
SI! Reversed Sexual Morality In Multicross AU World!

Reversed Sexual Morality Crossover AU World

Nisiris · Komik
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7 Chs


Rey POV:

"Finally awake, bro?" A female voice wakes me up from the restful darkness, and my eyes open just to be assaulted by the bright light.

"Ug..." My hand moved to my face as I ran the hand along my face to wake up.

"Carefully there. You don't wanna fall to the ground, don't ya?" I looked at the source of the female voice, just to freeze, as I saw her...

No. Him.

Astolfo, my younger brother by two years, with him being fifteen and me seventeen...

And immediately after that, an entire previous experience came back, and I realized it wasn't a dream.


"You know that Sona, Weiss, and even not Madoka will permit you to wear this, you know that, right Asty?" The childhood nickname I called him came out so naturally from my mouth as if I called him like that for years, and I did, or at least, one part of me did.

"Whhhaat? Why not?! I wear skirts as it's normal! The one abnormal is you!" Astolfo pointed his finger at me with a pout.

"You know that isn't what I meant, right?" And truly, he modified that school uniform too much, cutting off too much on, well, all corners, making it look too revealing, and if something I know from Rey's memories, then it is that this would surely lure all perverted women to him...



I wanted to scream, but at least one part of me internally screamed in my mind as I realized what Astolfo had said and that he had the truth.

Men of this world normally wore skirts more than women ever did, especially the more femine men or traps.

Still, I could thank the stars that Rey was always...


A tomboy just turned around. What was it called in there? An.

Sissy? But then, I clothed myself more like women of this world did, with pants, baggy clothing, and such, and now that memories started returning, I know it always irked Astolfo and my friends, as I didn't behave as a standard male of this world.

Thank you previous Rey, thank you for not being like Astolfo or normal men of this world...

"You know very well that it wasn't what I meant... You look like a slut." I didn't...

It was strange how the meaning of this world stayed the same, just for different gender, the men who slept with too many women were sluts, and women who slept with too many men were normal or maneaters...

"Booo! That isn't nice for you to say!" Astolfo pouted at me as I sent him a tired and bemused glance, making him sigh.

"Okay, okay, then it is good that this is just home clothing? I knew you wouldn't let me go to school like this, happy?" Astolfo said with an adorable pout, making me breathe out in relief as I stood up from the couch and stretched out.

"Uuuuuuhhh!" Giving out a very unnatural sound.

"Oooooh! Bro, you know how to moan!" Astolfo said, grinningly from the dinner table, as my cheeks reddened.


I was in serious need too.

Well, man up, this...

"Where is mom? Or sis?" I ignored Astolfo's comment about my manhood, even if I knew it was normal for the men in this world to behave like women in my previous world, but still, it somehow irked into my small pride I carried to this world to sound like a female...

"Eee, a mum, gone on a grocery run, and sis are in her room punching that poor sandbag into oblivion," Astolfo said, as his arm outstretched to me, with an.

"Ahahhhhh." I breathed in and out as the fresh coffee aroma assaulted my nose, bringing me into bliss.

"Eheh, you always make such a face when you drink your coffee, but that just means I make good coffee!" Astolfo said grinningly, and I chose not to comment it, yes...

My brother, Astolfo, done a good cup of coffee, well.

He did a lot of good in the kitchen, as he was the main cook in the family, I knew how to cook, as most men in this world, but I wasn't as good as Astolfo when it came to cooking.

But stroking his ego, my memories told me how bad the idea was to feed my brother's ever-hungry ego...

"So... Didn't you promise to stop these last-minute late-night stands?" Astolfo asked me, making me stop drinking the excellent coffee, as I could hear worry in his voice.

Astolfo and Rey were always close, with Astolfo always wanting to do everything Rey had done at a young age. They were inseparable.

"Im sorry, but today was the last time... I don't plan on again doing this in this way." I smiled at Astolfo, who watched me with his pink eyes, better let them think it was indeed because of that and not because the sudden memory assault knocked me out.

"Still, thanks for the coffee, but now I'm in good need of a shower," I said as I stood up and walked past sitting Astolfo, not forgetting to mess with his pink hair.

"Hey! Knock it off. It took too long for me to make them like this!" Astolfo shouted as I smiled, but when I was finally leaving the room, I could hear Astolfo whispering.

"You said that last time too..." Astolfo mumbled, but I behaved as if I didn't hear it, even as my insides clenched...

Rey wasn't a bad brother, but he was...

An airhead when it came to worrying his family.

Something I didn't exactly plan on following in his footsteps, im Rey Pendragon, but a new one.

I stopped by the doors to my room as I breathed in and out and slowly opened the doors.

I knew what rested on the other side of the doors, my memories told me, but still, it was Rey's place, now my place.

"Yea." I sighed in thankfulness. No pink walls, nor fluffy carpet, or any other girlish things, the most girlish thing that was in there was just a mountain of stuffed animals on the bed and in one corner of the room.

Thank god, well.

Now that I think about it, Astolfo had precisely the thing I feared for this room to have, with all the pink stuff and female-oriented furniture.

