
Shackles of your passion

Tired of the world, convinced of realities, known to the fantasies. Raven musters up the courage to end her misery forever because she believes the stories of love she ever heard throughout her life were just the stories and she could never have one for herself. There is something known as setting of universe which is unpredictable. She thought this was the end but it was not. It was the start of her story the impossible love story. What happens when her mind does not let her accept what her heart screams to believe ? What happens when she can not diffrentiate between truth and lies ? In the storm of uncertainities she will find herself strong and steady captured in the shackles of his passion. She thought she was worthless until she found him and he showed her what she meant to him...

Arhama_Ali · Fantasi
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13 Chs

The Goblin and his story (1)

"Wooaah it's cold you wierdo Zaidi why do you bring me here?" Her pink lips shivered as the cold wind rushed through her spine. He rolled his beautiful eyes at her and with a snap of his fingers a light pink cloak covered her tiny frame that cloak was so feathery that she lost her balance and fell on the ground. Mason laughed at her and her fairy roommate rushed towards her to pick her up. As she stood up tackling with her big cloak she glared at Zephyr who was suppressing his laugh. Mason knew they are going to start the fight of cats and dogs and it's not going to end good for days. Oh how much they pampered her like she is so precious to them! The little glaring competition ended as they heard Mason, "Okay homies attention over here, Little Ravie this is the first time we brought you to Bleaks Woodland you need to stay closer to Zephyr as his spell will make your human scent unnoticed." She made a pout of her plumpy lips listening each and everything and spoke, "But why would you all bring me here in the middle of night you all know it Professor Abel is very strict to me if he finds it out, again he will be angry." Zephyr muttered under his breath, "In your dreams dumb human." Mason glared at him but before he could speak someone interrupted them. "My dear, my dear look who do we have here." Raven gasped and shouted instantly, "Coach Alex !! Don't tell me even you are not a human ?" Alex chuckled at her and replied, "What do you expect from Sanguis? Here what we see is not what it looks like. What we believe is not what it actually seems like." Her eyes were wide open when she saw Alex turning into white mist and circling around her she could hear his voice but his body was merely a mist, but this was not enough to blow her mind as she witnessed many things in the past 16 months. She still remembered the first time she met Coach Alex one of the youngest and greatest surgeons. People say he had a blood phobia for a reason so he left his passion and profession and became a football coach in Sanguis. People also say from every myth to every reality he knows it all. Whenever someone wanted to know some secrets they would reach for Coach Alex. This man was never normal he knew every kind of martial art that existed in reality and oddly he just looked 23 years old young tall guy with wavy brown hair. The fair complexion, the flawless skin, the rosy lips the big beautiful amber eyes that held mystery of universe and beautiful long eyelashes that curled and kissed his double eyelids he was so handsome that it seemed like a fairy of heaven gave birth to him. Usually coaches are jolly and Surgeons are cranky and he was both but unexpectedly he was neither jolly nor cranky. He was as calm as a dark night and as quiet as the cold ocean. His beautiful huge hands never had the signs that he has the experience of years in the world of martial arts. He would look so delicate yet he was so lethal. Raven remembered when for the first time he came to her as she cheered Mason in a tournament. He literally rebuked her and growled, "If you want to survive here do not sit in crowd, get your gloves on and appear in front of me Sanguis has no place for those who are weaklings." Yes it was awkward but it was worth it. He trained her so hard and made her a medical student who knows boxing, oddly strange but it was an advantage for her. One thing that would bug her was why would Coach Alex make me practice so hard, harder then other students as if I will be fighting in a war. Now many questions clouded her mind such as why would Coach Alex be afraid of Blood when he is a creature of Bleaks Woodland? Why would he not quit Sanguis if he no more wanted to be a surgeon? Confusions apart they were standing in front of an abandoned Palace that seemed so haunted. It was so scary that she hid behind Zephyr as he placed his hand on her left arm assuring her that everything will be fine. This time she saw another side of Coach Alex "The loving and caring side the way his big eyes changed moving around that place, they were so unrealistic full of overwhelming emotions" As they entered the palace a swift mist from the hands of Alex appeared and what seemed like a broken and torn apart palace turned into a luxurious beauty her eyes felt like they will pop out as she saw a huge portrait of her dear professor Novaah, the loveliest and funniest professor. She stuttered and muttered, "D..Duke ?" Alex chuckled and spoke "I brought you here because you are his precious gem." Raven went close to the portrait and touched it with her tiny hands as she touched it the wave of flashbacks clouded her mind. She felt a sharp pain in her head and stumbled back but Zephyr held her from falling on the ground. She opened her red eyes, the beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she shivered and uttered, "The woman in red...She said...She said few words of love mean nothing, few tears of sorrow mean nothing, the sin you committed made her stone, your centuries of agony will mean her nothing, your centuries of torment will mean her nothing only when the heart of pure pours down in your pain, she will melt again, she will live again."

Everyone was quietly listening to her words these words were new for Zephyr and Mason as much they were new for Raven. She looked at Alex as he nodded and spoke, "My dear kids tonight is the 300th winter night of pink moon and tonight either a curse ends or a lonely creature will end itself." Mason frowned and spoke, "Coach I hate the fact that I was born 200 years ago and missed the adventures of centuries" Alex smiled at him and replied, "Be thankful you didn't witness what we went through." Raven was so serious by now as she interrupted them, "Coach please I want to know my Professor Novah will be okay right? Is it all related to him ?"

Alex sighed and spoke, "Better you should see what you want to hear" He took his young students to a huge room that blew their mind it was a room made of glass where temperature was mild warm and a beautiful pond with green water could be seen there full of flowers and fireflies it was dim lighted. Many butterflies lingered on to those colorful flowers. Something shined on the ground in the middle of the room when they looked closely, those shining beads were in the feet of a stoned structure. Zephyr muttered, "Oh my god the tears of nymph, rare in the universe and precious then any element that can cure deadliest diseases of the world." Mason scrunched his nose and spoke, "Coach care to explain who is she?" Before Alex could speak Raven uttered something that amazed everyone, "Nymph; The broken Nymph, She is Naira." Alex chuckled and spoke, "Ready to look back in the time?" Raven replied in her daze, "Ready ?? More then ever...!"