
Shackles of your passion

Tired of the world, convinced of realities, known to the fantasies. Raven musters up the courage to end her misery forever because she believes the stories of love she ever heard throughout her life were just the stories and she could never have one for herself. There is something known as setting of universe which is unpredictable. She thought this was the end but it was not. It was the start of her story the impossible love story. What happens when her mind does not let her accept what her heart screams to believe ? What happens when she can not diffrentiate between truth and lies ? In the storm of uncertainities she will find herself strong and steady captured in the shackles of his passion. She thought she was worthless until she found him and he showed her what she meant to him...

Arhama_Ali · Fantasi
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13 Chs

The Goblin and his story (2)

Centuries ago there lived the last of his kind. The only goblin far from the conflicts of three races the dearest fellow of queen. The nature of Goblins always urged them to be greedy and mischievous yet this Goblin was exceptional of his kind he was handsome and powerful and very rich nobody knew where did all the other goblins disappeared and left all the riches and invisible servants to him. The way he used to play with minds nobody could master it, this capacity of his made him the important man beside queen along with Alex. They both were so loyal to queen that they would even dare to take her side in front of King. Their queen who always wore red and covered her face with red silk veil would even pamper them a lot. Alex as usual a calm young lad while Duke Novah whom everyone called the invincible Goblin was the impulsive one even though he was a lot older then Alex. One bad habit he possessed was he would always eye for the most precious things and once when he gets to know about something rare he would capture it and take it away by any means. Alex would always stop him but he would always end up in messy fight with him.

One day after a huge one on one match, they both lied on grassy soft ground of the garden of Duke's palace as Alex huffed and spoke catching his breath, "Ayyye shortie you know that you are an important brother to me, we mastered many skills together. I care for you please don't get yourself in trouble because of one bad habit of yours." Novah chuckled and spoke, "Alright biggie one last thing I have to get and then I will leave this hobby of mine for you." Alex gave him an unsatisfied look scratching his little beard with his slender fingertips he said, "I am not getting good vibes from you blackie !!" Novah glared at him and again ran after him shouting, "Dont call me that I am handsome." Alex played along with a giggle and spoke, "Yes, yes you are a very handsome Goblin."

The last thing that he desired he never knew will end him up in a dire misery. He wished for the teardrops of a Nymph. Prettier the nymph precious would be her teardrops, he wanted those tears to keep them as a trophy but he didnt knew a Nymph would only cry when someone hurt her pure heart and she willingly let that someone hurt herself. Novah was blinded by his desire and by that time queen sent Alex to war zone for a purpose. He looked into his mirror and said; "Show me the prettiest Nymph of the world" while sipping on to his favorite black tea. He smirked when mirror said, "Master the prettiest and purest of all is a wild nymph of Bleaks." Novah took another sip and said, "Intresting ! show me more." The mirror glowed and said, "As you desire My Master." He almost spilled his cup of tea when he saw a green pond full of flowers and butterflies somewhere in the wilds as he thought can such pretty place also exist ? His breathe hitched when he saw a beautiful being emerging out of the pond with such beautiful transparent wings that could only be seen because they had a sparkling shine in them. "A beautiful woman...! " He exclaimed with joy as unknowingly a pretty smile appeared on his lips when he saw her mesmerizing duo black eyes and thin red lips with long black hair. He stood up and cheered saying, "I saw her, I will get her tears at any cost." The mirror interrupted his little drama and spoke, "Her ancestors have served royals for centuries. She is the only left of her family, her name is Naira. How are you going to get her tears she is so innocent you can not control her mind and you don't even know how to control the hearts !" Now he was pissed at his mirror and said, "You talk more than enough would you like to have a trip of warehouse with your unwanted fellows ?" The mirror was quiet now as Novah spoke, "Don't worry I get what I desire its okay if I can't control her mind, to get her tears I will even play with her heart. How difficult can it be ?" All the invisible servants sighed at their master's decision and dared not to interrupt him as they feared that he will end them.

