
Stories with a twist


A girl wanted a ring but what her boyfriend gave her was a Teddy bear instead in anger the girl threw the bear into the street.The boy went to get it.But sadly the boy was hit by a truck.At the funeral the girl hugged the bear in tears.Then The bear spoke I and to the girl's surprise it said.... (Will u Marry Me!) Then the bears mouth opened and what was inside was A big diamond ring. Two days after the incident the girl had committed suicide. for she couldn't live with the fact that her fist and only love was dead because of her selfish decisions.


A boy followed a girl everywhere she went

The girl noticed and asked "why do u follow me"

The boy responded" Ur cute and I think I have fallen in love with you"

The girl said well my friend behind you is prettier then me and kind.


Then the boy said "there is no one behind me"

"Well" the girl said "if u loved me You wouldn't have even bothered to look behind you!"


A girl said "I'm Ugly worthless and a freak"she said this three times a day atleats

Then a boy walked up to her and said

"I'm pregnant"

In confusion the girl said what?!

The boy relplied I thought we were stating the impossible.

These two had gotten married 15 years later and had three kids John,Mary,and Faith They lived what some people would call a happy life.

Painful Story

One day A dad was fixing up his car when his four year old son picked up a stone and starting scratching the Dads car in anger the dad took the kids hands and started beating them. But the dad had not noticed he was using a rench when the dad had realized it was to late the boys hand were scarlet red from blood. The dad scared and panicked picked up the 4 year old boy and driven to the hospital.The boy had lost all his fingers due to injury's. The boy turned to his dad and said "when will my fingers grow back". The dad speechless and in pain of what he did left the hospital and went home.He stared at the car angry he started kicking it. Then the dad noticed the SCRETCHES the 4 year old boy had made it said............... (I LOVE YOU DAD) The dad started to cry


There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind.

She hated everyone accept her loving boyfriend.

He was always there for her.

She said if she could see the world she would marry her boyfriend.

One day someone donated a pair of eyes to her she could now see everything.

Her boyfriend asked her now will you marry me?

The girl was shocked to see her boyfriend had no eyes and refused to marry him.

The boy was sad but still loved so he wrote her a note and said please take care of my eyes I love you.

Airplane story

A flight attended was checking cabins.

When a man says Tell my girlfriend in business class seat# 8 to make sure to take her heart pills.The flight attended said OK and then went to business class seat#8 and told the woman to remember or take her heart pills.The woman said how do you know about my heart condition .The flight attended says your BF told me to tell you. To the flight attendeds surprise the girl was cryinv when she said My BF died in a airplane crash. He has been dead for 2 years.