

Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

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4th November 1996 (Monday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)

"So, Yash!" I began out of nowhere, "How's your kid doing? Last I heard his asthma treatment was ongoing, right?"

"Oh yes! No, he's better now. Well, as good as he can be. I mean, he started hugging his inhaler to sleep out of fear of misplacing it. But by the time he wakes up, it gets mixed up in the blanket as his sleeping position changes throughout the night, so he spends his first 5 minutes panicking the hell out, all the while frantically searching for the little thing, only to find it eventually. It's… an adventure I guess, for him at least. But yeah no, he's… doing better. Thanks for asking." He concluded with a smile, plunging the room into silence once again.

Me and my team, along with Janice, Missy and Trent, the latter two who I invited today specifically, are lounging about, in tense anticipation… as we wait for Sophia to return with the numbers.

The numbers.

The 4-day box office performance of 'Paranormal Activity', starting last Thursday and encompassing the weekend… is finally in.

Sophia, who is our link to Distribution has been gone the last 10 minutes to fetch the report.

The piece of paper, that might as well be a marksheet, considering it'll tell exactly how well we did the weeks prior.

The only thing that could be heard in the office were the light rhythmic taps of Trent's shoes, and the distant shouting some rooms away, from another marketing team.

I tried, you know? Attempted a little small talk here and there… only for my attempts to fall flat on their face as everyone gave non-committal replies, some of them just humming all the while focused on their computers.

Even Missy succumbed to the gloom, staring off into nothingness. Trent it seemed was the only exception.

He sat on a beanbag he got for himself from home apparently, all the while bobbing his head with a song only he could hear, considering the earphone connected to his Walkman. His eyes closed, he moved his finger through the air erratically, trying his level best to not show his apprehension.

Unfortunately for him… the Gamer is far too overpowered.


Name – Trenton Campbell

Age – 23

Relationship Status – Best Friend

Occupation: Cinematographer, Assistant Director, part-time waiter

Affiliations: Wildsmith Productions, Juliano's Pizzeria

Citizenship: American

Base of Operations: City of Los Angeles

Education: Masters in Fine Arts (Cinematic) from USC


Strength: 25

Dexterity: 29

Constitution: 24

Intelligence: 36

Wisdom: 21

Charisma: 30

Current Emotional State: Anxious, Uneasy, Optimistic

Bio: Trenton "Trent" Campbell is the son of Jeremiah Campbell, a deceased man who used to own the 2nd largest family owned funeral home in the state. Sadly after his tragic death 15 years ago, Virden Funeral Group, used a contractual loophole to initiate a 'takeover'. His mother Francine Campbell received a meager sum as compensation and had to start a catering service to support herself and Trent over the last few years. Luckily, due to a series of donations made by his father years ago, Trent managed to secure his admission in USC, intent on turning his life around for himself and his mother. Due to the emotional turmoil of witnessing his father's legacy be ruthlessly snatched from his tiny little hands, his repressed trauma fuels his hedonistic lifestyle, making him a skilled womanizer.

Damn it.

Every single time I read his tragic bio, I'm reminded of exactly how he became my friend in the first place.

My first day of class, when the teacher introduced me, she made a merry remark about how I might find it easier than others due to my extensive 'background' in the film industry.

And then she went on to elaborate on my background. And naturally, as aspiring film-makers, everyone, and I mean, everyone… knew exactly who daddy dearest was.

Suffice it to say, things started off awkward between me and my classmates, who undoubtedly thought I was here, solely due an unholy combination of bribery and nepotism.

It took me a month to finally prove myself, as I went on to ace every single test, have answers ready for every single question, and had introspective discussions with several professors.

Eventually, they all warmed up to me, after all, my CHA made it inevitable.

But Trent… oh he was the sole exception, the boy who warmed up to me from the very start, brazenly inserting himself into my life, promising to teach me, a 'little nerd', the true 'pleasures of life'.

I found it amusing at first, so I never really objected to his extended presence, and gradually… I became used to it.

I'm sure my parentage was more than a passing thought to him, but thanks to an extensive use of Observe, I found out, it was never really a deciding factor for his actions.

Point is, he is dealing with a ton of childhood trauma and managed to find a… kind of suitable outlet for it.

The outlet being, women in general. Yep, he became a walking talking manslut, even making me his wingman at times.

And the fact that he lost his father at an age where he could not only feel the ramifications of his absence, but also process it… I suppose I saw a part of myself in him.

It's been years now but… I still miss her… a lot. My dear old mom that is.

Well that took a depressing fucking turn.

Anyways, Trent's current emotional state indicated he was anxious, feeling uneasy, and yet at the same time, maintaining his optimism about our movie.

And to be honest, he was doing far better than everyone else in this room… barring me of course.

I obviously knew we were gonna do well, I was just waiting for official confirmation to display my glee openly.

As for the rest… Walt and my team were feeling a little hopeful, but not that much. After all, they have been involved in a number of marketing efforts these last few years.

It may be my first rodeo, but it sure as hell ain't there's.

Their history involves a number of successes and outright flops, which have made them extremely cynical, to a point where they have given up on setting expectations because they believe it'll just lead to disappointment if the set expectations are not met.

To be honest, a part of me appreciates their skepticism, it's something that used to plague me a lot once upon a time.

