
Silver's song of the apocalypse

Hell and reality gradually overlap, malevolence erodes the present world, and the dry world's veins revive again. Old gods awaken, new gods are born, humans seek power, demons pursue past glory, technology and magic collide again... This 4th era is the end of everything and the beginning of everything. Asking for Collections, which is important to me as a new writer, is the greatest encouragement!

eviluo · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Plot Begins Attack in the Dark

Plot Begins Attack in the Dark

 On Saturday night, Dorothy, who had finished watching the movie, sat on the special bus home, discussing the plot with Cesar with an excited look on her face. Such as how Cecilia how beautiful, although only a little worse than her; that giant python and how domineering, more imposing than the zoo's dragons; how the plot of the movie twists and turns moving, than Cesar made up the second-rate story is too much better, etc. ...

 When the car had traveled for more than twenty minutes, leaving the downtown area and entering a certain remote alleyway, a white shadow suddenly rushed out from the side of the road and blocked the front of the car. Through the blinding light, the driver-cum-bodyguard Kaobo could see the back of the visitor, a boy who looked younger than Cesar, chasing a leather ball.

 Seeing this scene, Kaobo sneered, dark night, dim streetlight, dangerous alleyway, there are actually children playing with balls? Seeing through this clumsy plot, Cowper put his foot down and stopped the car. He would like to see who else dared to threaten his family's young master and young lady in this Arkan City. At most, it would be the gang of punks from the lower city who saw the car and wanted to come over to cheat money.

 "Hm? How did you stop the car?" The car came to a screeching halt, and Dorothy, who had not fastened her seatbelt, slammed her entire body against the backrest, and then asked with a displeased face.

 "Miss, there's an ungrateful thing, and I'm just going to get rid of it." Cowabunga unbuckled his chest and opened his mouth to reply, and casually opened the car door.

 "Oh? Well, you move fast then, I have to get home for ice cream." Dorothy urged excitedly.

 "Understood! It's just a small role ..." Moving his body a few times, the stocky Cowabunga took a step towards the kid in front of the car.

 With a hook of his toes and a pick, the ball popped into the bodyguard's hands. "Kid, your ball."

 The moment the leather ball was in his hand, the feeling of warmth, like *, traveled from the palm of his hand into the bodyguard's brain.

 "You're welcome, it's yours!" A mature, raspy male voice reached the bodyguard's ears.

 The child looked up, it was a severely twisted and deformed adult cheek, a mouth of crooked yellow teeth, half of his nose was missing, his eyes were one big and one small, pointed ears, dry and wrinkled skin, the whole person looked its ugly. He was not a child, but a gnome! At the same time as the gnome opened its mouth, the ball suddenly opened a mouth that occupied one half of the surface, and its fangs, which were sticky with unknown liquids, were about to gnaw off Kaobo's palm.

 Originally, the midget disguised as a child intended to attack head-on while the ball sneaked in from behind. But he didn't expect the bodyguard to be so cooperative that he was actually foolish enough to slam into the muzzle of the gun! That thing looked strange, but it could bite off a steel bar with a diameter of four centimeters in one bite, this stupid big man was finished! Although his heart was greatly determined, the midget did not hesitate, directly pulling out his dagger, jumping and stabbing towards Cowper's crotch.

 "Garbage!" Disdainfully cursing, Kaobo's five fingers suddenly popped out sharp and sharp nails, taking one step ahead of the fanged giant mouth, piercing through the body of the ball of skin, and then pinched it with force, piercing cries like a baby's cry coming out from the ball of skin's mouth, while Kaobo did not hesitate to smash the deformed mass of meat underneath his body.

 ''Bang!'' The meatball fell to the ground and bounced again, hitting the gnome straight in the face, causing it to lurch in its movements.

 At this moment, Cowab strides forward, and his upper body couldn't stop expanding. When he arrived in front of the gnome, his left hand was sent straight out, colliding with the gnome's fully stabbed dagger, the dagger could not advance half an inch! The gnome suddenly had the absurd feeling of a blunt knife stabbing into tough cowhide.

 This is not scientific!

 The poor midget didn't have a chance to cry to his assassination coach before Cowper's hands were raised high in the air.

