
Z e r o

Tic. Tic. Tic.

<< Damn, this sucks >> the girl murmured, carefully touching the long cut on her cheek. She tried to stop the red tears that kept pouring from the wound without stopping by placing a torn piece of fabric from her night sea-colored shirt on top of it.

<< Come on Evelyn, stop being a child! >> she said to herself, making strength in her knees to get up.

The raven-haired girl looked around, being disappointed when she did not even see the footprint of the one who had previously attacked her, stealing much of what she had earned with effort and sweat.

<< Let's get back on the road, I would say >> she said sarcastically, mocking her sentence with a verse. She picked up the wooden stick, holding it with sudden confidence. With her backpack on her shoulder and her eyes convinced, she resumed her march despite herself full of future inconveniences.