Just then, the door opened with a bang…

And in came Sophia, panting, wiping drops of sweat from her forehead, as she looked around the room in disbelief.

And everyone near simultaneously halted their current train of thought and stood up, their anticipation peaking.

"Sophia," Aaron finally couldn't hold in his curiosity it seemed, "What's the verdict?"

A tense silence followed his question as all eyes swiveled to the woman in question, who still hadn't recovered her breath completely by the looks of it.

"$16.45… million. Domestic."

It started with Agatha banging her hand to the desk, screaming in jubilation, "YESSS!"

And then it was near pandemonium.



All of us exchanged a series of hugs and high-fives in no order whatsoever, laughing together, as we congratulated each other.

In all of this hubbub, I managed to get the report in my hands, as I glossed over it.

And when I saw the numbers… bloody hell.

$16.45 million domestic. Factoring in international, $28.2 million.

In just 4 fucking days.

I had an inkling of how successful we would be, but seeing is believing I guess.

5th November 1996 (Tuesday)

Peter Higgs (POV)

Deadline Hollywood - Box Office Forecast

November 5, 1996

In a thrilling clash at the box office, Paranormal Activity has conjured an otherworldly spectacle, dominating both domestic and international markets. The horror sensation, strategically released on Thursday, October 31st, has sent shivers down spines, amassing an impressive $16.45 million domestically and $28.2 million internationally within its inaugural four days.

Domestic Haunting

Paranormal Activity's performance on U.S. soil is a frightful triumph. The calculated release on the eve of Halloween has proven to be a masterstroke, garnering a staggering $16.45 million domestically in its opening weekend. The film's unique approach to paranormal suspense has resonated broadly, captivating both genre enthusiasts and a wider audience. As Paranormal Activity continues to haunt theaters across the nation, industry insiders anticipate a domestic total that could surpass the $50 million mark in the coming weeks.

International Phenomenon

Crossing borders with an ethereal force, Paranormal Activity's international box office domination is equally impressive. The film has manifested a global appeal, accumulating $28.2 million in just four days. With its spine-chilling narrative and strategically planned release, Paranormal Activity is poised to continue its global conquest. Industry analysts project the international box office figures to surpass $80 million as the film expands its supernatural grip on audiences worldwide.

Crimson Veil's Bloodcurdling Plunge

In the wake of Paranormal Activity's success, the once-mighty Crimson Veil is experiencing a disconcerting decline. Released two weeks before the horror juggernaut, the Crimson Veil suffered a spine-chilling 45% drop in its second weekend, plummeting from a formidable $40 million to $22 million. As the Crimson Veil struggles to maintain its hold, Paranormal Activity's relentless horror has undoubtedly cast a shadow over its box office reign.

Box Office Crystal Ball

As Paranormal Activity's spectral surge continues, industry pundits are attempting to decipher the film's future box office trajectory. With the initial surge in numbers and overwhelmingly positive audience reactions, predictions suggest Paranormal Activity could maintain its spine-tingling momentum, scaring up a domestic total well beyond $70 million and an international sum surpassing $120 million. As the horror masterpiece becomes a fixture of Halloween and lures audiences into the holiday season, Paranormal Activity may very well become a perpetual box office juggernaut.

In a world where screams translate to success, Paranormal Activity has emerged as an unparalleled force at the box office, leaving its competitors quivering in the shadow of its supernatural prowess. Stay tuned as the horror phenomenon unfolds, and Paranormal Activity continues to chart its course towards box office history.

"So… the kid came through." I started with a sarcastic smile, "I'll be honest Ambrose… I always thought he could do it, had nothing but the utmost trust in his capabilities as I cherry picked his marketing team."

A series of chuckles followed my statement, hell even Javier cracked a smirk.

"No but in all seriousness," I continued, "I did not account for this, not at all. So, what next boss?" I along with everyone else directed our gaze at Ambrose.

His face was impressively blank, as he stroked his chin in deep thought. He wasn't in the mood for celebration or anything, just because his son had managed a significant feat.

No, this was Ambrose Stirling, the CEO, not Ambrose Stirling, the loving father.

He raised his head towards each and everyone of us slowly before firing off, "Higgs, equip the marketing team ASAP. Issue them all a nominal bonus, and make sure they continue doing whatever the hell they've been doing the past few weeks to achieve this result. Lynch, get in touch with Accounts, tell them to hold off on this quarter's report. We'll inflate the overheads with the subsequent gross, make sure Quasi Production gets a smaller share, by hook or crook, I want it done. Katz, get in touch with your guy at Paramount, I wanna know what's happening today itself. See if we can weasel out a more favorable deal with our collaboration next year. Also, I want a sheet detailing our residuals… wanna see if I can minimize them in time for Christmas." He concluded, as we all vacated our chairs and exited the room in an orderly manner, leaving him alone in there.

Sigh, damn you kiddo.

Just had to fucking prove me wrong huh? Well played I guess.

And now since we'll be working closely together, let's see how consistently you can attain the same damn results… cause that's the key here.

Anyone and their mother can be a one hit wonder in Hollywood… but that's what separates the all time greats from the common riff-raff… consistency.

Sup people, add this to your collections if you enjoyed it and throw some power stones my way.

Also, write up a review will ya?

Archonstinecreators' thoughts
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