It was the season of spring the flower bloomed as she giggled and played with butterflies. The dimples that emerged when she smiled and her green lashes that fluttered were so fascinating and she had great love for animals while he was so amused to look at her from far hiding in the woods, days went on and he only admired her more. Neither he knew how to approach her nor she knew destiny wrote a new chapter for them. One day, when she tried to save a little rabbit from the wild vines she herself fell for the trap. As the vines were poisonous they started to wound her leg that was entangled there, the vines held her tightly and she growled duke was seeing it all and he could not stop himself and ran to rescue her, with his swift moves he began to cut the vines and accidentally wounded her left wing. God knows how scared he was when she screamed in pain as he never wanted to hurt her like this guilt rushed through his veins and he decided to take care of her. He gently picked her up in his strong arms she could only widen her eyes and gasp loudly at this action as her leg and wing won't support her. He warmly spoke to her, "I will take you to my palace and you will heal there. When your wing and leg are cured, you can come back." He stopped on his way when she said, "You are a very good being." He thought to himself, "How can she be so innocent ?" He passed her a smile a beautiful smile and said, "My pleasure Flower." This was bad, Duke was changing. He brought the first female ever in the palace in centuries that day. All the servants gathered around while he commanded in a stern voice, "I want all of you to attend her. Be at her service day and night. She must be healed. Nobody is going to let her do anything. If I see her in discomfort you all will face the consequences." During all this time she kept staring at him as he took her to his room and kept her gently on his huge soft bed. She jolted up as she felt the softness of bed as he chuckled and said, "Don't be afraid we use it to sleep on." Her big eyes were questioning the existence of her surroundings as luxury was never known to her before. The Duke despised women as he knew that the women are after luxuries. The only woman that he ever respected was his queen because once she saved his life. Days went on; Novah no more remembered what his actual intentions were to approach her. All he knew was, she was becoming the reason of his smile or maybe his addiction, the step to his completion. He would take care of her as she is the most precious thing to her. It all started when she could not sleep one night as her wings healed the process of healing was even more painful then hurting. Her wings were magical and they had to be taken care of at any cost but she failed and her wing was broken. He for the first time created the melody of peace just for her so that she could sleep. He played it on his harmonica but she was still restless and marched towards his garden which could be seen from the huge window of her room. Sitting in front of the fire a white shawl covered him as he focused on the melody with the heart that she might sleep for at least once. His little thoughts were interrupted when she tapped on his shoulder and her glassy eyes looked in his cold yet concerned eyes. He gestured her to speak but she didn't, she kept looking at him and suddenly her one action made the soul of Novah flinch. She knelt on to the ground and reached the level of Duke where he sat on his comfortable soft couch and kept her head in his lap, with her left hand she touched his hand that had harmonica and gestured him to play it again. Duke's heart raced in such cold night the beads of sweat formed on his head.

He never had such contact with female in his life, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a mild muffle of Naira as he got scared that maybe unknowingly he has touched her wound he panicked so much that she felt him shivering as she sat in front of him and looked in his eyes. Duke in his stuttering voice spoke, "You should sleep in room it's warm and comfortable m..m..maybe see..see..see I hurt you..." He gulped hard when she interrupted him and spoke pointing at him, "This place is more warm than that dark and dull room. You have not hurt me please play that melody again I feel good when I hear it." They both looked at each other for quiet a while whereas his servants giggled and whispered to each other, "Oh Oh Lord is soon going to announce the duchess of Bleak's Woodland." He started to play his Melody it felt like air stopped moving and fire stopped burning as she closed her big black eyes and kept her head again in his lap. Time passed his melody became her painkiller and her comfort became his only desire. He no more wished for anything.

Everyday he would talk to her a lot about Queen and his only brother like friend Alex.The luxurious palace that seemed so materialistic yet empty had flowers all over and butterflies now. It was lively now one thing that irritated Duke was, butterflies won't come to him even if he would try to catch them because even though the duke was handsome yet he looked harsh and rough.

One day he annoyingly asked, "Naira would you answer my one question?" She was busy with her butterflies when she said, "Hmm I will answer your every question Duke." Oh only he knew how his heart raced when she called him duke. Composing himself he gulped and asked her. "Why they dont come to me but always linger on you ?" He made a pout as he complained, "Your butterflies hate me." She laughed and replied coming closer to him while fixing the collar of his royal green long coat. "Duke butterflies are so sensitive they only come to those who make them feel safe." Novah frowned when she giggled as he said, "It's not like I will eat them, I admit I am a Goblin but I am more fond of human food they are scared of me without a reason huh." She shushed him and said, "Stop complaining they will come to you when they feel safe." Novah sighed in defeat and said, "This will take forever then.." She interrupted and said, "You have a butterfly for almost an year with you still you don't believe." He. widened his eyes and gasped as he realized he spoke, "Naira it's you." She smiled at him and nodded.

Things were changing or the heart of this Goblin was changing he just did not wanted to know. He wanted to run away from his own feelings as he treated her his dear friend and he wanted to keep her close.