 "Say, who sent you?" The plain-faced and thick-faced Kaobo gave a twisted smile, revealing sharp teeth in his mouth, which were illuminated by the weak streetlights, making them even more hideous and terrifying.

 At the sight of this, the midget shuddered and his pants turned wet.

 "Oooooooo..." the midget whose throat was stuck master by the big hand, not caring about the pain of suffocation, while shedding tears while trying to make a sound, just want to say 'spare my life, I'll confess all!' . The way that mouth was opened and closed, it was like a big dehydrated fish.

 Unfortunately, Kaobo didn't give him a chance.

 "Tsk, what a hard mouth, since you don't want to talk, then die!" The bodyguard smiled even wider.

 "Unh-unh !!!!" Hearing this, the midget struggled even more violently. Both legs pumped in the air, as if they were space steps, or like a stripper's pole dance.

 'Ka-ching!' Kaobo snapped the midget's neck and walked towards the car with a satisfied look on his face.

 Seeing this scene, Cesar in his seat frowned slightly and said to his sister, "Something's not right with Kaobo, it's not like there's a full moon today, why is he so manic?"

 "The werewolf's nature kicked in la bar." Dorothy looked at the leather ball that kept squirming on the ground with a curious face, then said.

 "Girls should be more reserved, listen to more music and read more books when you're not doing anything, turn into a qualified lady, don't develop certain hobbies of hunting." Following his sister's gaze to see that tenacious ball of flesh, and then looking at the faint smile on Dorothy's lips, Cesar painfully said.

 "Got it! I'll be good!" Dorothy said in a mushy perfunctory voice, then her voice changed, "No, there's someone else!"

 "Make sure there's no one nearby, just that one bodyguard." Raven reported to Philemon from one of the four-story slum buildings off the alleyway.

 "Hmm, Markas is really careless, actually sending only a low-level werewolf to protect his son and daughter, no vigilance at all." Philemon, who was lying on the window overlooking the bottom, said with a bored expression, "But that's right, this is his territory after all, after settling here for almost ten years, if he's still being cautious, then he wouldn't be that arrogant and looking down on people's 'Holy Sword' anymore! Unfortunately, you ran into me ah ..."

 "Starting the second program?" Crow wondered.

 "No, lure away that fool, reduce your power by half, and say hello to those two little guys. Let me test their potential for Lord Earl." Philemon flicked his nails, then opened his mouth to yawn. "Well ... ah! What a disappointment, the treasures I've concocted all night can't be used, ugh, I want to go back to sleep ah ..."


 "Watch out!" Cesar, who is able to see at night, saw a few more pairs of eyes flashing red behind Kaobo, and then reminded in a loud voice.

 Cesar's voice was quick enough, but Kaobo's movements were even quicker. Instead of shrinking, the swollen body swelled up again. As the pairs of black shadows sprang out of the shadows and rushed towards Kaobo with unrivaled speed, the big man's mouth also quickly elongated, and black hair grew out from his entire body.

 In just one twist of his body, Kaobo transformed from a human driver into a robust and lanky black werewolf.

 "Oooooh!" Howls resounded through the nearby neighborhood, followed closely by the monster's screams.

 The werewolf kept waving its claws, and one after another monster with all four limbs on the ground, all dry and skinny but with sensitive movements, possessing sharp teeth and claws, resembling a dog and a monkey, and barely distinguishable from its human form fell to the ground, and exploded with a 'thud' like the worst-quality blood packet, splattering blackened plasma all over the place.

 "Soultrap! What is this guy up to?!" Seeing this scene, Cesar was completely enraged. His own sister was only seven years old, and this guy actually caused blood to fly all over the sky. When he was really impatient, he wanted to quit, right?

 "Close your eyes!" Seeing the werewolf pinching a monster's head and lifting it high above his head, Cesar hurriedly reached out to cover Dorothy's eyes.

 "Brother, I'm not a child!" At the sound of Dorothy's struggles, the werewolf crushed his assailant's head in one hand, smearing brain matter all over the windshield.

 "Asshole!" Cesar blurted out, then hastily turned his head toward his sister, hoping not to leave a psychological shadow on the little girl. On the other hand, Dorothy on the other side, her eyes were glowing red, and her tongue kept licking her small mouth with a gluttonous expression.

