
Shadow Slave: Warrior of Will

In a desolate land where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction due to the mysterious Spell, darkness still resides in the hearts of many people. The government, facing both internal and external threats, is unable to provide for the impoverished and suffering inhabitants of the slums. Raian, the young leader of a gang in the slums, takes it upon himself to change and create a better future for the slums. Inheriting the will of his savior, his path full of obstacles and difficulties he had unwavering will to see it through. To add cherry on top, he was infected by the nightmare spell, forcing him to battle through the Dream realm to survive and accomplish his dream. Facing all the challenge up against him he only said. "Nah, I will succeed." with absolute confidence. /////Author side note///// Takes place in the world of Shadow Slave. MC has no plot knowledge. He is not reincarnated in this miserable world, rather a man from the slums with a goal that will do everything to achieve that said goal. MC won't interact with Sunny and others early at least few dozen chapters before that, I'm going To flush out his character way before that, since the novel is starting 1 year+ before Sunny's nightmare call. He is going to the forgotten shore some time before Sunny arrives.

BlueHeimOcean · Derivasi dari karya
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48 Chs

The Meeting 1

Entering the Hut or Ger, Raian's\ whole body was illuminated by the blazing fire. He was greatly shocked by the sudden illumination upon his body the cold in his body no longer lingered but was pushed out by the illumination, the shock was not because of the light though rather it was because of the color of the light the fire in the center of the ger burned green, it was rather ominous to him.

No fire burned green, at least in his mind no fire could burn green. 

Entering the hut, many gazes fell on Raian at the same time making his already heavy body feel heavier. Raian unconsciously tried to brush off the snow on himself, due to the exhaustion it looked like a small shake of quiver but just slower.

Dragging his legs across the carpet like animal leather, Raian made his way closer to the blazing fire, still feeling weird from the flame and the heaviness from the gazes but he could not care at this moment. 

After getting closer to the fire Instead of sitting in front of it or lying down close to it, Raian just crumbled like an old school Lego tower when he got near the flame. 

Face planting into a leather carpet it was surprisingly softer than he expected thus softening his fall near the blazing flame. 

Recalling the information that was written in the high budget reports Raian quickly called out in his mind. 'Status' and focused on himself, trying to focus on his being and open himself from the inside, whatever that meant. In the reports it was written as that. 

Soon after he focused, shimmering runes appeared in the air in front of him. The Tablet looked ancient, many people would admire the ancient runes and tablet but Raian's first thought was 

'Wonder how much a tablet like this would sell for.' 

Stopping his unnecessary thoughts, he looked up the tablet expecting some messy signs, but he was met with a neatly worded report about himself. 


Name: Raian. 

True Name: — 

Rant: Aspirant 

Soul Core: Dormant. 

Memories: [Iron Sword] [Bronze Shield] [Foot Soldier Medallion]

Echoes: — 

Attributes: [Chosen], [Warrior of Will], [Frenzy]

Aspect: [Soldier of Srum] 

Aspect description: [One of many millions in the army of Srum, with no bloodline, no glory to show. A rare warrior in the foot-soldiers that follows his command.] 

Reading his information Raian was having mixed feelings, on one hand he wasn't surprised. The body he was currently inhabiting was much stronger than his real body, not to say that his real body was weak, but this body was just much stronger, he could feel the well-trained muscles and the connection between his mind and body was excellent, but this body was a foot-soldier. A goddamn foot-soldier. 

If he wasn't wrong, a foot-soldier was one of the lowest positions in the military. 

Raian mentally shook his head, if a foot-soldier felt this strong it must be quite an army and the word millions in the description of his aspect didn't help him pass the message as just a few words. 

Still feeling the people gazing at him, Raian didn't know how many, but he felt the pressure under their gaze, even with the new stronger body he was currently inhabiting he felt small and weak under those eyes. 

But that pressure wasn't enough to stop Rain from making demands, he was tired, he was exhausted and hungry, every muscle in his body was not screaming but was softly complaining in pain. 

"I'm hungry." Face down on the carpet like leather with enough room to breathe and talk, Raian spoke. 

At this point he saw no value in being cautious, body and mind exhausted even if he was an open target and following the logic these people in the ger allowed him to enter and slump near the fire that should mean we were allies of some sort. 

"Ha… a gutsy fellow we have." 

After a period of silence, a loud laughter broke it apart. 

"HaHaHaha" the voice continued its laugh.

Out of nowhere a broad man laughing with a wide grin walked towards Raian and lifted him in the air by grabbing the nape of his armor with one arm. 

Thats right Raian was wearing an armor, while climbing the mountain Raian cursed many times at his armor, he was supposed to have the ability to disenchant his armor turning it into soul essence or whatever, but he couldn't do that, he almost unlocked his armor to throw away during the climb but decided not to. 

The broad man lifting Raian up and turning him around in the air looking at him, almost inspecting him. The man looked at Raian and his clothes more specifically at his badge, but it was nowhere to be found. 

Turning his head to look around, assumingly looking at others in the hut the man scratched his head and asked "Is he a squire? "

"No, I don't think so, he is far too weak to be a squire." another male voice answered, 

" Really? , but he made it up here. I expected him to be at least a squire. " the broad man answered back. After a little more head scratching the broad man blinked a few more times seemingly becoming more and more confused with his gaze.

Suddenly the broad man slammed Raian into the floor with one arm that was holding him. Raian tried to break his fall, but the broad man's strength overpowered him greatly. Falling on the ground, Raian grimaced in pain, his body was not healthy in the least after that fall. There was no flashy wind-up movement, but the fall felt worse than anything he experienced in his life. 

To be fair Raian has felt his fair share of injuries in his last 16 years of life. Being stabbed, getting shot or just plain beaten he had experienced it all and he got up after that, but a simple throw had left him breathless. Not the good kind, the bad kind. 

His breath forced out of his lungs, Raian couldn't move at all due to the shock. The broad man following his forceful throw raised his other hand clenching it into a fist "Ya damn traitor." yelling at Raian and winding up a heavy punch from upwards. "You bastards think we are stupid."

When he regained his movement right as the punch started descending, Raian tried his best to dodge the descending punch but when he tried to move a sharp pain interrupted the movement stopping him momentarily and dooming Raian. He was too late to dodge the incoming fist. The small moment of pain took away his opportunity to live.

Raian clenched his teeth, refusing to give up. He wasn't going to die here, at least not like this. He had a goal and no matter what stood between him and his goal, he was going to reach the endpoint. Not giving up, Raian started to move struggling, but the descending fist was nearing him fast. 

" Ahhh!!!!!. "Screaming in his mind, Raian also launched his own punch against the incoming fist. Even though he had studied many martial arts in 3 days Raian knew his move wasn't logical, but he had to do something he refused to die here, considering everything so far when the two fists collided his own fist would break at contact, and the broad man would crush his skull but it was the only choice he could think of. 

Some in the hut looked away, others just watched along, they all knew the outcome of the collision as well as Raian. There was no room for a miracle. Only two of them moved before the fists collided. 


To everyone's and Raian's surprise

Raia connected first with his fist to the broad man's jaw, effectively punching him. The punch wasn't worth anything, it pained Raian more than the broad man doing no damage to the man. 

Surprised by his continued life, Raian looked at the man's descending fist. It was stopped mid movement by another person in armor. Looking up at his savior Raian saw a blond woman.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Clarification are well appreciated, i m re-reading the novel and reading the wiki to clear up doubts but you can correct some errors and i will fix them if i deem necessary, some errors are by design.

BlueHeimOceancreators' thoughts