

Does summoning giant dragons and beasts constitute a summon? You call summoning Angels and Demons summons? No! A true summonning, is to summon Shoujos! Summoning a certain Tsundere Railgun, that’s a summon! Summoning a certain Angelic Lost Property descended from the heavens, that’s a summon! Summoning a certain tsundere Student Council President if you know what i mean!? Naturally tanned Youkai and Majin if you know what i mean!? A prideful King of Knights if you know what i mean?! Now that’s what I’m talking about! A novel revolving around being transported to another world with an op system. The mc spends his day chasing skirts and doing missions to level up. A standard journey to the top with lots of girls from various animes and games with a twist of that gaming feel! Note to Readers: This is just translated work. _______________________________________ Worlds Travelled: Silvaria Hayate the Combat Butler Silvaria A Certain Scientific Index and more later.

OmniDaoist · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Its real nature is a crystal palace harem!

After much fiddling and probing, Wu Yan finally understood the differences between the three sub tabs.

To put it simply, those which can be learnt through practice are classified as Skill type. Those which can't be learnt through practice are classified as Talent type. As for bloodline, that's even more comprehensible, only those possessing that bloodline can utilise the power within it.

Also, to use these abilities entail certain restrictions, even if they are of a same type, one can't simultaneously use them. For instance, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and Rinnegan, since they're both abilities revolving around the eyes, only one can be used at an instance of time.

Furthermore, one may not have two types of bloodline at the same time, only one type may be in effect at anytime, to change one's bloodline it must be completely changed.

There's a silver lining however, the bloodline can be resold to the system to redeem half of its original value, it's a real pain in the ass but it's still better than nothing.

After that, more probing ensued, he more or less grasped the whole system's functions, one can exchange much more than abilities, there's equipments, items, etc. Looking at each one of those familiar yet strange equipments and items on the exchange list, he simply could not stop drooling.

According to notifications, he has to pay the appropriate unit for them. Ep for Equipments, Ip for Items, Ap for Abilities, Sp for Summons.

As long as he has the points and the item exist within the system then it's all fair game. After much time researching, he realised, there's only stuff he can't afford and everything he can imagine is there!

If one were to say after reviewing the equipments, abilities and items he was still able to keep his temperament, then after he saw the summons, he ascended beyond the human boundary.

With eyes popping, and eyes so green, Hulk will get jealous, his face was completely and utterly stunned. Gazing fixed upon the list.

Hatsune Miku: Sp 5,000 (T/N: The power of music)

Black Rock Shooter: Sp 10,000

Ikaros: Sp 100,000 (T/N: Heaven's Lost Property)

The solemn and tranquil forest filled with clear vitality, with much haste, had its serene scenery destroyed yet again by a bunch of wolf like howling.

From our perspective, one can observe something that resembles a barbarian jumping up and down, making a bunch of noise. Anyone who saw it would unanimously concur: Neuropathy of the last order.

Wu Yan laughed and shed tears, his body twisted and turned, if one were to be asked is that a dance to express joy or just twerking out of happiness then the judgement will have to be withheld until an expert comes along and verify.

He's 100% sure now that this ain't a golden finger system, this is basically a crystal palace harem system!

To talk about opening cans of whoopass, bending the world over and screwing with it is but pointless banter!

He wish he can poke the system wide open to 'rescue' them girls. Woe be him, 0 Sp means he can only endure the blue balls while listening to the 'insufficient Sp' System notification.

"System you cockblocker, what the hell do I have to do to obtain Sp!" At the doors of despair, he listened to the system. This frustration with being so close to tender meat and not being able to eat is very unbearable, damn this cockblocking system.

"The user may complete missions to get the points, or by redeeming other items and materials for it."

"Completing missions? Well, system do I have any missions outstanding?" Looking at the strings of zero is very unnerving, but he recovered instantaneously. This is like a Galge, only by completing certain routes might one score points with the girl, so in a way, this is all a test of love!

Of course, this is but a mere horndog in human form justifying for his own sake.

After his query, the system responded.

Hunting Mission: Survival Drill!

Mission 1 : Inside the Giant beasts forest, kill 100 magical beats

Rewards: 2000 Ep, 2000 Ip, 1000 Ap, 1000 Sp

Mission 2: Same context, kill 10 Lv 10 beasts Rewards: 5000 Ep, 5000 Ip, 3000 Ap, 3000 Sp

Mission 3: Same context, kill a lvl 20 beasts Rewards: 10,000 Ep, 10,000 Ip, 5000 Ap, 5000 Sp

Fine, if he had the mood to rush the quest to grind up some pts just a moment ago, then now he's feeling like calling the system's mum a whore.

Are you seriously expecting some good for nothing home security guard who only lies around watching anime to go hunt beasts with a kitchen knife? There won't even be a bone left of him.

