
Small World Reality : The ascent of the demon

The world as we know it today has become uninhabitable following ignored climate change and wars caused by the growing lack of resources leading to the explosion of several nuclear power plants...leaving part of the population to flee into space preparing for a journey through the stars in the hope of finding a new planet for the human species...after several generations on board, the ships has organized itself around this hope, factions have been created over time reviving an almost forgotten rivalry between the humans on board...nearly leading to the annihilation of what remained of our species...this is how Small World was pushed to the forefront...a fantasy virtual reality world allowing these dark desires to be channeled...the place that this game took was more than what the ruling class hoped for...due to a rebellious AI the ranking of Small World reality granted the first in the ranking the right to freely control the AI ​​ensuring the survival of the species for an entire year...which in the game corresponded to more than 10 years...the winner of the year 3333 had thus betrayed the human race and decided that the human species had to cease to exist...thus annihilating the species... In this dystopian future, a betrayed man sees the opportunity to take another path when he wakes up one year earlier...Clark was just an ordinary member of the Dark Circle Guild, a lower guild of Small World Reality, he hadn't gone back alone, accompanied by cheat software stolen from his former guild leader and armed with memories of the game he was going to save humanity...or die trying...

wisemonde · Fantasi
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6 Chs

First day in the swarm and already abandoned

Now that he had become a forest bat Clark felt how terrifying the forest could be, the noise of the insects and the screams in the distance...he tried to fly away but he realized that the scar on his neck wasn't the only injury he had...his wings were holed...he couldn't fly, he even doubted he could glide...a bat stuck on the ground...his size was similar to bats on earth...his class was the only thing that made him special at the moment, the omnipresent supernatural at the end of the game was for the moment only supposed to be a rumor...given his injuries he would be abandoned by the other bats by the next night...their green color perhaps made them discreet but not to the point of being able to stay in the same place two days in a row...he didn't know no longer where he was but in general normal animals are the target of the first quests of the game...he hoped that with a little luck it was a forest lost in the middle of nowhere...opening his status window he made the decision to rely on his only advantage...

[ Forest beats : no name

HP : 0.5/1

Physical endurance : 1/1

PM : 2/2

Body : 0.1

Spirit : 0.2

Luck : 1

- Injury : pierced wings, damaged neck

Hunger : 0.5/10, fury at 0.2 ]

an ordinary animal wouldn't have had mana this early in the game...remembering the significance of stats, Body for its body's prowess, spirit for its mind's prowess, both affected the strength of their skill...normally the limit of these stats were 9 for mortal existences...he started so very low except for mana...his only chance was his affinity for mind magic...he was dangerously hungry and could go into a state of fury...given the state of his wings it was a sure suicide...he could kill himself to change his body but such a mess pushed him to look for another solution, in the lower ships like his any waste was a big taboo after all...

He had had a spirit skill once, he only kept it for a month before giving up, without the affinity this type of magic was not useful at all. Clark, feeling the mana in his little green body, directed it towards his furry head, feeling a headache appear...removing him despite himself from the state he was trying to reach...his big ears slump as if it were a disgruntled cat...he then realized that he belonged to a variant of bats, according to his memories of the lessons he had to see again in the game a bat with big ears with little eyes belonged to the microchiroptera family, in other words he could eat insects without fear of an infection or an illness that his immune system could not manage...his movements on the ground were more than clumsy but with this information in mind he nevertheless felt reassured...feeling his incisors he understood that he was, despite the large ears and the rather clear eyesight, a fruit-eating variant of the bloodsucking bat...Clark wondered to himself if he could produce draculin like the bats of this like...an anticoagulant allowing him to digest the blood of his victims...if he could fly he could simply feed on one of the bats hidden in the trees above him..."why isn't this displayed in my status then ? " Clark wondered as he struggled with the floor, a notification then appeared

[ Andromeda's ring updated ]

Before he could even react a new window appeared

[ frugivorous species modified with DNA contained in the ring...blood-sucking variant...the blood-sucking trait is now viable to use...wound detected...mind magic correction offered... ]

one last window appeared

[ affinity for mind magic detected...<mind manipulation> obtained...lower affinity...<minor mental invasion> obtained... ]

opening up the details on the two new skills Clark couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky...

[ mind manipulation, allows the user to introduce ideas or take advantage of pre-conceptions present in the target mind ]

With this skill he would still have to be deceitful to get what he wanted... after all he couldn't force people's actions with this skill only make them act as he wished.

[ minor mental invasion, allows the user to enter the target's mind increasing the possibilities of other abilities, magic or skills on the target ]

Invasion skills allow certain skills to be completely broken, Alexander had obtained a skill of the kind to transform ordinary players into werewolves, he remembered the competition he had organized in his kingdom in his last life...it was a well-planned plan on his part...but now he had a skill that could perhaps one day allow him to fight against him...even if the adjective inferior worried him a little...

