

MC walking around the streets trying to memories it.

Why? Of course to make a plan for the rest of the girls.

Me:"So this is where issei will die in a week."

SS:"Yes and it just so happen that you received your first ever quest."

Me:"Oh I totally forgot there were quest."



<Take Boosted Gear from issei when he dies>

<Reward>Enslaving Boosted Gear and fusing it into your body and 500 Million SP

<Failure>Unable to use Unlimited Piece for 1 month

<Time Limit>2 Hours after issei dies


Me:"Hmm what an unexpected quest or is it?, so SS how am I supposed to take the Boosted Gear from him when its attached physically to him?."

SS:"You just have to touch him for a few seconds and just let me do the rest of the work."

Me:"Okay, SS buy a low tier time manipulation skill."


<Time manipulation> Obtained

<Time manipulation>

A low tier of time manipulation.

Able to fast forward/rewind/stop time for 10 seconds.

Cool down:1 day.


Me:"Alright time to buy some ingredient for late. LALALALALALALA Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping, no I am not going crazy just singing to pass time while shopping. Okay done getting the ingredients, time to find rias."

Rias:"Hi, sorry for making you wait for some time."

Me:"Oh no worries, I just bought some ingredient for dinner. Let's go."

Me:"Make yourself at home, drinks?"

Rias:"Wow what a nice house you have, sure plain water."

Me:"Btw what do you do in occult research club?"

Rias:"Oh we try to find and research anything related to that is mystical or supernatural and your aura is one of them."

Me:"Oh I see and how do you exactly research my aura?"

Rias:"We do different tests like blood testing."

Me:"Wow that's unexpectedly modern, rias take a sit food is about to be served."

Rias:"Hehehe, okay."

MC walks out with few plates carefully and skillfully handled.

Me:"I made a bunch of foods, ranging from steak to karaage to beef wellington. You dig in first, I'll go grab some drinks."

Rias:"Sounds appetizing, sure. Oh my it's so delicious."

Me:"Glad you enjoy it, here a drink."


After dinner.[Honestly idk what to write there]

Rias:"So is there a club your planning on join?"

Me:"I haven't really thought of any."

Rias:"How about you join my club but you have to pass a test."(If he fails, I'll just wipe his memory)

Me:"What is test?"

Rias:"Simple just sit there and hold still."

Me:"Erh okay."

Rias stood up and suddenly black wings and a tail appeared and slowly spread apart. 'Boom" Rias's aura suddenly spread through out the house but not outside as it was slowly targeted at well me.


Rias:('sigh' Looks like he failed)

Me:"Was that reaction what you were expecting?"


Me:"HAHAHAHA, your face looks funny."

Rias:"Well looks like you failed the test."

Me:"If the test was to look at the wings and tail and to survive your aura, I am pretty sure I passed."

Rias:"You can see them? Are you a human, devil, fallen or angel?"

Me:"Of course I can see them, aren't you trying showing them to me? Hmm I guess I am a human?"

Rias:"What do you mean "you guess"?"

Me:"Well I'm not sure too. Looks like I passed your test."

Rias:"Yes, since you saw my wings/tail and survived my aura, you can join the occult research club but you have to abandon your humanity and became a devil."

Me:"Hey hey hey I am not gonna abandon my humanity also I didn't say anything about joining your club, I got better things to do anyway."

Rias:"What? If your not going to join our club I will have to wipe your memory of this and replace it with a new one."

Me:"Hey relax, I know all about all of you so don't bother wiping my memory well that is if you can. Rias gremory the next heiress of the Gremory Clan after your older brother, Sirzechs, took the title of Lucifer. You have reincarnated Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, Yuuto Kiba, and Gasper Vladi into your "family". You're also engaged to the Riser Phenex, third son of the Phenex Clan of course unwillingly. Also don't ask how I know, I just know okay?"


Me:"How about we make a deal? I deal with riser and you be mine?"

Rias:"How do I know you will be able to do that?"

Me:"Aura release"

'Boom' An intense and unlimited felling aura is released, much much more powerful when compared to Rias.

Me:"What do you think?"

Rias:"Ye-yes, ho-how about you help me with a few other things as well."

Me:"Nope, other then this I have no other interest. Well for now that is, so do we have a deal?'

Rias:"Okay but I will only be yours if you deal with riser, please remember that."

Me:"Alright, arrange a meeting with him for me. For the time being do not tell anyone else about me."


Me:"Now then let's sign some paperwork."

[Author here.

Reason why I am putting this here instead of the author's note is because it will take more then the limited words. So I have been sick and still recovering that's why chapters aren't coming out, this chapter was written over 3 days splitting it quite a bit so some parts of the chapter might look a bit chopped upped. I will still write this novel but please do expect it to slow down as I have exams coming, they are on the 29th and 31st of may. I have also released my timetable for my school which will hopefully let you expect when the chapters may or may not come out. Btw almost all of this has been written out in my discord server https://discord.gg/f3yrbGj #shameless. Well that's it for now as I want to rest, fyi some juicy scene will come hopefully soon.]

Mango here.

As explained above i am recovering from being sick to be specific it is fever 37.8 degrees, cough and runny/irritated nose. I have been suffering from cough and runny/irritated nose since monday and just found out about my fever yesterday.

Anyway enough of my sickness, how should I get Grayfia Lucifuge?

Also noticed some comments rambling about morals, go to my discord to find out about what I thought of it, i did a bit of talk with one of the members there.

MangoSupercreators' thoughts