
Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN

Shinji sells his soul to the Warhammer 40k god of pain and pleasure but becomes a target for the other Chaos gods in an EPIC struggle for the fate of his butthole and also the world! ​ ​This modern cringe classic was written back in the 2000s when I was at peak autism but heavily edited in 2022 to take the insanity to new heights.

Psychostorm · Komik
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3 Chs

Bukake and Big Macs

A/N: Much of this chapter had to be censored due to the content guidelines on this site. To read the uncensored version, visit my website using the URL below. Thanks for reading, enjoy the chapter, and have a great day!



"OH KAJI YES, YESSSSSSSSSS [CENSORED]!" screamed Misato in pure ecstasy.

She was currently sitting at a table in the dining area in the mall where she and Shinji had gone for the day. The NERV Commander had practically been forced to drag the shy boy there because he was so introverted but fortunately the dingus had finally agreed to come along.

Misato sighed, she wanted to have sex with Shinji more than anything but knew that the laws of Japan would never let her get away with it. Not that he was underage or anything, it was just that Shinji was way too insecure in his manhood. If she did tie him down and [CENSORED]him, then she would have to kill herself afterward to prevent the Tokyo 3 police from bringing her to justice. Their corrupt justice! She clenched her fists at just the thought of the worthless laws imposed upon her by the worthless government. A person could never claim to be free as long as there were laws to be followed. But fuck that, she had more important things to worry about at the moment.

[CENSORED] she cried as [CENSORED] the Big Mac she was currently [CENSORED]. People were starting to stare...

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT!?" she shouted, getting most of the onlookers to turn back around and go about their business.

Misato let out a huge sigh and wiped the sweat from her brow, remembering just how fucking massive Kaji's cock had been. She took the second Big Mack out of the box and decided that this one would play the part of Shinji's dick. As discretely as possible she reached down and [CENSORED]

"Mmmmmm Shinji... [CENSORED]..." she moaned lustfully, a lewd leer of pleasure plastered across her face as [CENSORED] like a starving beast in the wild.

As usual, Misato had on a mini skirt but no panties so it was easy to conceal what she was doing. That is until she started screaming orgasmically. The horndog of a woman sighed at the thought of her ex-boyfriend Kaji, then smiled as she remembered the time he [CENSORED], just for his own amusement. Such fond memories. It was too bad he got shot and died like a bitch.

"I guess I'm stuck with my fantasies of Shinji for now..." Misato thought with a frown as she looked across the table at Shinji's half-eaten meal. He had run off to the bathroom saying something about explosive diarrhea.

Yeah right, Misato thought, he was probably havin' a good ol' wank thinking about her, or at least that's what she hoped. In any case, he wouldn't be needing his burger anymore…

* * *

It had been just another day at NERV for poor Shinji. Getting yelled at by his asshole dad, being slapped around by that bitch-whore Asuka and being ignored by the beautiful Rei. Oh god, how he wanted to fuck that little albino ho. But that was a fantasy that would never come true and he knew it. At the moment, however, he was currently fantasizing about another hot bitch.

"Oh god Misato..." grunted Shinji, his voice a guilty whisper as he [CENSORED].

He was currently sitting in a bathroom stall [CENSORED] like a bastard. Shinji had reluctantly agreed to go to the mall with Misato but at one point she had dropped a yen on the ground and bent down to pick it up, revealing to him that she wasn't wearing any panties, as usual. The horny bastard's eyes had grown wide at the sight of her snatch. It was the first time he had ever seen one outside of crappy 90s Internet porn. Unable to get the thought of that glorious waxed pussy out of his mind, he had made up an excuse to rush off to the restroom, hiding his boner with a Starbucks cup the entire way.

"Mmmmgh, Misato, let me [CENSORED]" Shinji moaned. Ready to take his retarded wank session to the next level, he reached into the toilet to get some water on his hand. It wasn't the best lubricant but it would work better than his spit. Though Shinji had already pissed and shit in the toilet, he was so far gone in his fantasy of [CENSORED] that he didn't care.

Just then the bathroom door opened...

"Daddy where do I tinkle?" came the voice of a young girl.

Shinji's eyes damn near bugged out of his head as his hand froze in mid-stroke.

"Go use one of the stalls honey." came the voice of a man. "You're six years old now, you can do this by yourself."

Shinji's mind raced as he heard the man's heavy footsteps leading over to the urinals. What the hell was a little girl doing in the men's room? Suddenly Shinji realized that her mother must not be around so the father had to take her to the men's room. Shit.

Letting out a grunt of annoyance, Shinji got back to [CENSORED], however, this time being quieter so as not to alert the restroom's other two occupants. It was a shitty deal, but the loser was determined to [CENSORED] no matter what.

"Oh Misato, you dumb sack of tits, make me [CENSORED]! Make me [CENSORED]all in your [CENSORED]!" thought Shinji excitedly as he [CENSORED].

Just then the door to his stall opened...

Several things happened all at once. Shinji's moment of raw primal ecstasy reached its peak. A little girl screamed in horror. And the otherworldly stench of the Warp filled the restroom.

