
so far so good

Felis_Nigripes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

That's it, but what?

The stranger takes Mian and crumble the space to an immortal's cave. That's all Mian can tell since he seldom goes outside. But what a cave can be?

The man throw Mian on the ground, "open it!" sounds cold and emotionless.

Mian finds it so ridiculous, "how?"

"Are you kidding me?" the man doesn't believe it, "use your spiritual sense!"

"But I don't have any." Mian shout out, "I am an ordinary person!"

The man suddenly gets angry, "How dare he lie to me!" and about to kill Mian

"Not really," Mian stops him, "I AM the son of the sect leader. There are something I can do. Don't kill me."

The good thing is, the guy listened. Otherwise we can just stop here and I can go home (just joking).

"You know if you lie to me!" the man checks Mian's wrist, "You don't even have spiritual roots." That seems so surprising to this guy.

Well, as we usually see from other cultivation fictions, a son of a sect leader is born with the best spiritual roots. If not, then this guy would be endowed with most of resources. However, our protagonist in this story doesn't have any. Not even any bit of spiritual sense, or qi.

"I don't have any cultivation base. Nor can I even cultivate. But there must be something I can do. As long as you don't kill me, I can do anything." Mian doesn't sounds begging, even though the words are like that.

"So calm. That's good. I don't like those crying for life. Too noisy. But you don't look anything like your father. He is the toughest guy as far as I know." The guy laughed but his eyes don't.

Mian knows he is still in danger. The best strategy is surrender and wait for opportunities to run. So he argues, "Look, I don't care much about him. Just let me know what you want from me. And let me go after that."

"Not many dare to argue with me. You got balls." Now the guy looks interested. He grab Mian's hand and scratch for his blood on the door.

The door absorbs Mian's blood. Luckily it's open. But the guy doesn't let Mian go.

Well, well, well, it comes to the third day. Good on myself. Look at what I have done. Don't give up!

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