
Shuangwen heroine she doesn't want to become popular

《爽文女主她不想爆红》 爽文女主她不想爆红 [作者]:大哥喝冰阔落 [类别]:言情 [状态]:连载中 tag: Shuangwen Entertainment sand sculpture system flow variety show heroine wear book modern and modern time travelling love Romance After Shi Zhi diligently completed the 999th fast-passing mission, she could finally choose a world for retirement. Shi Zhi stretched her fingers to put forward the conditions - to be beautiful, to have a good figure, to have money, and to have a lot of money. Then, with the wish of welcoming a better new life, she dressed as the heroine of Shuangwen in the entertainment industry. She is beautiful and has a good figure, but she has no money, notoriety, and heavy debts. Shi Zhi: ? ? ? System: The host boldly rushes forward, rips and stomps, and hurry up. After becoming the top streamer, you can be discovered by the richest butler and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes! Shi Zhi: Where does it need such trouble, she is here to retire. He turned his head and went directly to the rich butler, "Dear, do you think I look like the daughter of your deceased master?" The billionaire property get√. ...The audience discovered that the 18th-tier female artist who was riddled with black material changed Shi Zhi. Become lazy and Buddha. When other female stars wore skirts with the least fabric and shivered in the cold wind and were beautiful and frozen, she walked across the red carpet wrapped in a down jacket like an uncle walking. The other artists' hobbies are either singing or dancing, and the last time is reading. The question is "A Brief History of Time", Shi Zhi, "fishing, playing chess, planting flowers." I especially like flowers, and have money to spend. Shi Zhi's agent felt that this artist did not need to be rescued, and most of them were abandoned. Shi Zhi planned to withdraw from the entertainment circle with her billions of properties, and live a normal life in a big bed of 300 square meters. Then she was on fire. Tens of millions of fans called her, what kind of treasure girl is this, Miss Shi Zhi gave me fire! Going around in circles, after all, she has become the appearance of the heroine of Shuangwen? [The copy was written on 4.18 and screenshots have been taken] The idea: everyone is their own life

Sader_Flores · perkotaan
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114 Chs

Chapter 42

  Program group: ? ? ?

  The male cameraman is even forced to be a witch, can "..." apply for a change of character?

  He would rather be a dwarf.

  The director really didn't expect that Shi Zhi would admit that he is a princess, and he will continue to implement the character design seriously in the future, and accompany the two children to talk about the mountains.

  It was clear that a few minutes ago, she was the uncle Shi who was paralyzed on the sofa.


  Shi Zhi: Elegant and dignified.jpg.

  Today, Shi Zhi did a styling, her hair was permed and wavy, some of the hair was braided back, and it was decorated with flowers. The sun shined through the window and shone on her side face. She looked gentle and demure. A bit like a princess.

  Shi Zhi first asked the two children.

  "Can you tell me, what are the identities of the two of you?" Make sure everyone's character backgrounds are in order to communicate better.

  The little girl insisted, "I am also a princess!"

  Shi Zhi put her hands together and said to the little girl, "Wow, what a coincidence, there are now two princesses."

  The tone is a little exaggerated, but the child still eats this set very much, and the little girl is very happy.

  The little boy hesitated for a long time and didn't think about it, but Shi Zhi understood that he was not ready yet, so he told him not to worry and think slowly.

  The two children had great enthusiasm for Shi Zhi, especially the little girl. After knowing that Shi Zhi was a princess, her little face was flushed, and there were a lot of questions she wanted to ask Shi Zhi.

  She brightened her eyes.

  "Princess Princess, where is your home?"

  Shi Zhi paused, she did not expect to be asked such a question.

  The cameraman was curious and wanted to see how Shi Zhi answered.

  Shi Zhi didn't let the two children wait too long, she opened her mouth and said with a firm tone, "Magic Immortal Castle."

  Cameraman: ? ? ?

  God's special magic fairy castle, did the princess live in the magic fairy castle? !

  After Shi Zhi answered, he asked the two children in return.

  Little girl, "far far away."

  Shi Zhi nodded, there's really nothing wrong with this, many fairy tales begin with them, in far, far places.

  The little boy was not the one who couldn't answer this time, and rushed to each other, "I, I live in Qingqing Grassland!"

