the top with beer. I grab the handle with confidence for tonight's reveals as Riley timidly grabs holds of his. "A toast for the many adventures that await us!" I shouted as he simply nods in agreement. our cups clash together for the toasts as I begin to chug down sweet liquor while Riley simply takes small sips. He has to be weak to this stuff if he's only taken sips. I call in another round as he finally finished his cup. His pale face was now a love shade of pink as his eyes look as if he was about to drop. Getting my answers will be easy.

So I thought.

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