
Shuangwen heroine she doesn't want to become popular

《爽文女主她不想爆红》 爽文女主她不想爆红 [作者]:大哥喝冰阔落 [类别]:言情 [状态]:连载中 tag: Shuangwen Entertainment sand sculpture system flow variety show heroine wear book modern and modern time travelling love Romance After Shi Zhi diligently completed the 999th fast-passing mission, she could finally choose a world for retirement. Shi Zhi stretched her fingers to put forward the conditions - to be beautiful, to have a good figure, to have money, and to have a lot of money. Then, with the wish of welcoming a better new life, she dressed as the heroine of Shuangwen in the entertainment industry. She is beautiful and has a good figure, but she has no money, notoriety, and heavy debts. Shi Zhi: ? ? ? System: The host boldly rushes forward, rips and stomps, and hurry up. After becoming the top streamer, you can be discovered by the richest butler and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes! Shi Zhi: Where does it need such trouble, she is here to retire. He turned his head and went directly to the rich butler, "Dear, do you think I look like the daughter of your deceased master?" The billionaire property get√. ...The audience discovered that the 18th-tier female artist who was riddled with black material changed Shi Zhi. Become lazy and Buddha. When other female stars wore skirts with the least fabric and shivered in the cold wind and were beautiful and frozen, she walked across the red carpet wrapped in a down jacket like an uncle walking. The other artists' hobbies are either singing or dancing, and the last time is reading. The question is "A Brief History of Time", Shi Zhi, "fishing, playing chess, planting flowers." I especially like flowers, and have money to spend. Shi Zhi's agent felt that this artist did not need to be rescued, and most of them were abandoned. Shi Zhi planned to withdraw from the entertainment circle with her billions of properties, and live a normal life in a big bed of 300 square meters. Then she was on fire. Tens of millions of fans called her, what kind of treasure girl is this, Miss Shi Zhi gave me fire! Going around in circles, after all, she has become the appearance of the heroine of Shuangwen? [The copy was written on 4.18 and screenshots have been taken] The idea: everyone is their own life

Sader_Flores · perkotaan
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114 Chs

Chapter 10

  The high-caliber book club is wafting the fragrance of food at this moment——

  Although it is made up by everyone.

  Shi Zhi didn't have any difficult words to understand this time. It was completely in vernacular. The audience in the audience was full of energy. Bao, Beef Noodles...

  She also recited the practice of soup dumplings and beef noodles.

  The steamed xiao long bao just came out of the oven, take a bite of the thin and clear skin, and the fragrant soup splashes out immediately, filling the whole taste buds; the noodles of the beef noodle are smooth and strong, and they are boiled soft and delicious. Pieces of beef nest on the noodles.



  Stop reciting, don't recite Master, Master, stop reciting!

  The audience seems to be stable on the surface, but in fact, there seems to be a monkey living inside, jumping up and down begging Shizhi, you can stop.

  When Shi Zhi finally closed the book, the audience under the stage was relieved and found their little friends, and everyone met each other's eyes.

  - What will you eat later?

  - Lotus Root Pork Rib Soup, Roasted Pork Belly...

  Anyway, what Shi Zhi said just now wants to eat!

  Even if there is no verbal communication, everyone already understands each other's thoughts, and both smiles in agreement.

  Shi Zhi gave the audience a reference menu for lunch with a reading that was different from the others. Rao is a highly professional and well-informed host. This time, the expression of the well-informed host was a little subtle, but he still guided Shi. Zhi went to the interview area for an interview.

  Brother Quan couldn't go over to meet Shi Zhi, so he stood there anxiously, and waved at her forcefully.

  It means don't mess around this time, pay attention.

  Shi Zhi also saw Brother Quan. After all, he moved a lot, so Shi Zhi thought about it and waved like him, like a big star walking the red carpet to greet fans.

  "Wow, Sister Shi is really cool!"

  The assistant next to Brother Quan sighed with emotion.

  Brother Quan, "..." What are they doing? Even if Shi Zhi isn't here, she won't be able to hear her!

  Since Shi Zhi took the initiative to take the salaries of several members of the team, Shi Zhi has become the father of the gold master. He didn't even see when the team members flattered Shi Zhi.

  Moreover, Brother Quan seriously suspected that Shi Zhi didn't know what he meant.


  When Shi Zhi came to the interview area, it wasn't her turn for the interview, so she sat down on the chair next to her and listened to others talking.

  Now the one who is interviewing is the actor who shared the book in front of Shi Zhi, and is talking to the reporter about his hobbies.

  The actor put his hands crossed on the table, in a proper negotiating posture.

  "I like reading very much. I shouldn't say I like it, but it should be obsession, because I came from a scholarly family."

  "I was so fascinated by the book that I didn't sleep for three days. When I finally finished reading the book, I slept for three days. At that time, the assistant around me thought I was dead."

  The reporter cooperated with a surprised expression, "Have you not woken up after sleeping for three days?"


  Reporter, "Then it's convenient to talk about what books are so beautiful that you can stay awake for three days and three nights?"

  Shi Zhi also pricked up her ears: Come on, let her hear what the best book is!

  The embarrassing thing is that the actor got stuck, and after hesitating for a long time, he couldn't say the title of the book. In the end, the reporter gave the actor down the steps, "Did it take too long to forget? It's normal."

  The actor wiped the sweat from his forehead, "...Yes."

  Shi Zhi lowered her ears: Oh, it turned out to be a pretender.

  "Let's talk about the books you read recently. Besides the ones you shared on stage just now, do you have anything else you like?"

  The actor replied, "A Brief History of Time."

