
Part 1

Leslie was a young and beautiful lady in appearance only, in fact she was working in the underworld. She had been raised in a clan since her childhood. Even if there was no blood tie between the members, they were like a family.

Leslie didn't know her biological parents but it didn't bother her. After all she had a friend, a sister, her name was Anna.

Even if the clan was like a family it was absolutely not tender : you couldn't fall in love, let your emotions take decision during missions, quit the clan... If you were to decide to quit the family it was as if you were already dead.

Frequently Leslie would be entrusted with assignments, most of the time assassination tasks because of her extraordinary capacities ( that seemed to be like magic ) to frighten people, paralyze them of fear, make them talk, of course those would be needed only if one of the goals in the mission was to obtain information.

If it was not the case it didn't matter, Leslie was as fast as the wind, lighter than a feather, good at hide and seek and of course cold hearted when killing people. The possibility that they had done nothing wrong didn't matter to Leslie.

While working she would always have a cold look in her beautiful clear blue eyes without an ounce of pity. It was as if her eyes were made of ice.


Leslie had a mission, to accomplish it she needed some information about the chosen one in order to assassinate him.

The target was the successor of a rich family and the one who asked for his death was his own father. Why would you ask ?

The reason was in fact quite simple even of to some it was not understandable not logical. The Baron had an illegitimate child ( Louis ) with a mistress that he truly loved and wanted this child to be his successor but the only way to make Louis the next heir was to kill the first child.

There was no other possibility because it was written in the law that an illigetimate child could only succeed his father if there was no legitimate child of the family's head.

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