
CHAPTER 34: Over Before it Could Begin

  ~ Willow ~

  Words can’t express how happy I was when I found out that daddy and Brax made up. More shocking than that, Brax got my father’s permission to date me. When Brax got the chance to tell me that Drake couldn’t be dead, relief washed over me, then guilt. I don’t want Brax to think that I care for Drake the way that I care for him. I am going to spend every waking minute showing Brax what he means to me.

  The beautiful castle of the mythical lands came into view. It’s a sight that I would never get tired of seeing. Brax decided to fly instead of taking a car. He decided the risk of being seen by humans outweighed the excruciatingly long car ride back here. We flew extra high to try to avoid being seen. Mona and Cam flew behind us. Nix really hated to see her leave, they promised to write to each other often though.