  Cameraman: Say, are you happy or lazy!

  The three people talked nonsense, but the characters are not broken, all are in the fairy tale world.

  While we were having a good chat, the staff brought Shi Zhidi a dried fruit plate.

  Shi Zhi said before that she wanted more tricks, and just brought it to her, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts... all of them, and melon seeds also arranged a lot of flavors.

  "Shi... Princess, the dried fruit you asked for has been brought to you."

  The staff sent it quietly, and the voice was specially lowered, but it was still caught by the children.

  The little boy pointed to the staff who put the dried fruit plate and asked his doubts.

  "Princess...why do you want to eat with the witch."


  Although the director of the program didn't understand why Shi Zhi did this at first, he watched it with relish for a while. He thought it was also novel. He actually watched Shi Zhi gossip with the children compared to the rest of the guests over there, chasing me back and forth. Also interesting.

  Suddenly the little boy opened his mouth like this, and the director felt a shock in his heart.

  Is this going to be overturned?

  It seems really inappropriate for the princess to eat the witch, although he remembered it later, why must this character be consolidated, this is not in the scope of the planned shooting!

  Did not roll over.

  Because Shi Zhi was not in a hurry, she just glanced at the fruit bowl and continued to smile, "Because, if you plan to eat the poor, let them let me go."

  "Would you like to help?"

  The food in the program group is still delicious, and the children are here, so let's share a little.

  The two children said in unison: Yes!

  Help the princess eat and eat the witch.

  Shi Zhi shared the dried fruits with the children, and everyone gnawed the seeds together through the window until they crunched, and the little girl took out candy from her pocket and handed it to Shi Zhi, and said softly, "In exchange. "

  Shi Zhi thanked him and took it, but he still had to carry out safety education for the two children.

  "Don't take food from strangers casually."

  She is not a stranger, she is a princess.


  "Zhizhi is still in the little black room and hasn't come out. Isn't she really bored?"

  Some resident guests still miss Shi Zhi.

  He also felt that Shi Zhi was really miserable. The competition system seemed to be aimed at her, and no guest had ever stayed in the dark room for so long.

  The director of the program group took a sip of water. He felt that everyone was still too young.

  Will Shi Zhi be bored?

  She is here when the teacher's class starts, and she eats and chats with the two children, not happy!

  Anyway, he was much happier than these guests who were competing, and he forcibly opened up a new world.

  Another resident guest was also thrown into the small black room during a round of games. He said to the rest of the people, "I'll go see Zhizhi." As a condolence, someone can squat together.

  He had already imagined how desolate Shi Zhi was in the small dark room. He didn't expect Shi Zhi to eat dried fruit while chatting with two strange children. Everyone was called a princess.

  male guest:? ? ? Did he go to the wrong place, but Shi Zhi is really Shi Zhi.

  The staff grabbed the male guest, briefly explained the background to him, and finally added quietly, "Quick, think of an identity too!"

  Everyone is a person with a name and a surname. If you don't want to be a witch, you have to think for yourself.

  They were puzzled at the beginning, and now they look at it with relish, probably due to Shi Zhi's credit. She took it for granted and made these "abnormal" become "normal" abruptly.

  The three people who were still at the barred window looked at the male guest who entered the door.

  The male guest was impatient, "I am a tree!"

  The two little friends explained what is real, little friend, do you have a lot of question marks.

  They have a lot of question marks.

  The director couldn't bear to watch the competition that was in full swing on the other side. His eyes were completely attracted by the fairy tale party in the little black house, not only him, but also the rest of the staff of the show team.

  Just now, the staff who held the male guest and introduced him to the background raised his forehead: This is not good for free play, it is better to be a witch together.

  Instead, Shi Zhi found a new identity for the choked male guest.


  The male guests are older and are seniors.


  The male guest felt this virtual fairy tale world up close. From the beginning, he didn't know what to do, until he gradually became addicted to the game, and he was a little unhappy when he let him out of the small dark room.

  How can there be fun out there!

  Shi Zhi was too lazy to even go out this time, and found a playmate.

  The relationship between the children and Shi Zhi quickly warmed up, and they both liked this beautiful princess who could tell stories.

  "Princess, do you want to come out?"

  The little boy spoke first.

  Shi Zhi sighed and made a distressed expression, "But I can't get out, I'm locked up."