Time flew and healed her wing now she had to leave it was the night of full moon and because of her the cold palace of Duke had the season of spring. He stood on the highest point of his palace the pain engrossed him, he didn't wanted to let her go but he couldn't even keep her without a reason. He for the first time became selfless and thought not to face her so that she can go. On the other side, she was so sad that Novah is being cold to her and he knows I am leaving but he does not even care, Lara a female close invisible servant of her combed her beautiful long hair and spoke with hesitation, "My lady I..I have something to say if you allow" Naira was drowned in sadness of her thoughts but signaled her to speak. " My lady can you not leave our master alone ? We have seen him happy many times but we saw him living because of you for the first time. Can you be here forever with him ? We are afraid Bleak is on the verge of war and queen will send him there on his request after you leave. We invisibles can not bear to lose our Master he may be turned into ashes there and never come back." Lara went quiet as she heard a growl from enraged Naira as she said, "Mind your words Lara !!"

This was it she was enraged after she heard it all. She flew from the window to the highest peak of the palace and attacked Duke. Duke was caught off guard and a strong blow from her made him stumble, when he saw it's her, he smiled at her sweetly and folded his hands on his back indicating he will not fight with her this made her even more angry as she again and again attacked him to the point she started to cry and knelt in front of him as her tears fell on ground they turned into pink crystals. Novah panicked and picked her up in his arms and jumped on the ground landing on his feet he took her to his room and made her sit in front of his magical mirror and said, "These eyes. must never cry I cannot bear them wet Naira" She again cried and hugged him tightly and spoke, "You are not going to war, no never." Her tiny hands made fist on his black shirt and held him more close. He widened his eyes at the sensation and said, "Naira you need to stop this before I cant move back." She stood up and looked into his eyes with her black eyes that turned red as she cried after a very long time and in a moment she again hugged him her right hand pulled his hair and left hand circled his neck she whispered in her raspy voice, "I want you to trap me here in your heart forever. I want you to possess my existence the way you have trapped my soul in the shackles of your passion." She snuggled in his neck. His heart raced and ears turned red he could not contemplate which feeling to cope with first. The warm touch of her body, The sensation of her breath on the skin of his bare neck or the temptation of her words. He closed his eyes and took the biggest decision of his life. He slowly hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Be my duchess then, own me then Naira, Be mine forever marry me right now."

She tightly hugged him and replied, "You have my heart Duke don't ever break it."

He broke the hug and called all the invisibles the whole huge palace was decorated with flowers, butterflies and glitters it was a huge wedding where nature was the witness. Duke sighed and thought of Alex. He wanted to tell him so bad that he changed and is no more greedy for anything. He had her tears with him but now they were a pain for him. He covered them in a silk green handkerchief and smiled at it whispering to himself, "I promise they will never come out of your beautiful eyes ever again my Duchess." She wore a royal green wedding dress she was already a Nymph but now she looked like an angel that came down from heaven just for him, butterflies held her green veil as he saw her face his breathe hitched for a moment. He took his Harmonica out as she came down the stairs of palace towards him in the hall. He played her melody, the melody he created just for her as she smiled and closed her eyes listening to it. She stood in front of him and he lovingly looked at her and spoke, "I promise you every happiness of the world Naira, I promise you that every happiness of mine will be you Naira. I promise that I will never let you get hurt. I promise that. your tears will never come out of your beautiful eyes Naira. Thank you for bringing me to reality that you mean the world to me. You mean the life to me." Naira kept smiling at him and like this they both became one soul they married in front of the nature and magic was witness of it, they married in love and became each other's forever.

A cool winter breeze rushed into their room as she lied on his chest her eyes fluttered when she felt stroking on her hair. She smiled sweetly in her sleep and snuggled more in his chest. He giggle at sensation and hugged her delicately and spoke sweetly, "Happy First Anniversary dear Duchess. I hope you will love me more every year then before." She looked at him and replied. "I love you more everytime I breathe." His smile dropped when he heard it as the fact that he is immortal and she is not; bugged him for quiet a while. She knew what he was thinking and felt bad for him but shrugging off the bad things, she pecked him on his forehead, then between the eyes, then the top of nose, her cute little pecks were stopped by his hands as he spoke in his deep voice, "Don't go any further before you regret." She mischievously smirked and whispered in his ear, "Duchess wants to regret Duke." Their love bloomed with passing time but happy things don't last forever when the dark era of Bleak Woodlands emerged as the doom of their happiness. A great wave of joy maybe the last news of joy could be heard in the palace of Duke. The arrival of their heir. The existence of their love was going to come in the world as Naira announced it Duke froze on his place and could not comprehend which happiness to digest first. The fact that he is not going to be the last Goblin anymore or the fact that Naira has completed him. He gifted her the Golden palace that was built on the same pond the same place where he first met her.