"System you little shit, you're making this hard for me on purpose aren't you, it's absolutely so ain't it, I'm a Level 0 and you're telling me to go kill magical beasts, forget magical beasts, throw any beasts at me and you're sending me on a highway to hell, you really want to waste me just after coming to this world?"

He's getting more riled up by the second as if he can clearly see his dead end. Sappy and pathetic, if he were to add some more tears and saliva to that it would really start some waterworks.

After dying in his simulations countless times, he finally stopped his sappy oratory.

"Beep! Based on the fact that the user is too weak, and thus improbable to survive, system will give a starting amount of Ep, Ip, Ap, Sp, 10,000 each to enhance user competence, please choose wisely!"

At the very moment, to his ears, the mechanical voice seems like an angelic one, looking at those points, his brow furrowed and he grinned like a fool.

One can't help but feel like his oratory was premeditated.

After getting his "novice gift", he fiddled around with the system, this seed capital is his insurance for surviving in this other world, it doesn't matter which kind of Isekai novel, there's a fundamental principle tried and tested, that is might makes right!

Only with power can you pose and look good, if you don't then you're just it, a poser.

Only with power can you do the cliche stuffs like saving a damsel in distress, saving a damsel in distress, saving a damsel in distress. Important things should be said three times!

There's something very saddening after looking around in the system.

Those glorious things shown were only the system's way of toying with him, it's common practice to market the value for money items, but why the hell did you put all those items which have coolness in proportion to their price first?

So done with roller coasting between high and low, he looked over the list once more like he was a prospecting. The first priority is of course, abilities, after all it's pure power.

Although he can't afford the big ticket items, there are some practical ones which are quite attractive. It's making him hard to settle on which one to choose.

Finally, he chose a Skill type Ability, Kendo Mastery.

Kendo Mastery: Skilled at the way of kendo, this ability rivals that of a Sword master who has 10 years under his belt. Cost: 10,000 Ap

After clicking it, he suddenly had a headache, innumerable images appeared inside his head.

In it, one by one, skilled Kendo users brandished their sword like they're training. Each image used a different kenjutsu and each of the images seem as though they're passing on the essence they have accumulated, each movement, each detail, everything is being embedded inside his head.

His eyes went into the distance, he feels as though he has used god knows how long to learn the way of the sword, perhaps 1 year, or is it 10, or maybe it's just one day…

Not long thereafter, those images slowly disappeared until there was none left. Only then did he returned from his stupor, while still dizzy with the experience he rubbed his forehead, trying to make sense of his experience.

Now, those complicated and arcane art are thoroughly inside his memory, even if he wished to forget it's impossible.

A good while passed before he breathed out and happily smiled.

He was under the impression there was still some string attached with the system.

It comes off as a relief that once he exchanged points for the ability, it's inserted directly into his mind, learnt and it's fully at his command!

Still ignorant as to talent and bloodline abilities notwithstanding, at the very least this Skill type abilities can be an enriching experience and part of his competence is it not?

He felt a bit queasy about using his points completely, now he's feeling he got the better end of the deal.

He bought a sword from the system, one does not simply use sword art without sword right?

Sword of Kusanagi (D Rank): From Naruto, Uchiha Sasugay's sword. Cost: 3000 Ep

A flash of light and a sword along with its sheathe appeared in Wu Yan's hand.

Toying with the sword out of curiosity, he satisfyingly nodded and placed it behind his waist, and closed the menu.

Regarding items, since he's not sure what to use it for, might as well keep it around unused. Tempted as he was to summon moe shoujos, he's not a gigolo, still water runs deep with these 2D goddesses, if he were to summon haphazardly one stronger than him, it would hurt his pride, it would have to wait until he became a little bit stronger.

"System, are there maps of this giant beasts forest or items resembling that?" Embarrassing to admit but he does have a bit of a bad sense of directions. All said and done he was still a home security guard until just a while ago….

"Beep! Complete map of giant beast forest, Ip 3000, confirm?"

"…" Fine, it was his mistake to rely on you.

Currently, he's close to broke with regards to points, even if it's only a little bit it's still precious, and he was planning to leave some as provisions.

Might as well do some recon by himself, it is his firm belief that this forest can't beat him.

Thus he set forth brimming with confidence into the forest which moments ago was referred to as 'God forsaken place'.

With his Kendo mastery skill, quality guaranteed by system, come what may, they'll get shanked.

But he's forgetting something crucial, even with some ability under his belt, his level is still a cute, round, 0.

"Beep! Warning! Dangerous magical beast within one hundred meter radius, according to calculations, if hostile confrontation were to occur, chance of winning is less than 5%, recommended to avoid hostile confrontation at all cost!"

Wu Yan's foot stopped in its place and he took another step with an expressionless face.

"Fuck my life!!!"

(End of the Chapter)