
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Fantasi
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51 Chs

Chapter 46: I Guess This is it

He didn't come back after I kissed him. I'm such a fool, I scolded myself internally. I had allowed my emotions to get the best of me, to hope for something that might not have been reciprocated. I glanced down at the floor, a mix of embarrassment and regret washing over me. Why did I let myself believe that there might be a chance? Why did I bother liking him in the first place? The turmoil within me seemed to amplify the weight of the situation.

As we stood in the valley, surrounded by the breathtaking landscape, it was as if the world had shifted its focus. The rest of my team and I were there, alongside Beckette. His words held a sense of finality, announcing that our game was officially over. Mixed emotions churned within me, making it difficult to discern what I truly felt. I looked at him, hoping to catch his gaze, but he remained seemingly unaffected, his demeanor distant and almost emotionless—a side of Beckette that seemed to haunt me.

Amid the cheers and celebrations of my teammates, I found myself lost in my own thoughts. While I was indeed happy about our victory, a part of me couldn't shake the feeling of melancholy. This world had become familiar, even comforting, and the idea of leaving it behind tugged at my heartstrings.

Beckette's voice once again captured our attention as he continued, his words indicating a new revelation about to unfold. He spoke of roles—The Idiot, The Intelligent, and The Killer. I glanced around at my teammates, wondering who would fit each role, but my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Beckette and the enigmatic connection between us.

As he revealed each role, I couldn't help but wish he would look my way, give some hint, some sign that there was something more between us. But his gaze remained elsewhere, and my hopes felt like they were slipping through my fingers. It was frustrating to be trapped in this cycle of uncertainty, to not know where I stood in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" a voice beside me broke through my thoughts, and I looked up to see Eli, his friendly smile reaching his eyes. His concern was genuine, and for a moment, I felt a surge of gratitude for having a friend who cared. I managed a small smile in return, offering a nod as reassurance that I was fine.

As Beckette announced the roles, I listened intently, my mind divided between the unfolding drama and my own internal struggle. The revelation came one by one—The Idiot was Eli, The Intelligent was Ezra, and The Killer was Kyson. Each announcement was met with reactions from our group, a mixture of surprise and amusement as we embraced the quirks that defined us.

In the midst of it all, my mind kept drifting back to Beckette. Despite the roles being unveiled, I realized that the one I truly longed to understand was the role he played in my life. I had been so caught up in my feelings, my hopes and uncertainties, that I had nearly forgotten about the case that had brought me here in the first place—a case that Beckette was meant to reveal the solution to.

The weight of that realization hit me like a punch to the gut. While my heart yearned for answers about my feelings for Beckette, there was a larger mystery that needed solving. I was torn between my desire to know the truth about him and the urgency of the case that had driven me on this journey.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting an array of warm hues across the valley, I knew that the coming moments would hold even greater challenges. Our roles may have been unveiled, but the complexities of our connections and the truths that awaited us were still shrouded in uncertainty. And through it all, Beckette's presence remained both a source of intrigue and a beacon of hope, a puzzle piece that I was determined to fit into the larger picture.

The fading light painted the landscape in soft, golden hues, casting an almost magical glow over the valley. As the excitement of revealing our roles settled, a sense of camaraderie enveloped our group. We exchanged laughter, stories, and playful banter, the tension of the recent battles momentarily replaced by a lighter atmosphere.

I found myself engaged in conversation with Eli, his easygoing nature a welcome respite from the whirlwind of emotions I had been grappling with. We shared anecdotes and laughed about the quirks that had defined our roles, each moment a reminder of the bond that had formed among us. Yet, even as I joined in the camaraderie, a part of me couldn't help but steal glances in Beckette's direction.

Beckette, ever the enigma, was engrossed in conversation with the others. His smile was genuine, his laughter joining the chorus of voices that filled the air. There was a side of him that was infectious, drawing people in with his charisma and charm. And yet, beneath that exterior, I knew there was a depth that few had truly glimpsed.

Eli's voice pulled me back into the conversation at hand, and I offered a sincere smile as I shared my own anecdotes. It was moments like these that made me appreciate the journey we had undertaken together. Our camaraderie had transcended the challenges, and now, as the day drew to a close, there was a sense of unity that I cherished.

As the sky transitioned into shades of twilight, Beckette's gaze found mine for a fleeting moment. In that instant, I felt a flutter of anticipation, as if he was about to say something that held significance. But just as quickly, his attention was drawn away, leaving me with a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

The campfire crackled to life, casting its warm glow over our gathering. We gathered around it, our faces illuminated by the dancing flames. Beckette stood at the center, a figure of authority and mystery, and I couldn't help but wonder about the stories he carried within him—the stories that held the answers I sought.

"Before we part ways and return to our respective worlds," Beckette's voice rang out, commanding our attention. The air seemed to still as he continued, his gaze sweeping over each of us. "I want to express my gratitude for your courage, your determination, and your willingness to embrace the unknown."

His words resonated deeply, and I exchanged glances with my teammates, a shared understanding passing between us. Our journey hadn't been easy, and the challenges we had faced had tested us in ways we couldn't have anticipated. But we had come together, united by a common purpose and the strength of our bonds.

Beckette's gaze lingered on me for a moment, his eyes holding a depth of emotion that left me breathless. It was as if he was conveying something unspoken, a sentiment that transcended words. But before I could decipher its meaning, his attention shifted, and he continued addressing the group as a whole.

"Each of you has contributed to a tale that will be remembered in the annals of this realm," he continued, his voice carrying a mixture of pride and nostalgia. "As you return to your worlds, carry with you the memories of our shared experiences, the friendships forged, and the lessons learned."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but reflect on the moments that had led us to this point—the battles, the mysteries, and the connections we had formed. And at the heart of it all was Beckette, a figure whose presence had shaped the course of our journey in ways I was only beginning to understand.

As the night deepened, Beckette's words seemed to hang in the air like a promise. The fire's flickering light cast shadows on his face, highlighting the determination etched in his expression. It was a determination that mirrored my own—the determination to uncover the truth, to understand the intricacies of our connection, and to confront the mysteries that still remained unsolved.

As our gathering began to disperse, I found myself standing alone by the fire, lost in thought. Eli approached once more, his friendly smile a beacon of comfort. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, his concern genuine.

I met his gaze and nodded, a small smile playing at my lips. "Yeah, I am. Just lost in thought."

He chuckled softly, his gaze drifting toward the horizon. "It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?"

"It really has," I agreed, my eyes following his gaze. The stars twinkled above, casting their gentle light over the valley. In that moment, I felt a renewed sense of purpose—the determination to uncover the truths that had remained elusive and to navigate the complexities of our connection with Beckette.

The night held a sense of quiet anticipation, a lull before the storm. The challenges that awaited us were far from over, and the mysteries that had drawn us here still demanded answers. But as I looked up at the sky, I knew that I wasn't alone in this journey. My teammates stood beside me, and even though Beckette remained an enigma, his presence was a constant reminder that we were all interconnected in ways that transcended the boundaries of our worlds.

With a final glance toward the fading fire, I turned to leave the gathering. Tomorrow held the promise of new revelations, new challenges, and a continued quest for understanding. As I walked away, I couldn't help but hope that the dawn would bring with it the clarity I sought—a clarity that would illuminate not only the mysteries of this realm but also the intricacies of the heart.

With that I walk through the portal, while thinking about Beckette I glanced back and he smiled at me.