"DADDY THIS DUMB DICK RANCHER JUST [CENSORED] IN MY EYE!" squealed the little girl in pure demonic rage.

Shinji's eyes snapped open, staring in horror at the sight of the girl squirming on the ground while clutching her right eye. Though she was still screaming furiously, it somehow seemed like she was enjoying it...

"OH MY GOD I JUST BUKAKED A SIX-YEAR-OLD!" cried out Shinji in pure terror as he stood up and tried to back away from the writhing girl, her screams becoming more pleasurable by the second as her lips curled into a demonic grin. Unfortunately for him, there was nowhere to go.

"What the fuck!?" shouted the girl's father, rushing over without even bothering to put his floppy ding dong back into his pants. "You fucking nonce nibbler! I'll god damn kill you for [CENSORED]"

"I'-I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry!" stuttered Shinji, his face going PMS red with sheer embarrassment. "I didn't mean to [CENSORED] your daughter's eye! I'm so sorry! P-Please forgive me!"

However, the man was like a raging beast and would have none of it. Cursing like a drunken sailor, he forced his way into the stall and roughly grabbed Shinji by the shirt.

Shinji gasped as he was lifted off of his feet and would have shat his pants if he hadn't dropped a big log just three minutes ago. "Oh God please don't hurt me!" he begged, struggling in vain to free himself from the man's unnaturally strong grip. "I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again! I swear!"

"No! Jesus doesn't forgive you and neither do I!" snarled the man, his face centimeters from the terrified teen. "Nobody [CENSORED] my daughter except for my office buddies, and they have to pay 2,000 yen apiece, or sign up for the 1500 yen monthly subscription fee!"

"What the fuck are you doing?!" shouted Shinji, struggling against the man in pure animalistic desperation as he felt himself [CENSORED]. "Don't touch me down there you freakazoid!"

"Shut the fuck up and stop resisting my justice!" growled the man, [CENSORED].

"HOOOOOLLLYYYYY FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!" screamed Shinji, the poor fellow doubling over in pure agony. Tears welled up in his eyes as he felt his [CENSORED].

Not finished tormenting Shinji McLowballs, the man then grabbed him around the waist and flipped him upside down, dunking his head into the toilet bowl. Desperate to break the man's inhuman hold, Shinji screamed and flailed about only to have his mouth filled with his own shit and piss.

"Hey bitch-face, be a good girl and come over here and flush the toilet you little shit." growled the man demonically, his eyes turning into yellow bobcat eyes as he looked back over his shoulder to see his daughter flashing a lusty grin.

"Sure thing daaddddddyyyy." purred the girl sensually as [CENSORED] before merrily skipping over and flushing the toilet, giving Shinji the worst swirly in the history of toilets.

Once the rancid liquid had drained, the man flipped the whimpering Shinji back over and bent him over the toilet. It was time for some good ol' fashioned [CENSORED].

"NO!" shouted Shinji as he felt the man's [CENSORED]. "Please, don't do this! I said I'm fucking sorry!"

"Shut up schlong gobbler! You're getting diddled whether you like it or not!" roared the man as he [CENSORED]. "The master wills it! And my cock-a-rino CRAVES IT!"

Shinji screamed as [CENSORED]. Gripping the sides of the toilet, the sobbing boy held on for dear life. He was sure that if he let go even for a moment the man's monstrously powerful [CENSORED] would send him straight through the fucking wall.

"Daddy you're funny." giggled the girl as she watched her dear old dad fuck a teenaged boy in a public restroom. She moved her hands all over her body sensually, her leering grin inhumanly wide, and her lusty eyes jet black.

"You like this huh, shitstain? Well let yer old man [CENSORED] here then I'll let you have a shot at this saucy wank bandit." replied the man as he continued to [CENSORED].

Time seemed to flow like [CENSORED] in Shinji's damaged psyche, some moments slipping by quickly while others slowly slurped along, thick and chunky. With a wicked grin, the man [CENSORED] before he [CENSORED]once again, Shinji's world dissolving into one massive shit storm of pain, humiliation, and [CENSORED].

Violated body and mind, Shinji slumped against the toilet as the man [CENSORED]. He gasped for breath as sweat and tears ran down his face, his body trembling from the raw trauma.

Time once again stood still, as if Shinji's entire existence had become nothing more than that one bathroom stall. Nothing mattered. Nothing mattered but the barbed [CENSORED], causing little jolts of pleasure each time they [CENSORED].

Shinji sobbed between breaths. Though the lad had been [CENSORED] beyond his wildest imagination, the only thought on his mind right now was how good it must feel to inflict that type of pain on someone else.

And that terrified him.


NEXT TIME on Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN - Shinji pops wood and gets sexually assaulted by a centipede daemon with the face of his dead mum. Can Shinji muster the courage to fight back against his inhuman attackers? Or will the little pervert actually enjoy making out with mommy? Find out in the next exciting chapter of Shinji's Nightmare Cataclysm: ReBROKEN!

Thanks for reading, mate! If ya liked that chapter, use the URL below to visit my website for more crazy content! Cheers, have a good one!


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