She loved it so much that she decided to live there and hanged a huge portrait of Duke in the middle of palace. Novah kept smiling at her and spoke, "You made it ?" she giggled and replied, "Do you like it ?" her smile dropped when he said, "No Naira !" She felt disappointed and wanted to hide this fact but gasped when suddenly she felt a pull and she crashed in his hard chest as he hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, "You made me incomplete I am incomplete in that portrait without you." She broke the hug and looked into his eyes and spoke, "I made my universe on a piece of canvas I did not wanted to add anything in it." He was going to kiss her but that little moment was interrupted when Alex barged in the palace as a white mist. He was known to the love story of his friend and stopped the queen from summoning him into war for an year but now he was needed Bleak was falling and Naira could not fight as she was pregnant but Novah had to go for queen because she had great love for humanity but if they don't win the war no one but human race will suffer the most.

Novah asked Alex for last moment with Naira as they were alone he kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks and her nose and looked in her whispering close to her lips, "I am leaving it incomplete indicating that I will win for queen and come back for you and my baby." She hugged him and replied in his ear, "Just never deceive me. Know it if you don't come back this would be huge deception and I will never forgive you." He sighed and hugged her, "I will never hurt you my love."

The powers of Novah were extraordinary only he possessed them and only be transferred into his bloodline. He had the power to manipulate the reality and make his prey suffer to the level he would beg for death. He would create such illusions that nobody can get out of and eventually be drowned into them.

He was summoned to control the deadliest enemy, the one who eyed for his queen. The war was a huge thing where bad warlocks overpowered them with their nasty spells. They could not control Duke so they made his heart the target. They caste a spell of backfire where if he uses his power to manipulate their master the impact will be harder on his wife. Novah knew it, Alex understood it and stopped him but he denied and said, "Even though I cannot breathe without her but if I don't fight for queen I would rather bury myself into a desert my baby will surely forgive me I hope."

He started to use his powers and King soon overpowered him, burying the master of evil into a silver coffin indicating the war ended. The war surely ended but now he stumbled a lone tear made it's way through his eye as he fell Alex held him. Alex gasped and spoke, "Duke it affected her ? You cried Goblins, cannot cry." He stood but his feet didnt support him as the queen arrived he again cried and queen sat in front of him. He spoke, "I will kill many for you queen if they dare to take you away from Bleaks Woodland." She was quite and directed the King to leave for golden palace.

They reached there and God knows how it tormented Novah the palace of his happiness was broken and ruined. He ran towards the pond that he secured within palace and his heart stopped beating as he saw what he never wanted to. Her pearls of tears, they were in her hands the baby was gone. He stumbled and reached in front of her she looked with her cold eyes at him and spoke, "No justifications just yes or no. Did you come to me for these tears that you secured so secretly ?" He tried to touch her but she yanked his hand and moved away from him. He gulped and spoke with his shaky tone, "Naira where is our baby ?" She looked at him with hate and disgust and moved away further saying the last words, "You deserve a long life indeed but lonely life. She was right you were greedy. Greedy for my tears, Greedy for heir. You don't deserve to know anything." The queen entered the room but it was too late. Naira turned into a stone structure and Queen touched her announcing the prophecy. The same prophecy that Raven had the glimpse of. They all left Novah alone with her structure as he sat in front of her and cried miserably to the point the stonned structure cried along with him. Her tears turned crystals in her feet he cried to the level his eyes dried forever as he said sorry to her countless times and lost his senses there repeating, "I promise I will payback Naira please forgive me."

It's been many years The Duke even though is an immortal but he dies with the pain of her separation every single day.

Mason and Zephyr questioned together, "How can Duchess be back ?" Something made them speechless, It was Raven as she got up and moved towards the structure her eyes were wet as she cried in the tragedy of a happy couple she muttered, "Elixir of blood." Her eyes turned silver and with her nail she made a little cut on her wrist and let her tear fell on it the blood turned pink as it contacted her tears. The droplets just fell on ground and reached the feet of Naira. A sudden glow and they saw two of them fallen on ground Raven unconscious and Naira back to life.

He entered there and everyone froze on their spot as he held her in his strong arms and whispered in her ear, "Congrats queen you are finally grown up."

So many mysteries, so many riddles their life was like a complicated maze tangled and connected to each other.