
Shadow Soldier

Jeremy Jons, a mercenary trained in the arts of war, military tactics and all kinds of fighting to fulfill all kinds of missions, from being a bodyguard to assassination, at the moment of his death he remembers the suffering he had to go through to reach his present death, his only regret is that he did not achieve revenge on those who initiated his descent into hell. What he did not know is that at the moment of his death a strange creature from the depths joins his body, thus giving him his greatest wish, a second chance. Join him on his greatest adventure on the path of his revenge, unaware that the threads of destiny had already planned his life's mission.

CoD_Adezz · perkotaan
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6 Chs

A Startling Birth

*Doctor's Point of View*

I had just finished tending to a patient with a penetrating wound, an all-too-common occurrence in this forsaken camp. As I prepared to take a well-deserved break, a young man approached me with an anguished expression and a scent of alcohol clinging to him.

"Please, help! My wife has fallen, and she's pregnant," he pleaded, his voice laced with unease.

Intrigued yet concerned, I followed him and discovered a young woman, visibly battered from the cruel treatment she had endured during her captivity.

"Can you move?" I asked her gently, extending a compassionate hand.

With a faint nod, she mustered the strength to rise, relying on my support. Together, we made our way to the nearby cabin. The young man who had brought her had vanished, likely the very same brute who had inflicted such harm upon her.

I did what little I could to alleviate her suffering, instructing her to push with every ounce of her being. Deep down, I harbored doubts about the premature baby's chances of survival. But I forged ahead, determined to give them both a fighting chance.

Amidst the raw, guttural cries of the mother, new life emerged into this harsh world. When I cradled the infant in my arms, I was struck by a profound sense of awe.

This tiny being possessed a strength and resilience far surpassing any newborn I had ever encountered. But what truly took my breath away was the intensity with which the child fixed its gaze upon me.

For a moment, I stood frozen, my mind racing to comprehend the miracle unfolding before me. It was as if the weight of the world had been transferred to my trembling arms. Then, as if guided by an otherworldly force, the infant reached out a tiny hand, yearning to touch my weathered face. It was in that instant that composure returned to my shaken soul.

Casting my eyes upon the mother, who had succumbed to unconsciousness, I tenderly placed her child beside her, ensuring their physical well-being. The baby and I locked gazes intermittently, a silent connection forming between us. Yet, his focus remained steadfastly fixed upon his mother, longing for her embrace.

Overwhelmed by the impact this extraordinary child had upon me and driven by an insatiable curiosity, I scoured the sparsely stocked kitchen for sustenance. In a humble act of provision, I concocted a warm bowl of oatmeal, the only nourishment readily available.

*Jeremy's Point of View*

An indescribable force propelled me from the confines of my former existence, hurtling me into an unfamiliar world. As my senses awakened, I found myself cradled in the arms of an elderly man whose countenance stirred a flicker of recognition. Struggling to reclaim fragments of memory, I fixated on his face, desperately seeking a connection.

Abruptly, a surge of urgency gripped me, robbing me of precious breath. Instinctively, I inhaled deeply, instinctively aware of the significance of that first inhalation.

My gaze met the piercing stare of the elderly man, and an inexplicable surge of anger coursed through my tiny body. Though my muscles yearned to strike out, I was at the mercy of this vessel, incapable of exerting control.

The aged hands relinquished their hold, tenderly passing me into the waiting embrace of my new mother. Transfixed, I stood motionless, my mind awash with a deluge of memories. Unbridled emotion overcame me, and torrents of tears cascaded down my delicate cheeks.

The more I beheld her, the fiercer my tears flowed. Her countenance, delicately chiseled like that of a muse, her ebony locks cascading like midnight tendrils, her skin, despite its malnourished pallor, still radiated an ethereal beauty. She was Samantha, my mother.

I wept with unrestrained intensity, a flood of tears unleashed by the weight of an unfulfilled desire. I had been granted a second chance, a chance to save my mother, the woman I loved above all else. Amidst the cacophony of my anguish, my mother stirred from her slumber, her gaze vacant and lost. But the moment her eyes fell upon me, a resplendent joy eclipsed the darkness, and her face radiated with an ethereal light.

"My baby, my baby, my baby... I thought you had left me alone," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, as she enveloped me in her loving embrace while my tears continued to flow.

"I think he's hungry," remarked the elderly man, now revealed as Doctor Paul, with a voice filled with concern.

Without hesitation, he said, "Have this oatmeal to regain your strength and provide better nourishment for your child."

"Thank you, doctor," my grateful mother replied.

"Call me Paul. I have never witnessed such a robust baby with such unwavering determination before," Doctor Paul said, captivated by my presence.

From the fragments of conversation I overheard, I began to piece together the truth. This elderly man was more than just a doctor; he served as a guardian in this camp of traffickers. I longed to hear more, to comprehend the depths of their plight, but exhaustion consumed my newly inhabited body, and I succumbed to sleep, bidding my beautiful mother one final, lingering gaze.

Thus, the power of their bond enveloped me in the comforting embrace of slumber, ready to embark on the path that destiny had paved before me.