 ''Bang!'' The werewolf's body suddenly slammed into the car before it was given another black shadow to drag away.

 "Roar! Oooo...!" With a strange cry, Mr. Bodyguard, who had transformed into a wolf, ran after the black shadow, charging across the road, slapping off countless streetlights and smashing over countless public facilities.

 "It's not berserking, Cowboy lost his mind!" Dorothy said. The bodyguards of her own family had been through hundreds of battles, and each of them had been professionally trained. For example, Kaobo, that was an elite who was still able to control his sanity and function normally on a full moon night. Now that he was actually killing mindlessly and indiscriminately, it seemed that the enemy was really prepared.

 Cesar drew a short knife from under the seat, then fished out a revolver. "Run when you find a chance, as long as you're out of this neighborhood, you'll be safe." Then, without further ado, he shoved the pistol into Dorothy's hand.

 "What are you going to do?" Seeing Cesar's stance, Dorothy screamed.

 "What else can I do? Help you distract this bunch of things." Cesar's expression grew colder and colder, and the pair of horns couldn't be hidden from the air.

 "Can't! Cowabunga can't even handle it, how can you?" Dorothy hugged Cesar and shouted.

 "Should we just sit here and wait to die? The other party is clearly shown to be coming for us, there's no escape, but there's no need to fear for your life. I'm the eldest son, the target is more obvious, let's run separately, if you can escape, my chances of being saved will be higher. Maybe neither of us will make it?

 "I don't want to, you'll get hurt." Dorothy looked at Cesar with tearful eyes, "Can't we just wait to be captured?"

 "It's when the hostages are pluralized that it's easy to tear the ticket. So you'd better run away, don't drag me down with you. Don't forget my talent, I'm not afraid of getting hurt." Saying that, Cesar opened the car door and picked up the pile of tenacious meatball that was still squirming.

 "Whew! Fortunately, fortunately, there are only three left, Kaobo has gotten credit this time." Seeing the three monsters that kept tearing the bodies of their companions, Cesar said thankfully, "I wonder which one is here? If you kidnap it, it's enough to capture me alone, right?"

 Waiting for a moment, the person behind the scenes didn't appear, so it seemed that it should be the black shadow that was tangled up with Kaobo. At this moment, the monsters that had finished replenishing their stamina, raised their heads to stare closely at Cesar and let out a provocative low growl.

 With one hand behind his back, Cesar made a ''flee'' gesture to Dorothy, while the other hand held the whimpering meatball tightly and shook it at his side. The meatball let out a weak cry, immediately attracting the monster's attention.

 At that moment Dorothy also opened the car door and fled towards the distance. At the same time his sister opened the door, Cesar viciously smashed out the battered meatball. The weakened meatball, which had once again landed violently, screamed through its life, and two of the three monsters flew at it while the last one twisted its head to look at Dorothy.

 "Hey, friend over here, how are you?!" In order to cover his sister, Cesar shouted and charged at the third monster with vigor.

 The monster that saw Cesar suddenly abandoned Dorothy in the distance, then twisted its head to look over as if it was facing an enemy, preparing to attack while vigilantly making a defensive posture.

 "Uh ..., bye!" Less than six meters away from the monster, Cesar decisively twisted his head and turned around, running towards the corner.

 "Roar!" Realizing that he was fooled, the monster yelled and chased after him.

 Taking the monster around the public seats for a few round trips, Cesar, who had pulled away for a distance, once again rushed towards the two monsters who had played the meatballs | into two hemispheres.

 "Hey! Sorry, wrong person!" Flinging a shoe at monster A's face, Cesar once again twisted his head and fled, taking the three monsters with him as he charged deeper into the alleyway.

 Just at the moment Cesar twisted and rushed into the alleyway, he used his afterglow to see a fourth monster, unlike the three behind him, it was much larger. The creature raised its head and sniffed the air, then chased after Dorothy toward where she had fled.

 "Shit!" Cesar, who only had one shoe left, cursed as he accelerated and ran wildly. He was no match for these things, the calmness he pretended to be just now was completely a lie to his sister, what should he do now to escape and save Dorothy?