
Slave To The Alpha Lord

Matured Content!!! Angela White, A human female was dragged and taken into the Megan palace of the beasts and forced to bow before the king of the beasts, but she refused. He was a jealous King, Ruler of the whole galaxy and jealous of all the humans as he refused them from having their own rulers. He enslaved all the human-males and all first daughters of the humans, as he stripped them off and paraded them n*ked to his kinds views, but then he fell for a new slave captured as her beauty magnetize his eyes. He felt to protect her, to kept her safe and to stop the enslavement of her people, but she hated him, the beasts and if given a chance, She would killed him herself for all the hurt and pains he caused her people and seek her revenge. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Her Doubt

Angela couldn't believe what Ama said. She knew the king kept staring at her but she never thought of his gaze on her that way.

The day of the even, she meet his eyes several times and even glares at him, but he didn't look away, rather he stared intently at her, instead of the dancers dancing in the circle.

She sighed and walks out to the hall which was quiet as most of the ladies has gone back to the their rooms, while some few where outside, washing and preparing for their tomorrow's event as some will be getting married to some beast, that will come and pick them from the palace.

She sighs and walked out to the field and she saw the king with the beast men who gathered all around him.

She stood afar, near the royal castle staring at them and the king didn't notice her presence as well.

Alex was briefing the beast men on how he made the furniture seat and from the looks of the cut made by some of the trainee, they were improving and learning so fast

King Mark stood stating at them as he watched how some of his men cut the woods. Some did a smooth cutting while some were rough and needs to redo it

He was still annoyed with the humans but he kept his anger in check as he watched how happy most of the youth that has shown interest in learning the furniture making did.

He sighed and shifted his gaze away from Alex as she shifted the scent of his favorite white human and stares to her location.

He saw her where she stood next to the royal castle staring at them.and as their eyes meet, she looks away and walked back.

Angela didn't feel a thing for him. She hates him and wished they could all be realized and goes back to their normal lives.

She sighed abd walks back to the women quarters to rest as she was tired

After inspecting some of the beast men works and progress on the open field closer to the palace, King Mark walks back into the palace and Chums immediately stops him as he steps in.

"Good evening, My Lord" Chums greeted him, wanting to gain his attention.

"What do you want?" he asked her as he steps into the hall and saw his mother and twin sisters sitting on their seat.

"Nothing, I just want to have a private discussion with you" Chums replied.

"Hmm" he nods and signal for her to follow him into the corridor leading to the stairs and as he climbs up and walks up to the second floor, with her following rightly behind him, he stops and asked her, "What do you want to discuss about?."

Chums tries to calm her nerve. She knew he wasn't the one that selected her but his mother, so she doesn't want to report him to his mother as she didn't also like how they quarrels.

"Speak am listening!" he told her and she nods.

"I was meaning to ask you. Why do you still allow the slaves bath you even now that am your wife?."

"Hmm" his brows furrowed at her.

"It's their duty, so you don't have to worry about that " he replied and gave her a nod of assurance as she looks up to his face.

"I know they're your servant and slaves, but they're also female like us. What if one of them tries to seduce you?, I don't want to think of a situation like that ad that will.."

"Chums!" his voice was stern with a warning.

"They're only but my servants and don't think of anything else apart from that. This conversation is over if you don't have anything else to say." He turns to walk towards his room door as Steve stood afar, given them a little privacy, even though he could hear them.

"Am worried about that!" she said and his dust clenched.

"Fine, I have already given it a thought and I decided to help you take your bath. Probably that way we will bond as man and wife" she told him.

"No you shouldn't stress yourself on that" he replies her.

"Why, are you hiding something from me?" she asked in a lowered voice, not wanting to provoke him

"No. Just that you wouldn't be able to do their job, you shouldn't worry about that" he walks away and Chums bite her lower lips in anger.

If she doesn't get closer to him, then there was no way they could mate. She thought to see Lady Annabelle at once once the mating ceremony for the beasts men was over as they will be allowed to choose their mate from the previous slaves that were the first captives.

Angela steps into the room she shares with some of her colleagues and she meet their intent gaze on her.

She swallowed and quickly stares at from them as the room fell in awkward silence as she steps in.

She thought probably they were discussing about her and decided to keep mute as they saw her return.

She walked passed Esther and went to lay on the bed they both shares.

Esther was no longer friendly with her abd she didn't want to bother herself about making friends with Esther either as she felt the King's intent gaze on her, when their eyes meet at the field.

She felt dread ran down her spine and goosebumps all over her skin, she needed some time alone to rest and to sleep.

As she climbed on her bed and laid her head down to rest, she drifted to sleep.

She had a dream where she was being chased by a wild beasts that wants to kill her, as she stumble and fell the beast jumps on her and wants to bite her again.

She struggled with the beast, wanting to break free from his hold and to run, but he brought his beast face closer to her..

"No oo!" she screams and woke up sweating and crying.

Esther didn't even attempt to make a move to wake her up, but Nikita already and Ama already rushed up to her side, shaking her to wake up full.

"Angela!!" They called her as they shook her to wake up and she sat up sweating profusely.

"What happened to you again?" Nikita asked in worry and Ama stood staring at her, while the rest of the girls laid on their bed unmoving as they were jealous to think that Ama assumption might be right.

"A bad dream!" Ama respond to Nikita.

"You're already dreaming bad since you step foot into this room with us. Ain't you a christian why not pray to your God" Nikita told Angela and Ama shook her head.

"Except for silent prayers the guards forbid that here. I heard they mock whoever they see praying for a miracle to rescue them from their hold" Ama replied

"Hmm" Nikita sighed. She took up one of Angela's cloth and give her to wipe her sweaty forehead.

"Then you should stop worrying about the beast men or their king" Nikita told Angela as she put the skirt into Angela's open palms.

"Take this and clean your face, we're going out now for dinner upstairs " Nikita turns and left her bed while Ama sighed.

"You shouldn't worry about what I said earlier, or how she of them here are hostile to you. But I hope one day we will get our freedom and not end up like those that will have to chose between getting married to a beast man, or becomes the King's slave forever" Ama spoked to Angela's hearing softly and she steps out to go upstairs fir their dinner.

They were not rushing anymore like before as Lady Mandy who was mean and ruthless with her severe punishment was no longer working in the palace.

Angela wipes off the sweat from her forehead. This will he the second time she dreamt about the black beast chasing her abd wanting to bite her.

She swallowed her nervousness and steps down from the bed and she walks out from the room and went upstairs to have her breakfast with the rest of the girls.

Lady Annabelle was already seated at the front seat in the dinning hall and as usual Angela was the last to step in again.

She smiled faintly to Angela knowing the white human was taking her time to adjust with the works and new life she lives in the palace.

Angela walks to the dinning table of twelve seats, she shares with her colleagues and took her seat.

Soon Lora stood up and selected some of her colleagues that assisted her in sharing the food and passing it around to the dinning table.

After their dinner that night Angela refused to sleep as she was afraid of having another nightmare.

She sat on her bed wondering if what Ama said was thru. She needed to think of a plan in escaping from the palace and she didn't even know how she will accomplish it either as she can never have anything to do with the beasts.