
Silver Genesis

This is the story of how a boy become the hunter he was meant to be with the help of his friends and the past. He gain experience and grow to new heights every day

SuperGokage678 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 2: The bodyguard

I wake up and remember what happen yesterday. I put on some clothes. I walk toward school.

I enter the building when the intercom went on. "Will Eiji Akechi come to my office." I walk into the office. The principle is there with a boy. The principle is wearing a typical principal outfit.

"I am principal Hoshi." He points to the boy. "This is Isamu Maki." "He is your new bodyguard." He is tall and muscular. He has blonde hair and hazel eyes. He is wearing a school uniform. I say "okay."

We leave and he follow me everywhere. "Do you have to follow me everywhere?" "Yes", he says. "Well, you seem boring. I must be to do my job." I ask, "why you were pick." "I am a descendant of one of the previous Genesis Hunters." "Why is a Genesis Hunter so important?" "From my understanding it was a Genesis Hunter idea to find this city."

"Then wouldn't that make me a founder of this city." "Not exactly, all the Genesis Hunter are their own person." "They are just connected through this grimoire." "I wonder how all this started." "You might be able to ask the person who start it one day."

"This whole thing is confusing." "Well, you haven't been raised to be the next one." "You were" I said. "Yes, I was, my family contain various descendant of multiple Genesis Hunters."

"I feel bad for you". "It not so bad." "I learn how to defeat many enemies because of it." "But wouldn't you want a normal life." "I still do but my life is the way it is for a reason."

"Do you honestly believe that?" "I lived by that." "But I want to shape my own destiny." "There is no point in trying to deny the inevitable." "I will try anyway." "Do what you want."

"You believe that your destiny is already decided cause of what you are". "None of the other Genesis hunters believe that." "They all shape their own destiny if you were worried about that." "Let's just get to class."

We were walking home when we get attack. We jump out the way. "So, this is the new GH, the person says". He walks from the alley. He wears a red raincoat and have a diamond dagger on his side. He has black pants. Blonde hair and red eyes.

He laughs, "you are so weak." "They could have sent anyone to take you out." "But a job is a job". He brings out his grimoire. It is a B class grimoire.

Isamu bring out his grimoire. It is also B class. The mysterious attacker says, "well look what we have here." "A B class like mine, but the different here is that I have more battle experience."

Isamu start to chant a spell. A golden dragon appears from the grimoire and attack the attacker. The attacker summons a red golem from his grimoire. It blocks the dragon. He says "good kid. I will allow you to know my name." "It is The Jester, and you better remember it."

Isamu says "look like your out of time." The guard of the city come in and summon his grimoire. He summons an orange bear and say tear it to shreds. It rips apart the golem.

The Jester runs away. The guard look back and say, "are you okay kids". We say yes and head home. My parents aren't home, but my cousin is. He looks back from the chair and say, "hey Cuz."