
Friendly Traitors

Silence isn't empty it's full of answers.

4 men. A scene of crime. 3 deaths. Several mistakes. Mystery. 2 officers. Lost friendship. New strangers. Murder invite. Suspense awaits..

Let's reveal the suspense..

Dan, Cristo, Robert, Evans. No one is aware about their thin lives. Losing one may be worrying but plastering it for the other is crime.

It all started on their happily planned trip to Maldives.

Of course a small misunderstanding is a root cause of all leaks and breaks of a relationship. It is the same what happened here but with a small twist.

Evans, the richest of 24 years who inherited his father's belongings could live his entire life dreaming. Dan of 25 years could pep talk to anyone and impress them to raise his own standards. Robert of 27, the experienced, the mastermind of everything the other 3 did in their lives. At the end comes Cristo of 22 years a legit good man of principles and morals.

On their 4 week trip, first two weeks passed as usual, with water, money, love all around them. A change happened in Dan during the end of the second week when he received a call from his ex wife, Teagan regarding her owe.

A new story begins here..

Dan and Teagan were best friends before their knowledge of William Shakespeare. Both grew together and were friends until a day. It was on that day that Dan and Teagan found something inside them. A good aura felt will always turn our path towards it. Teagan and Dan loved each other.

A few years and then they got married with the consent of their parents. Then to the surprise of all, two mysterious deaths in Teagan's family who were very close to Teagan, led her into a lonely life, making her much troubled for small annoyable talks.

Dan took her to a few of his well known psychiatrists. But it was a vain of pain as all the psychiatrists acknowledged him that improvement in her state of mind can only be brought about by her awareness of surroundings. Also they told Dan that he has to use his diplomacy to turn her back to him mentally.

She was being locked and was all alone with only herself to talk with. But soon she showed improvement which only she knew. She was again civilized. Dan was unaware of his love and was insouciant of her. But she like a lizard was spying on her soul mate, whom she embraced as a partner for the rest of her life. She was a traitor spying on her other part of her life but Dan was more than that.

Dan the charmer made his way through most of the renowned companies and was fully able to get his part of the salary without a word from the manager. Soon, the dark secrets of Dan were revealed to Teagan.

Dan lost more of his money in gambling. He had a good luck but it was not enough. Many a times while gambling the number he chose would be very very close to the winning number. Still he had hope that one day he would win big. So he kept playing on. Once he ran out of money, but the addiction to gamble made him to bet his wife's hierarchical belongings.

Teagan ended her drama when she came to know that her husband had lost her hierarchical belongings. Enraged Teagan couldn't control herself. She was not in the mood to talk but Dan was in the mood to talk. Differences in taste in many situations ultimately led to their divorce..

After a long separation they were leading different lives. Teagan asked Dan about her owe many times but Dan ignored it. So at last the call to the Dan in Maldives from Teagan changed it all..