Feeling the hunger increase and the fury approaching he decided to use mind manipulation on one of the green bats above him...feeling a fairly fine energy leaving his body and a slight headache Clark sent this energy to a bat bigger than the others, sending with it the idea of ​​sleeping on the ground, although contrary to their method of survival the sleep in which it seemed plunged Clark had said to himself that it would work...the bat in question opened his eyes and stared at Clark with obvious fury opening his mouth in a tone that only he could ear "future left behind don't be insolent ! Stay in your place ! Or I'll show you a fate worse than abandonment ! " before closing his eyes again...Clark checked his spirit [ Spirit : 1.5/2 ] and didn't let it get him down...his skill couldn't change behavior like that...he was dumb trying it this way...so he sent double the previous energy towards a smaller bat with the will to be treated like a parent one last time, since the bonds of the swarm were normally strong...luckily for him the bat opened his eyes and landed in front of him...Clark opened his mouth to show his incisors hoping that the other bat would understand. This one seemed to understand but hesitated for a moment before flying away...Clark then made up his mind...he would have to commit suicide so as not to waste any more time...struggling to get away from the swarm he saw a brown mouse almost twice his size drop dead in front of him...the bat from before then landed next to it showing the dead mouse with its crushed nose as if to offer it to him before going back to sleep...Clark jumped at the chance to avoid the fury...lapping the blood from the wound on the dead mouse or mouse...he heard a notification

[ bloodsucking instinct in control in 3 2 1... ]

He then felt forced to plunge his incisors into the wound... feeling the blood gushing into his throat at an enormous speed... he saw another notification

[ <blood stock> obtained ]

He then emptied the dead mouse of its blood...wanting to move away he noticed another notification

[ due to the use of <blood stock> the flight is temporarily unavailable ]

Which made Clark laugh but no sound came from his severed larynx...noticing a new line in his status [ blood stock: 20 ] his hunger back to 10/10 he felt reassured...the real surprise was his spirit status which was back to 2/2 opening the detail blood stock to be sure Clark wanted to find a snake to check...

[ level 1/5 blood stock, ability to store sucked blood for future use, the quantity stored depends on the level, level 1 corresponds to 100 liters of blood, possibility of converting blood into health, endurance or mana ]

He quickly forgot about the snake, it would kill him before he could spam his mind manipulation, another bat on the other hand...he searched among the future abandoned like him...there weren't many, only 3 including him...one almost dead with her wings torn off without any use and the other with obvious signs of dementia which was already sucking the blood of the one without wings...without the bloodsucking DNA Clark would have ended up like her, driven crazy by a illness...probably a form of rage he told himself...even if she wasn't paralyzed so maybe just a deviant...Clark used the equivalent of the 20 liters of stored blood to launch his skill < minor mental invasion > and < mind manipulation > on the deviant...sending with the energy, tinged by the blood used, a desire to form a new swarm with him...the deviant bat looked at Clark in a frightening way even if Clark had difficulty to distinguish the expressions on their heads...fortunately the bat seemed overwhelmed by the idea almost imposed by such a quantity of energy which corrupted by the blood seemed to mix perfectly with its mind already erred by its deviance...according to his memories, the deviants benefited from the corruption trait which allowed them to gradually become demons, needless to say that the demon trait multiplied the statistics at the cost of questionable mental health and relentless tracking of religious people...

Anyway, the deviant leapt towards him with the now dead bat and held it out to him as an offer in an effort to seal an alliance...the minor mental invasion still seemed to take effect as Clark drank the blood and received a strange notification

[ Establishment of a swarm with a deviant...due to the skill < minor mental invasion > the swarm is converted into a servitude contract.

Minion : deviant bat

Master : player Clark

Skills offered to the parties of the contract : < telepathy >, < blood sharing > ]

Clark knew about blood sharing it was one of the strange skills he had learned, it allowed to transfer wounds to another person in exchange for an amount of blood equivalent to the importance of the wound...a skill tempting but it would be better to wait for the demon trait in the deviant to cast this skill...after all a demon can possess members of its former species at will...the damage would therefore be transferred to someone who does not matter...not everyone can become a deviant after all.

< Telepathy > allowing him to ask the deviant for help to hide in a tree with the other bats for the day, after all the predators were already on the prowl...she responded in a crazy voice when he had the time to ask for their location and the surrounding of the forest...the deviant bat didn't have a name either, he resisted the urge to give it a name being given the potential consequences of appointing a deviant...he did not want a demon capable of refusing his orders...seeing the deviant falling asleep he could not help but check his blood stock at 5 liters while planning what to do in the night...since the forest of Krandia was one of the forests where supernatural monsters resided from the start of the game...and the closest city was the capital of Krandia, Kranopolis named like this to honor the royal family of the Krano kingdom, if his memories were correct their daughter would end up becoming a queen of the night...she would even use a particularly crazy bat demon who had fun drawing the blood of the people of Krano...taking one last look at the deviant he slowly fell asleep...feeling that the night would be hellish in his state...he took this last opportunity to gain strength and used < mind manipulation > one last time to make his presence even more prominent in the deviant's mind, after which he completely fell into a deep sleep...

Thanks for reading ^^

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