
Shadows of Marvel's Pupils

Embark on an extraordinary journey as Shadow, a boy with eyes that defy the ordinary, traverses the Marvel world in pursuit of the ultimate pupil. His quest unfolds in a realm teeming with chaos – demons, monsters, and the coexistence of magic, technology, and superheroes. Driven by an ancient totem on his forehead, Shadow seeks to unlock its mysteries and harness the power within. The totem holds the promise of twelve pupil rings, each unlocking a unique and formidable skill. Among these skills are the mesmerizing "Eye of Geass," granting Shadow the ability of absolute command. With a mere gaze, he can manipulate reality itself, bending it to his will. The "Eye of Reincarnation" follows, bestowing upon Shadow the profound understanding that all things are cyclical. Life, death, and rebirth dance under the gaze of this eye, revealing the intricate patterns of existence. As Shadow delves deeper into the Marvel world, he unveils the ominous "Evil Eye of Death." This dark gaze holds the power to obliterate everything in its path with a single glance, making Shadow an unstoppable force against the forces of evil. Join Shadow on a quest of self-discovery, power acquisition, and facing the perils of the Marvel universe. As he opens each pupil ring, he gains mastery over an arsenal of skills, weaving a narrative that blends mystique, danger, and the unfolding destiny of a boy born with different pupils. The Marvel world will never be the same as Shadow's eyes reveal the secrets that lie within the twelve rings, shaping the fate of the cosmos itself.

Natish_Kumar_ · Filem
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18 Chs


The once-silent orphanage echoed with the haunting sound of screeching brakes as a fleet of specialized vehicles encircled the premises. Over two hundred armed soldiers emerged, creating a formidable perimeter. Shadow, unperturbed by the looming threat, calmly sat in the hall, a loaded pistol in his hand.

As the soldiers positioned themselves, Shadow assessed the situation with a keen eye. His calculated observations revealed the orchestrated precision of their deployment. However, the unexpected caller disrupted his musings—the officer-like figure leading the team.

**Black Officer:** Sir, all the soldiers are in place.

**White Hall (via communicator):** I only want the boy with two-color pupils, and the rest are up to you.

The cold, disdainful tone of White Hall reverberated through the communicator, revealing HYDRA's sinister intent. The unsettling truth surfaced—HYDRA had arrived at the orphanage ahead of S.H.I.E.L.D.

While Natasha Romanoff and the SHIELD team were delayed by strategic moves, Shadow remained the primary target. White Hall, nursing a deep grudge against Shadow, opted to observe from a distance. Fearful of the mysterious force that had manipulated John Garrett, White Hall sought vengeance indirectly, unleashing a battalion on the orphanage.

In an era of relative peace, HYDRA's blatant aggression was a rare occurrence. White Hall's desperation and thirst for retribution pushed the organization into action, abandoning their usual covert strategies.

The sudden influx of HYDRA's forces marked the beginning of a confrontation. The soldiers, more than two hundred strong, had specific orders—to capture Shadow.

Unbeknownst to them, Shadow meticulously prepared for the imminent clash. Armed with a loaded pistol, he monitored the soldiers from the hall window. Observing the enemy's deployment, he calculated their strength and waited for the opportune moment.

With a critical press of a button, Shadow illuminated a neon light on the orphanage plaque. This seemingly innocuous act concealed a strategic advantage—an attached mirror. The soldiers, conditioned by human instinct, turned their attention toward the sudden change, unknowingly locking eyes with the reflected red fluorescence.

In an instant, the geass Ability—Absolute Command—was activated.

**Shadow:** Only a quarter of the soldiers? But enough!

The soldiers, fixated on the eerie red glow in the mirrors, were ensnared by Shadow's geass Ability. Their minds, shackled by the absolute command, received a lethal order—to eliminate their comrades.

Without warning, gunfire erupted within the courtyard. The soldiers, carrying out Shadow's command, mercilessly turned their weapons on their fellow comrades. Chaos ensued, the air filled with the deafening sound of firearms and agonizing screams.

As blood painted the orphanage grounds red, Shadow, in the midst of this orchestrated chaos, remained a calm and calculated force—his geass Ability shaping the battlefield to his advantage.