  In order to prove that he was locked up, Shi Zhi grabbed the iron railing again.

  Then the iron railings were removed again.

  Shi Zhi, "..." Can this iron railing work? !

  Program director, "..." Do you have a problem with this princess? The princesses of other families are very weak. What do you mean by unloading the iron railings?

  If Shi Zhi thought about it and the director of the show didn't doubt it, she could just remove all the iron railings and climb out.

  The director saw that Shi Zhi installed the iron railings back as if nothing had happened.

  The two children didn't see it, so this paragraph didn't break down for the time being.

  The little girl looked at the door. There were indeed staff watching. After thinking about it, she suddenly said to Shi Zhi, "Wait for me."

  Then it seemed that a major decision had been made, and the young face took small steps towards the staff with a serious look.

  A special cameraman was already taking pictures of the child, trying to see what she was going to do.

  The little girl raised her face laboriously. The adults are still too high for her. She said to the gatekeeper in a milky voice, "Can I bribe you to let the princess out... Thank you."

  Saying that, she turned out all the pockets of her clothes, and the candy inside and the dried fruit that Shizhi gave her were all firmly grasped in her hands.

  These are for witches.

  The staff was in a mess by the little girl, and then heard the "bribe".

  ? ? ?

  The word is wrong!

  Although the little girl was very cute, she even had to take out all the snacks just to exchange Shi Zhi, which made people want to scream, but the staff still refused coldly, weeping in their hearts and saying sorry.

  The director of the program group heard the little boy say to Shi Zhi, "Can I take you out of jail?"

  Since you don't want to eat the soft ones, you can only have the hard ones!

  Director: What prison escape! They all heard.

  Also, Shi Zhi, what are you doing, stop your sinful hands!

  The director who was in the monitoring room stood up directly.

  Shi Zhi couldn't see the sadness of the two children, and they were looking forward to her coming out. Since they had already reached this point, Shi Zhi decided to give them a surprise.

  She removed all the iron railings from the window. The quality itself was not good. She took it off twice when she touched it a little bit. Shi Zhi wanted to remove it faster. Then she rolled up her sleeves and turned over from the window and jumped over. .

  "Jailbreak" success!

  It was a surprise for the two children, who were already cheering.

  The little boy witnessed the miracle, he asked Shi Zhi, "How did you get out, how did you close the window..."

  Shi Zhi blinked, very mysterious, "Because everyone wanted me out too much, so I got magic temporarily."

  The director was not surprised, only frightened.

  Everyone else is stupid: it's good that everyone else is a Disney princess on the run, and Shi Zhi is... a Disney princess.

  Also, it's okay for the children to cheer, you staff, why are you cheering!


  The little girl asked Shi Zhi, "Can I hug you?"

  Shi Zhi crouched down and opened her arms, "Of course, little princess, it's a great honor."

  The little girl was all soft and waxy. After she hugged Shi Zhi, she suddenly whispered in a sly and shy tone, "I seem to know that you are recording a variety show... Is the princess a star?"

  Before everyone was still in the fairy tale together, now the little girl came out of the fairy tale world by herself.

  Shi Zhi looked surprised, she praised the girl.

  "You're so smart, you know how to record variety shows and stars?"

  The little girl's face turned even redder, "I watched it with my mother."

  "Why does the princess keep entering the house...why don't the rest of the people enter the house..."

  She is still old, and her language organization ability is relatively weak, but Shi Zhi still put it together.

  Why has she been kept in a small dark room and not doing anything else.

  Shi Zhi told her that because her sister's team lost the game, not so many people voted for her sister. "

  The little girl's eyes widened, "Why didn't they cast flowers for the princess?" It was unacceptable and unimaginable.

  When this question was asked, Shi Zhi was actually a bit embarrassed by the people on the show team, but Shi Zhi answered calmly because they didn't follow her.

  "Princess is so good... I fan you!"

  The little boy was afraid that he would be dropped, so he jumped beside him and shouted, "And me, and me."

  Shi Zhi accidentally won two small fans, she actually found it funny and curious.

  "Why do you fan me?"

  The show crew also pricked up their ears.

  The little boy and the little girl said in unison, "Good-looking."

  Because Shi Zhi looks good.

  Simple and crude.