This one, Rey's room, looked more modern. It wasn't barren, there were multiple personal things, and walls were full of photos of Rey, his family, them together, friends, and a few IDOL posters with women in very...

Very little clothing...

Ah yes...

Women just needed to wear panties, just like men's boxers in my last world. It wasn't supported, but they would be taken by police if they showed their breasts...

Men, on the other hand, yep, no longer I could go out bare-chested, not that I ever wanted to. Not me nor even Rey were ever so thick-skinned to go out so revealingly, well, not outside of pools or such activities...

Still, taking out my blue bathrobe, a very silky and thin one that would make me almost second guess if it wasn't purchased in an erotic story, just to sigh out in relief as it wasn't clearly a seen-through piece of clothing, I went out of my room, knowing that the family stored clean towels in our big bathroom.

Just to freeze in my steps as I saw someone going out of the bathroom.

"Hm? Oh, the sleeping beauty is finally awake?" Mordred called me out, her rougher and yet still feminine voice breaking me from the trance her current attire, or lack thereof put me into.

"S-Sis? Why." I stopped myself.

Why what? Why was she just in panties? And with a towel around her neck?

I've just gone through these memories. Women didn't need to hide their chests in there...

Still, good god, Mordred, you look so...


"What is it? Rey? Im done so that you can go in, do you... What the fuck." I looked at Mordred, who was now.

She now sported a pair of red cheeks she previously didn't have, as she looked between surprised and outraged, and at her green eyes, and where they now looked, I bent my head down, as my cheeks reddened too, and my body stiffened.

My dick was now hard and very, very pointy...

So pointy that even my pants couldn't hide its length, something im glad Rey was gifted with.

"Rey... You." Mordred slowly said, making something in me fight.

Fight Or Flight.



My fist tightened.

"This is nothing," I said as my face twitched into a smile, the coyest smile I could make.

Making Mordred just incomprehensibly blink at me.

"What?" Mordred asked as I walked to her and past her, trying very hard not to look at her uncovered, pointy, and pretty large breasts.

Once in the bathroom, I closed the doors behind me as I supported myself against them.

But they weren't thick enough to silence the sounds from the other side, making me able to hear what my actions resulted into.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck?" I could hear the confusion in Mordred's voice, the clear shock of my blatant behavior.

As I knew from memories that Rey wasn't ever like that, Rey was always more conservative, not fooling around or showing too much skin, not like Astolfo or other boys...

Not even before family, and even into pools, Rey always sported a swimming suit that covered the entire body, even legs and arms...

"Cold shower... I need a cold shower." I mumbled as I quickly shed my clothes and almost ran to shower to calm myself.

Current feelings.

"Are you sure you don't need anything more?" My mom.

Arturia, or at least her counterpart in this world, asked me, for at least the tenth time in the last half hour she was in my room after coming home and learning im already awake.

"Yes, mom, don't worry, im alright, and I already promised to take it easy," I said.

The same thing for at least the third time. My mom was...

A worrywart, she didn't show it, mostly always having a poker face, or stone one, or how you could call it, not showing any outward emotion, but behind closed doors, when we were alone?

Well, she showed too much emotion, fretting over me, making sure im alright and whatnot.

I felt bad at how worried I made her, even if it wasn't truly my fault. It wasn't like I wanted to space out, but what happened, happened.

"Good, but if you need anything, call mommy, alright? I will take care of you." She behaved so...

Was this how fathers behaved around their daughters when they were worried?

I was never a father, but I can imagine that anything wrong with my child, especially if it were a girl, would put me into worry overdrive...

"Alright, and thanks, mom," I said with a smile, one that mom returned to me as she closed the doors.

"Haaa." Breathing out, I spread myself on my double bed, took out my smartphone, and after unlocking it, cringed.

Fifty-one calls, thirty messages...


Were more calls than I ever had even in a month in my life, well, in one where men were still men...

This kind of attention made me almost worried, and as I looked, most of those missed calls were from my male friends and few from...

"Ruby Rose... Pyrrha Nikos... And even Rias Gremory?" These were the most standing out names, and there were more, some I recognized from anime or other works...


"Just how bloated this universe is..." I wondered, was this some ROBs playground? Or what...

Still, I didn't want to write them back too soon, just to risk them calling me and speaking with all of them, I wasn't prepared, not now.

"Tomorrow..." I mumbled as I closed my phone and put it beside me.

"Hmm." I hummed as I buried into the silky and very comfortable covers. Truly, Rey's taste was a good one.


Just for my eyes to open as I heard my doors open, making me look who had come, maybe my mom brought me something?

My eyes widened as I saw the familiar face and body in revealing clothing.

"Now, you will speak what the fuck was that supposed to mean, your dick never hardened when you saw me before." Mordred brashly said as she came to my bed, her green eyes peering at me like some kind of predator...


This was bad to ask of a guy, right?

It would be like if I, in my previous life, asked why the girl wet herself watching some Adonis chad, right?

"Well? Brat?" Mordred demanded as she watched me like a hawk.

But somehow, that word, brat...

Calling me like that made something wake up in me, as my eyes narrowed too.