

Hello I go by Slay Bells mainly because that's the last thing someone hears before I kill them. So just a quick background the Shoguns are the ones with the real power in Japan. Being from the Royal Family I don't like that. I want to have power. So I decided that I was going to create a rift in society.

At first I thought of protesting but the Shoguns would kill me if I dared to do that. After a while I heard of this crazy assassin. I realized that there was no better way to cause a rift than fear. After that I spent lots of time on who I would kill, why, and more importantly how.

I decided that I would kill corrupt people who are known for being powerful. My first target was Ming-Chang he was a man known for his brutality against others. I realized that if I just kill random people without a signature they wouldn't know it was me.

So then I walked around my castle and started looking at the bells around the castle. I realized that's what I could do.

The plan was set. Every time I killed someone I would show up from behind and a hair pin with a bell tied to it would hold up my bun. Right before I kill them with one of the many swords I have access to I would tilt my head so the bell chimes and then. Slash! They're dead and right before I leave I will untie the bell and leave it right where I was standing.

I would kill 5 people each season all the same way until people start loosing faith in their beloved Shoguns.

My plan was fool proof no one will ever realize it's me and faith in the Shoguns would go down. I am Princess Mai and I will change history! Or at least that's what I thought...