  Shi Zhi, "..." Should it be said that children's aesthetics are not bad?

  In fact, it's not just good-looking, the little girl told Shi Zhi with her fingers behind her that she liked her because she was a good person, told them stories and gave them delicious food.

  The reason why the little boy and the little girl have been here for so long is because their parents are not far from here, and they have already informed the parents of the children, but the show will continue to be recorded, and the parents of the children have something to do and will pick them up .

  When they were about to be picked up, the two children were still reluctant to part.

  The little boy waved at Shi Zhi and shouted, "I will definitely come back!"

  Everyone almost fainted from laughter, and the cameraman finally knew the identity of this boy from Qingqing Prairie——

  It's not a happy sheep or a lazy sheep, it turns out to be a big big wolf.


  After the recording of the program, each guest had to be interviewed. When it was Shi Zhi's turn, the director asked some regular questions, and then asked them specially.

  "Mr. Shi Zhi, when I saw you in the little black room, you followed the words of the children and played the princess..."

  Shi Zhi nodded.

  The director, "Can I ask you, why do you play with them like that, because everyone's first reaction may be a little naive." Although Shi Zhi was brought in in the end, it was really fun.

  Shi Zhi thought for a while and opened her mouth, but it was not the direct answer that the director thought she had given. She told an experience.

  "I went to the amusement park before, and there were many staff dressed as fairy tale characters. Everyone was very happy. Whether it was an adult or a child, I was also infected by the atmosphere inside. I took a photo with the fairy tale characters, and then I saw a The couple brought their children, and the father told the children that these were fake."

  "The kid cried on the spot."

  Couples who spend money and spend time and take their children to the amusement park in person must still love their children, but in the happiest place, the day that may become one of the children's precious memories shatters the children's dreams.

  Shi Zhi, "Not everyone has the ability to create fairy tales, so try not to smash other people's fairy tales."

  There is no magic in the world, but some people believe that, so there is magic.

  The writers and directors were touched. They have grown up and gradually disbelieve in fairy tales, but when they were young, they were obsessed with the world of fairy tales, and when an adult told them "all false" with disdain and malice, they also Confused and angry.

  I didn't expect Shi Zhi to be so gentle.

  When Shi Zhi was interviewed by the program crew, a staff member hurried in and whispered a few words next to the director.

  The director laughed, this matter is still related to Shi Zhi, she said to Shi Zhi.

  "Mr. Shi Zhi, it's like this. The parents of the two children specifically told the program team that the children asked their parents to pay attention to you and said they wanted to be your big fans."

  Originally, when they heard the children say they wanted to fan Shizhi, they thought they were just mentioning it casually. After all, they were too young, but they actually planned to do it.

  The director said, "Actually, the children's parents didn't plan to ask for anything, but we figured it out by ourselves, can Teacher Shi Zhi give the children something..."

  It was the perfect ending to this experience.

  According to the idea of ​​the program team, Shi Zhi can send a signed photo, or send a blessing...

  Shi Zhi also nodded and said generously, "I have to send something."

  "Can you help me contact the children's parents for a while?"

  The staff said yes, but were also curious, "You can give me the autographed photo of Teacher Shi Zhi, and I will send it to you."

  Shi Zhi waved his hand, "It's not a signed photo, I have to ask my assistant to check it out."

  staff member:? ? ?

  Something needs assistant docking.

  Shi Zhi smiled, "A tutorial book from childhood to adulthood." Including five or three questions in high school.

  staff member:! ! !

  Are you the devil!

  Why send fans and guidance books, the children are still so young and so naive.

  They feel that the children may directly become black in the years to come.

  Shi Zhi thought for a while, and then muttered to herself, "I have to do something for Doqi too."

  Duoqi is also approaching the age of school. It is fate to meet each other. There are other children, and Duoqi will also be arranged.

  Staff discuss with each other.

  "Who is Dodge?"

  Some people know, "It should be the variety show that Shi Zhi has been on before, and the child she brought is called Doqi."


  "how do you feel?"

  At the end of the recording, Brother Quan asked after receiving Shi Zhi.

  Shi Zhi thought for a while, "Melon seeds are delicious." This time, she had already said hello to the brand before leaving.

  Brother Quan: ? ? ?

  What kind of answer is this? He had expected all kinds of answers, but there was no such answer.