  This is not surprising to the reporter. Before him, he had already said that his favorite book was "A Brief History of Time".

  The actor may also feel that he has not played well, and finds his home game again, what "I'm very interested in space exploration recently, do you know about black holes?" What "Some time ago, I had the honor to have a close contact with the Nobel Prize winner in art, Great harvest."

  He regained his self-confidence, and finally the reporter said it was okay. When it was Shi Zhi's turn, he reluctantly stood up.

  Looking at Shi Zhi who came over to pick up the file, he carried the pride of a literati, from his expression to his limbs, he seemed to say, "Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend."

  Shi Zhi smiled politely and reminded, "Nobel, there is no art prize."

  Then, under the face of the other party showing a thunderbolt from the blue, Shi Shiran avoided him and sat in front of the reporter like a white butterfly.

  The reporter asked Shi Zhi in the same tone as a mentor asked you about your ideals, "What are your daily hobbies?"

  The reporter's question is almost numb, and the answer is nothing more than that. I don't know if it's one vote for dancing, one vote for singing, or when Shi Zhi looks like she has learned dance, then double burden ?

  Shi Zhi replied neatly, "fishing, playing chess, planting flowers."

  The reporter was completely confused, looking at this beautiful and outrageous female star.


  Shi Zhi nodded affirmatively.


  Retire three treasures, go fishing, play chess and plant flowers.

  Shi Zhi prefers to spend money.


  "Is the interview over?"

  Brother Quan had already led someone to wait at the exit, looking at Shi Zhi with a relaxed face, his eyelids twitched.

  She seems to come out too fast, making people wonder if she has really been interviewed.

  Shi Zhi nodded, "It's over."

  "what did you say?"

  Shi Zhi told Brother Quan the content of the interview one by one. When Brother Quan heard about the retirement of the three treasures, his eyes were dull.

  "It's over."

  It's really over, "I'm afraid this journey of stars will come to an end."

  Brother Quan originally planned to rely on the popularity of Shi Zhi's previous rainbow fart to pull back a little, and then he could do it well, and then Shi Zhi, who could no longer rest assured, came to the stage to eat again, and gave the answer in an interview.

  Fishing, playing chess, planting flowers... just look! What are the hobbies of female stars!

  The company is in a state of semi-abandonment towards Shi Zhi. The layoff of their team has already shown the company's attitude, so there is no need to expect them to carry out public relations for Shi Zhi and buy a water army.

  "Is it the end?"

  When Shi Zhi read these words, the corners of her mouth began to rise.


  It's good to go to the end, but if you don't have a job at the end, it means you don't need to be a star?

  Then she can go home and rest in retirement.

  Shi Zhi is now completely forced by the unscrupulous system. Although these days are also very happy, there are free performances to watch, and the team members are also interesting, but Shi Zhi did not change his original intention and only wanted to return to the villa to retire.

  If no one is looking for her, and the audience doesn't want to see her, even if the system wants her to follow the line of the Shuangwen heroine, it won't go.

  No wonder she was on her head.

  Her 300-square-meter big bed should be almost the same.

  Brother Quan: ? ? ?

  Originally, he couldn't be in a hurry, but now his attention has quickly shifted due to Shi Zhi's abnormal behavior.

  If he read it right, Shi Zhi was laughing wildly, right?

  Shi Zhi, "Are you hungry too?"

  It was two o'clock in the afternoon, she didn't eat, and the team followed her and didn't eat.

  The rest nodded, and Shi Zhi waved his hand, "Let's go, I'll invite everyone to eat hot pot." Tuan Jian went, maybe this was the last meal between them.

  Shi Zhi's only pity is that she didn't see Tang Yunling until the end of the event, and that roasted kidney can't be eaten.

  Brother Quan:! ! ! In this case, you have to invite everyone to eat hot pot!

  Children can be hit too hard.

  She is crazy!


  Once Shi Zhi was in the trough period for too long, he was traumatized by the Internet violence, went crazy, and broke the jar, Brother Quan felt that all Shi Zhi's actions could be explained clearly.

  No matter how hard-hearted the agent was, there was no way for her to scold her. At this time, Shi Zhi was the representative of beauty and strength in Brother Quan's eyes, and he even spoke to her cautiously.

  "It doesn't matter, sunshine always comes after wind and rain, please believe in rainbows."

  "Have we been hacked for a while? No, we have been hacked for a year and a half. We will be hacked for everything we do. It's good to like fishing and playing chess. My fourth uncle and grandpa also like it."

  Shi Zhi saw kindness from Brother Quan's face.

  "What's with you?"


  "Then you give up and stop me from adjusting the dipping saucer."


  Brother Quan gave way to Shi Zhi, and Shi Zhi filled the bowl with seasonings full of sesame paste, plus a small spoonful of crushed peanuts. She likes to dip it in hot pot, it's very fragrant.


  Brother Quan doesn't really want to pay attention to the reactions of netizens in this book club.

  However, what Brother Quan never dreamed of was that Shi Zhi actually gained a lot of popularity by virtue of this book club meeting with a neat painting style.

  At first, a netizen posted a Weibo.

  "Have you seen this interview with Shizhi, I almost laughed out of my head!"

  The name Shi Zhi itself is very sensitive, and every time it comes out, it is accompanied by bloody storms. Although many people are tired now and don't want to see Shi Zhi anymore, whether it is "down jacket walking on the red carpet" or "rainbow fart", it makes people feel renewed interest in her.

  The same is true this time. As soon as the Weibo with the video was posted, the number of viewers instantly surged, and netizens clicked into the video with disgust.

  Let them see how funny it is, and if it's not funny, cut off the blogger's head, (no)

  Then everyone laughed so hard.