
She became the queen.

A poor daughter of a servant became the queen of the kingdom. The prince suffers calamity and never gives up, a queen/mother understands the pain of her son even when he keeps a smile always and a mother hides her pain just to keep a smile on her daughter’s face.

Fulaniamrah · Sejarah
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11 Chs

Chapter Two.

Jalal's POV.

I kept thinking, letting myself believe that good people really do exist. Today I realized not everybody likes you for your money some people are just the opposite and she didn't just listened to my blabbering but also took me to a place i found peace, I can't thank her enough but truly she's a rare gem.

I think I have just a perfect idea to show my appreciation for today, tomorrow I will give her a very big surprise and i know she will love it.

I hope she loves it.

"Oh hello brother" Prince Jalal got a warm surprise from his sister Princess Jalila who hasn't been home for a year, studies in Hungary came home for a break.

"Oh my God Jalila, I missed you so much" Prince Jalal hugs his sister so tied and whispered "thank God you're home, at least somebody will listen to me"

"*laughs* not until you tell me just how much you missed me"

"This much" Open his arms to a width it can take and believe me i have a lot to tell you. He added.

"At least let her freshen up first" Mother cuts in their conversation.

The palace is full of joy and much laughter, the lively human being is back, everybody in the palace will have to hear everything, Jalila is never out of what to say.

Amma's POV.

"Oh hello sister, and who's the handsome guy" my amazing brother sheepishly asked after I got home.

"Ohh crazy human, he's a friend" Now can i take a breath!

"Uhhhmmmm interesting tell us more" Mother gave a sarcastic response.

Ohhh mother, Hakeem isn't a serious human being you know and the person he's talking about is just a friend.

Father asked me to get him some medicine from the pharmacy, then this man almost bumped into me and mother he's such a nice person who needed someone to talk to.

"Poor man, he must be going through a lot" Mother emotional replied.

Yes mother, he couldn't talk much but you can see clearly how disturbed he is but anyways he is my friend now so maybe he will tell me someday.

"Mother you should get some sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day for you" Hakeem said out loud.

"Ohh yes, I almost forgot Amma i will be home very late tomorrow, an event will be hosted in the palace a day after tomorrow for the prince to choose his wife to be, I have a lot of work in the palace, so take care of your father and brother darling"

"You need not to worry mother, I will do just as you said i promise"

"Goodnight everyone"

Goodnight mother and Hakeem goodnight also, to your room please, kisses bye *giggles*

"Yes ma, goodnight"

Back at the palace, as always Princess Jalila has stories to share with everyone, the maids, the caterers and everyone has to listen, she can't even wait for the morning to tell everything, she's her father's favorite so the king has to stay awake also.

Princess Jalila was telling the king and queen what school stress is and how she gets to study, eat, sleep and how she missed everyone.

"Miss can you let our parents get some sleep for tonight" Prince Jalal cuts in her story.

"After this i promise"

"I have a lot we need to talk about, please come with me" Prince took her hand and out of the room.

Both king and queen laughed.

Oh sister i wish i can tell you everything, how our parents are trying to make me do what I don't want and how i feel a strong connection with Amma.

This thought kept ringing in my head and i just don't know if i should talk to Jalila about everything or i should rather share it with Amma *confused Jalal kept wondering* but wait my sister has always been my best friend, she will understand.

"Ok Jalila, the king wants to step down from the throne and I know he must have told you"

"Oh yes brother, father told me and my brother will be the next king" happily sings.

"That isn't the problem Jalila, i can't be a king without a wife and both mother and father wants to host an event for the royal families in two days just so I can pick a wife from one of the families" Jalal spoke in a disappointing tone.

"Oh brother, why do you sound disappointed!"

"I don't know, i just don't want to marry from the royal family and for the first time in my life i felt very attached to someone"

"Ohhh wow, my dear brother is in love, tell me who she is and how you met"

"Long story Jalila but she's from a poor family and not from the royals" disappointed.

"And who cares brother" tries to console her brother.

Jalila lifts her brother's head so he can see her face while she spoke to him.

"Who cares" she added

"We don't but they do and they will never accept her"

Jalila spoke to her brother from her heart, she made him realize even if they don't agree to his request then he shouldn't give up, they both agreed maybe it's time for change and this time Prince Jalal felt even more confident about his decision and believes he will make a change.

Princess Jalila promise her brother Prince Jalal that she will fight with him against everyone.

"So brother tell me more about this girl that won over the prince's heart" chuckles.

"She's just a friend i met by accident today and i believe she was sent my God" both laughed out.


Prince Jalal kept blabbering about Amma and how she took him to a beautiful place with a beautiful view, how she didn't care if he was famous or not and how nice she was, until Princess Jalila kicked him out of her room.

"Wait Jalila there's more"

"Goodnight brother, we will continue tomorrow"

"Ok then goodnight and take care of yourself"

-Now that the Prince has his sister's support will they win against the King and Queen or will they lose.

The mind gets at ease when it shares with someone special and someone that listens. He who listens and understands is indeed a lucky charm to the soul who needed it the most.

A smile hides thousands of sorrows, be cautious of what you speak to the one who smiles at everything and every time, he/she might be going through a lot.

Fulaniamrahcreators' thoughts