  Shi Zhi was already chatting with the assistant. The two children were arranging the practice problems from childhood to adulthood, and the one who was Dooqi was also arranged. The children just had to study hard and make progress every day.

  Duoqi didn't know that his sister Shi Zhi participated in a variety show and still misses him.

  After Shi Zhi finished speaking to the assistant, "Duo Qi should be very moved, right?"

  The assistant nodded, "Maybe I'm so moved that I cry." As for whether the crying was caused by a lot of moving factors or a lot of sad factors, it is unknown.


  After recording the show, Shi Zhi took a few days off, and then went with the team to participate in the previously endorsed beverage advertising campaign.

  The drink advertisement shot by Shi Zhi has been released. The streets and alleys are full of advertisements of Shi Zhi drinking soda with a thermos cup. The magic brainwashing is not enough. Brother Quan wanted Shi Zhi's image to be attached to the drink, which was finally realized.

  When the drink with Shizhi's image was first launched, the friends around her couldn't wait to buy it and check in, and they also sent photos of the drink with Shizhi to Shizhi.

  Shi Zhi has only one thought about this——

  They are all over 100 pounds, can you be more mature?

  The endorsement drink event is outdoors, but there are not many places for Zhi to show when she needs it. She just stood there for a while, and she had a good time with this family before, so the team members were also very relaxed, and everyone was talking and laughing. .

  The chatting and laughing stopped abruptly because the team noticed that more than 20 people walked towards Shi Zhi aggressively.

  The propaganda of Shi Zhi's team scolded, "Fuck, isn't that our black fan!"

  The last time when Zhi Zhi was chased, it was the big men in black clothes. This time they won't be confused about the situation. Among them, there are a few leading brothers, Quan, who can no longer be familiar.

  Shi Zhi's fanatical black fans have surrounded Shi Zhi many times.

  The assistant had told Shi Zhi before that other stars were picked up and dropped off by fans, and it was her turn to be picked up and dropped off by black fans. Of course, it was basically accompanied by cynicism and abuse.

  In fact, the team members have not been besieged by black fans for a while, and almost forgot the embarrassing scene at that time. They thought they gave up, so why are they making a comeback?

  Protect our Shi Xiaozhi!

  Basically everyone has this concept in their minds.

  That time, when they were surrounded by big men in black clothes, everyone behaved very sloppily. Only one girl got a promotion and a raise because of her good performance. Many people were heartbroken for missing the opportunity.

  Now is the chance!

  It doesn't matter whether the salary is raised or not, the main thing is that the sister is good.

  Shi Zhi didn't even react, but only vaguely heard the people in the team shouting black fans, and then her hand was grabbed.

  Everyone picked up Shi Zhi in a hurry, surrounded her and ran towards the building.

  Shi Zhi: ? ? ?

  Because it was a small event this time, Shi Zhi didn't bring many people with him. The team members felt that they couldn't beat it, so they had to run quickly.

  I hope the security at the scene can stop for a while.

  When Shi Zhi and his party ran, the black fans behind also broke through the dazed security and chased after him.

  He shouted, "Don't run!"

  The people from Shi Zhi's team carried Shi Zhi and ran faster, "Fuck, they caught up this time."

  Too arrogant, too arrogant!

  Even passersby couldn't see it, and Shi Zhi didn't do anything to hurt the world. How could the black fans be so arrogant in the daytime, and the staff who did it all ran away with Shi Zhi and chased after him.

  Not suitable.

  Someone called the police.


  Ten minutes later, the scene was divided into three parties: Shi Zhi, Black Fan, and the police.

  The police looked at both parties and asked, "What's the situation?"

  The familiar black fans of Shi Zhi's team raised their hands cautiously.

  He can explain.

  "My own people, my own people."

  The people in Shi Zhi's team are about to laugh, what are the black fans pretending to be?

  The one who was chasing just now was called a madman, and now he's cowardly?

  Facing the distrustful eyes, the black fans became anxious, "We are really our own!"


  Following this sentence, the team members were already vigilant. Some people took off their clothes and planned to block the sulfuric acid for Shi Zhi. Then they saw the black fans pulling out their support banners and starting to sway from side to side.

  "Shizhi Shizhi, sweetheart of the universe!"